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Arcata, the Californian town that has gone to pot over marijuana cultivation

mister c

In my opinion, I would love to see as MANY NON VIOLENT people grow AS MUCH HERB as they possibly can. No matter what the plant count. Its just a matter of having big enough balls due to the legal situation. And unfortunatly, big balls and non violent doesn't exactly mix well. Thats the problem.

The more herb, the cheaper it will be. And the less interest the cartels and gangsters will be interested. Flat out.

Commercial= Cheaper

And if ya'll are gonna disagree with cheaper herb then.....I don't even know what to tell ya.

Just remember....we are not criminals.



Active member
Rainman said:
Gram - you started out with alot of promise then you lost me with the rep for the mass growers. I am truely sorry for your friend and his struggle but again over a yr 27 pnds breaks down to almost 2 lbs a month. That is a logical and doable amount to work with over the course of a yr in my head. But whatever his doc prescribed is what he should be allowed to have without persecution.

Dont see the need for name calling on here since we are all here for the same thing so save the 'Pussy' comments for your backyard bbq's. People here got alot more going on than you have given them credit for and it makes you look really immature or like a comm grower and we need neither in the medical forum. And actually no one is whining about anything just having an open forum. The point of the whole article is to inform and discuss the recent situations like Arcata. Lastly, you have to be arrested to see the judge! That is the way our system works. The "cops" have to be sure/have evidence you are a drug dealer to arrest you and give you an audience with the judge.

Pussy was just an funny appellative, don't get mad :p:p :D

Anyhow you have to understand that someone is under REALLY pain: at a certain point the weed isn't enough, and you have to use oil, which is quite wasteful... 2 pounds for a year?

I smoke 2-3 pounds, and i have no disease. And i smoke PRIMO bud, being in netherlands, still i'm not stoned most of the day. If i smoke everyday as on sunday, i coul easly smoke 6 pounds a year,

Moreover if someone can grow just once (outdoor) and maybe has to support a pair of patient.... well the he's fucked...


wow, you must have an advanced degree in economics!

mister c said:
In my opinion, I would love to see as MANY NON VIOLENT people grow AS MUCH HERB as they possibly can. No matter what the plant count. Its just a matter of having big enough balls due to the legal situation. And unfortunatly, big balls and non violent doesn't exactly mix well. Thats the problem.

The more herb, the cheaper it will be. And the less interest the cartels and gangsters will be interested. Flat out.

Commercial= Cheaper

And if ya'll are gonna disagree with cheaper herb then.....I don't even know what to tell ya.

Just remember....we are not criminals.



barletta said:
So on the west coast, you guys pay 3x's for the power, and get 1/2 the price? AND they will bust you?? Ouch.

Power's expensive, if you grow commercial herb, and don't grow right, you get $3k, if you grow something special, $3800 is the nicest I've "heard of." :fsu:

BUT, if you grow the proper number of plants, with your card, the cops GO HOME after a visit, leaving your plants in tact.... :joint:


damn u fukers make me want to smoke like 27 pounds rite now lol


96 is the max in this county that equals 16 scripts in one location. growing techniques do make these operations an eye sore and the people doing it are in it for the money ..but they will fall because they cannot account for the money they make and pay no taxes and hold no jobs. they contribute very little to society except that they buy lots of products at the store.


thcbear said:
96 is the max in this county that equals 16 scripts in one location. growing techniques do make these operations an eye sore and the people doing it are in it for the money ..but they will fall because they cannot account for the money they make and pay no taxes and hold no jobs. they contribute very little to society except that they buy lots of products at the store.

At least they're helping the local economy....If you think about it, helping one's local economy, is doing something good for society... :joint:


Active member
AprilFOOL said:
At least they're helping the local economy....If you think about it, helping one's local economy, is doing something good for society... :joint:

Kinda offset by renting and leaving the unsuspecting landlord 'holding the bag" when it comes to civil asset forfeiture.

What pays the state more (?): 1-2 years in jail (corrections (CDC) revenue) or seizure of a house in CA (the most prime real estate in the nation)?
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Bong Smoking News Hound
inflorescence said:
Kinda offset by renting and leaving the unsuspecting landlord 'holding the bag" when it comes to civil asset forfeiture.

What pays the state more (?): 1-2 years in jail (corrections (CDC) revenue) or seizure of a house in CA (the most prime real estate in the nation)?

They can not seize the property if a tenant is breaking the law. The tenant will be held full responsibility when it comes to this. Show one case where this has happen. You sound like a Federal Agent with scare tactics. I am really starting to question your agenda here on this website.


Active member
There is a link posted somewhere on here about civil asset forfieture statistics and it's no big suprise CA comes in numero uno (I think the link was from 2004 stats)

There is also another post I replied to (I'll have to dig it up) showing how civil asset forfeiture has increased like 100 times in the last 5 years.

I'm just posting fact.

Guaranteed 90% of those in this story in arcata are renters.

Why don't they buy (instead of rent) if they feel they are so within the law?

If I'm such an agent, meet me over in the grow show forum. Why would an agent teach 100's how to properly grow?
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Bong Smoking News Hound
inflorescence said:
There is a link posted somewhere on here about civil asset forfieture statistics and it's no big suprise CA comes in numero uno (I think the link was from 2004 stats)

There is also another post I replied to (I'll have to dig it up) showing how civil asset forfeiture has increased like 100 times in the last 5 years.

I'm just posting fact.

