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Raistlin's Room '08


NDX: you may wanna check out a site called Shamanic Extracts. They're based in the Netherlands and seem to be pretty legit.

And yeah, you definitely don't want to just eat the san pedro, but I don't really like eating any cactus. There are ways to prepare it, though - see erowid for some ideas. It's time consuming but beats the fuck out of eating a foot of cactus. And it's definitely worth the effort.

And yeah I've been sold microdots that were supposedly mescaline. I knew they weren't because, like you said, the effective dose of mescaline is much higher, but they were still apparently really fucking strong so I got a few anyway. Turned out not to be acid either - longer time to come up, longer trip. We think it may have been DOB, which is another long-lasting psychedelic that is active in low doses. So microdots could be other things like DOB of DOM also - acid is not the only chemical active in small quantities.

And acid by itself does often leave that slight metallic taste and a funny tickling feeling in the back of your throat. Doesn't mean its adulterated with anything.
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
You guys are probably right about those microdots....I also remember alot of different varieties of paper and gel acid: bart simpson (back when the simpsons first came on television), blue unicorns (people were freaking out at shows saying they were poisoned)....plenty of black windowpane gel acid with gold flecks.....bottles and bottles of liquid acid we'd drop on sugar cubes....MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I will have to say that the white crystalline powder I had was some form of synthetic mescaline.....I trust the source implicitly and it was used for legal experimentation...created by Sandoz. Was a one shot/one time deal....very special stuff. Pretty sad that it was just for lab animals (sigh)....but those animals must have been the most evolved non-human creatures on the planet after all that. I wouldn't be surprised if they started walking on two legs and talking.

As far as the cacti are concerned: I'm going to take all the suggestions and do some more investigation.

What do you guys think about the "powdered" versions being sold on ebay as incense?
You think it's viable and ingestable?

Raistlin Majere

Hydrofome420 ~ :wave: hey stranger, glad to see you around again :friends:
and if you must know i happen to always carry my banjo with me, just in case :joint:
"squeel like a pig !!"

cellardweller ~ had to bring it up brother LOL :friends:i am just sick like theat i geuss :bashhead:
and the boy is fine, he's just cutting his first two teeth right now and mad at the world
bit 'o whiskey fixed him right up HEHE J/K

xOOx ~ good call on the microdots not being mesc
and the racy acid we called it dirtyass or wallet cid
that shyt is the whole reason i stopped doing cid all together

accessndx ~ LINK !!
yes they are legit bro, thats the link i was given a while back
as i said in the PM, brother got his cacti just fine

Socrates ~ hey who are you ? a hello would have been nice at the least :bashhead: welcome to the thread anyhow, make yourself at home

i'll tell you guys a story or three sometime soon about the trips i used to take
it truelly is a wonder my functions still even work :crazy:
i stopped that shyt years ago, and will probably never eat it again
never had a bad trip, but in the last years it really hurt my body and left me feeling dirty
lets veer off this topic here please, i don't mind talk of cacti/cubies because we can grow them
and know whats in them, and that they are safe for one to consume
but i think the acid thats around these days is very bad for you

my light comes on @ 9 so i'll snap them pics for ya all
till then i am drinking wine, and for the last few days it has been damn hard not smoking
i am so reafy to get back into the game !!!
probably cause i got baby nugs on the PH to stare at now :muahaha:

Raistlin Majere

well i was gonna edit these into my last post, but since this will be my 1000th post
i figgered what the hell :muahaha:



G-nite guys :wave:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Raist: thanks for the link. I'm gonna PM our mutual friend and pick his brain too. Sorry I haven't been around much man....I've been on a personal quest and I accomplished alot more than I thought I would involving TGA Subcool. What a f-ing nice guy. Had really long in-depth conversation with him about a bunch of stuff. He's kind, caring and extremely knowledgeable. I got a whole schooling and alot of enlightenment right from the source. It's too bad he can't post here. I think he'd like your thread and efforts as well as all the peeps in F.U.C.K.E.M..
As far as your pics: Super-Ultra-Hyper-Extreme beautiful man. How could I expect any less. You got jedi skills. I can almost smell the chocolate from here! Now all we need is some marshmallows and some grahm crackers. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Smores.
Keep an eye out for any boys in that batch. If you start seeing some balls, we're gonna want to squeeze out some hot cocoa and get some pollen chuckin.
Imagine a Chocolate Powerhouse mang! Let the force flow through you young Skywalker.


Hey Raistlin, sorry for not saying hello and for takin the thread off course! I've been hanging around here for a while, its a great thread, I just don't post very often. Again, sorry that I forgot to introduce myself - too much blockhead makes me forget my manners! I'll try and lurk less in the future.



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Raist: one quick question. I noticed you had in your signature previously missing "Red Nine". I was doing a search for Querkle...and he apparently was growing it in a thread he posted back in May. What happened to Red Nine?
I'm not familiar with him....is he o.k.? Something bad happen?
Hope he's cool. Just thinking aloud.

Raistlin Majere

accessndx ~ glad you got to talk to him, he's over at THCfarmers right ?
i have a account there, but never post
hell i don't have time to post here really LOL

i dunno how much seed making i will be doing, a bit to be sure
i'll be saving a CC male in veg if i have a nice one
and RED is missing with no word good or bad :badday: i hope he is ok :friends: known the guy ever since i first joined ICM
i split a 20 pack of bogglegum S1's with him, we were gonna do a double thread Raist and Red do bogglegum :rasta:
i might pop them in the next few months if i don't here word from Red

Socrates ~ hey lurker, good to know another lurker is now posting
as said make yourself at home here and welcome to the thread :ying:
thanks for


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Raistlin Majere said:
accessndx ~ glad you got to talk to him, he's over at THCfarmers right ?
i have a account there, but never post
hell i don't have time to post here really LOL
Raist:He's over at another forum(apparently I can't even type the name..when I do and preview the post it turns the word I typed into asterisks*******)...amongst other places. And you're right I don't have time to post over there as well as here...but the chat room is off the hook there. I prefer the format and the peeps here....but apparently he was banned here for a plethora of reasons...and I wanted to find him desperately and pick his brain. Hopefully this message doesn't get deleted or censored. He inferred that may happen if I mention other forums. I'd like to think that he's wrong and it's all a misunderstanding between Gypsy and their crew. Didn't Bob Marley say "can't we all just get along"...or was that someone else? I guess the asterisks speak for themselves. :nono:
In either event...I'm splitting for the weekend to Maryland. If I can bring my work laptop I'll be lurking so more. If not, I'll CU on Sunday evening/Monday afternoon. Same Bat-Time....Same Bat-Channel....Same Bat-Thread.


nice babies raist...WOW yo you posted 145 times since yesterday at ur 1000th post!
you gotta be the busiest mf on the boards bro.i wish i could type that fast,i'd still be typin yo.peace -Y-


Active member
does he talk that much in person?

RM, this is an intervention. we've all been really worried about you, we think you may have a posting problem. <reaching out for a hug>




Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
:wave: Nice pix Raistlin. The little ones are looking pretty good.

Raistlin Majere

accessndx ~ have fun in Maryland, glad you found some info you need too :friends: peace

YwouldntI ~ ??? i am only typing like 1-3 posts a day now ???

xOOx ~ to much or not enough ???
WTF guys, i must have got to much sun today cause i ain't getting it

vintner ~ :ying: thanks bro, getting ready to make some cuts here in a week or so :jump: :jump:

YO Cellard congrats on the baby situation brother :yes: :bigeye: :yes:


sup raist ...i was just fuckin with ya maing,you know we love ya around here brother!!!!i was just too high yo i looked at the post count in the thread and was thinkin it was ur post count LOL my bad yo.i need a 12 step program hahaha.peace-Y-


howdy raistlen my man. where's the posts? lol jk i am damn near completely off the map at this point, but just wanted to come say hi to my old friends. i actually posted last night, check it out if you get a sec, but either way hope all is well. :joint:

willijuana (reeferman), day 15 12/12


The Vermonster

Active member
Just got back wading in the velvet sea bro and man was it full of nugs!!!!!!! Nice structure on the babies you have and cant wait to see what you do w/ them.........peace.......


Active member
lol RM,

see i believed Y w/o actually verfying the data and was trying to be funny

i guess it bombed

you can throw the tomato at me :asskick:




xOOx said:
does he talk that much in person?

RM, this is an intervention. we've all been really worried about you, we think you may have a posting problem. <reaching out for a hug>



for what it's worth, i thought this was great :D


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