Guaranteed 90% of those in this story in arcata are renters.

Why don't they buy (instead of rent) if they feel they are so within the law?

If I'm such an agent, meet me over in the grow show forum. Why would an agent teach 100's how to properly grow?

You are posting NO FACTS.
Now your just spitting out propaganda and non backed up statements. Id like to see one case where they seized a house due to a renter growing marijuana. I'm sure its possible, and I'm sure its happened.... But very rarely I'm sure. Most if not all are property owners who are living or occupying the property. Thus making them responsible, rather if its someone sneaking a grow on there land. or them. Point is no one should have this happen to them, just for a plant that grows in the wild. That in its self. Is pure BULLSHIT.

I myself have taught 1000's if not more how to grow pot. That doesn't prove I'm not a cop. Anyone can be a mole. If it quacks like a duck and walks like one............. www.wikipedia.org/wiki/agent_provocateur

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Active member
SCF said:
If it quacks like a duck and walks like one.............


Now you're being insulting.

Pretty strong words.

Just because I point out stuff you don't want to hear?

I agree, civil asset forfeiture is pure bullshit. But you're being naive if you think it doesn't exist and isn't one of the states biggest weapons (and that the comersh growers don't realize this and rent instead of buy).

Why send a grower to jail and force the state to pay for their food and shelter (although employing LOTS of CDC officers in the process) when you can just skip the middleman and go straight for the real cash (houses, boats, cars, etc).
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A third (1/3) of ALL assets seized from the entire united states were from CA.

There's 50 states yet instead of 1/50 being seized nationwide from CA it's 15/50th's so 15 times more than any other state.

cali is also one of the biggest states, we have one of the strongest economies and everything here is worth way more than in any other state. so take those figures and look at it this way. a 2 story 3 br 2 bath house on 1 acre is over 500,000 dollars here. lok at he same house in say south dakota, west virignia, mississsippi etc etc and it probably wouldnt even touch 200k


Freedom Fighter
Rainman said:
RMK - I think our gov, whether right or wrong, regulates all drugs in the country except caffeine. Especially those requiring a scrip from a doctor. The attitude of lets make a little money on the side is unfortunately part of the problem. You either are a patient or a capitalist in this fight my friend. I dont think you can do both with a conscious.

I highly disagree with you...(no pun intended...but it was a good one..lol)
You say that all medicine is regulated...and that is true-- But can you tell me the maximum amount of Valium..or Dilaudid that you may possess at your house with a valid prescription?? Go ahead...I'll wait.............
There is none-- If you have a script, it is written by your Dr, and the amount prescribed is decided by your Dr-- As far as if you don't take them all, or if you have 5 bottles full of pills on you, with a valid script...Leo will not give it a second glance...and sure won't call out the Drug Taskforce to shake you down--
Now...let's take a look at what these Companies are making from these legal drugs....if I say, "Billions Annually"...can I just skip looking for verification?? I think that is a fair number....
So why is Marijuana the only substance I can think of (if there are others...pls let me know) that it is legal to grow and consume...but not to sell??
Nothing but love and respect to ya bro-- But Commercial Growers are not what is keeping Marijuana Illegal....it is "History" that is doing that!! Ppl just can't give up the bullshit they have been fed for decades...too afraid of saying, "We were wrong."--
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Active member
kmk420kali said:
So why is Marijuana the only substance I can think of (if there are others...pls let me know) that it is legal to grow and consume...but not to sell??

Because it's not a Prescription drug. If it were it sure as hell would be legal to sell like the rest and the cops and politicians sure as hell knew this that's why they only allowed the vote for prop 215 to be on a 'recomendation" and not a prescription.


Freedom Fighter
inflorescence said:
Because it's not a Prescription drug. If it were it sure as hell would be legal to sell like the rest and the cops and politicians sure as hell knew this that's why they only allowed the vote for prop 215 to be on a 'recomendation" and not a prescription.

Actually, the only difference is in distribution-- If it is a Prescription, it would be bound by the FDA, and carried in Pharmacies....and we all know about the Federal BS... :fsu:
But since it is a Recommendation, it is not legally binding for the Dr to have to have it provided for you--
But I stand by what I said...there is nothing else that is legal to grow and consume...but not to sell--

Sup dude--
:wave: :rasta:
inflorescence said:
Kinda offset by renting and leaving the unsuspecting landlord 'holding the bag" when it comes to civil asset forfeiture.

That is completely and utterly false. Neither the state nor federal government can punish a landlord if they are unaware of the grow op. The burden is on the prosecution to prove that the owner had any knowledge.

"Innocent until proven guilty."


Active member
EasyBakeIndica said:
That is completely and utterly false. Neither the state nor federal government can punish a landlord if they are unaware of the grow op. The burden is on the prosecution to prove that the owner had any knowledge.

"Innocent until proven guilty."

The gov isn't punishing the landlord. That would be a criminal prosecution. Rather the gov is punishing the landlords money (house as an asset) and therefore it's civil.

In a criminal case the burden of proof is on the gov to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.
In a civil case the burden of proof is on the landlord to show beyond a preponderance of the evidence that they had zero knowledge of the grow going on in a home.
Pretty hard for a landlord to show when your tenant is growing 600 plants and has 27 lbs lying around.

And I love how you guys say I'm not posting fact when indeed the DEA letters sent to all the dispensary landlords were talking about civil asset forfeiture of their property for maintaning a place to furnish a controlled substance.
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