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Arcata, the Californian town that has gone to pot over marijuana cultivation


The revolution will not be televised.....
Hey guys I got to run out for a while but i am simply trying to spur dialogue. Dont want anyone to feel as though they are being attacked because that is not the intention here. I will be back in a few to address the replies so hang in there and everyone have a nice relaxin bowl. Bee back in a few.


Active member
socioecologist said:
that's why we have some diligent people researching what's needed and the growers doing what they're good at.

The medical card is not a license to grow a gazillion strains to "research" them to find out what works best and please don't try and say that commercial growers way over the limtis are merely doing "research".

Of course more research needs to be done on MJ, it does on anything, nothing is every really truly figured out in medicine, it's always evolving but the law is about single med growers becoming self suffcient with their meds.

Most pot works very similarly. In medicine it's when you get into different familys or classes of drugs where you find marked differences in phsiology but the difference between purple erkle and erkle is so subtle for example that it's not a defense to say, well I have to grow every strain to see what works.

The point I was intially try to make was, YES INDEED Arcata used to be a growers paradise so WHAT HAS CHANGED.

Why couldn't well enough be left alone.
It's like you give a stoner an inch and they take a mile.

If someone is not happy with the way the law is set up today (prop 215) then really they are just a commercial grower at heart because most sick people I know are thrilled just to grow their own and aren't complaining about limits.

You mentioned 9 grams a day. Who the hell smokes more than a 1/4 oz a DAY. :nono:
That's like a puff every ten seconds.
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You mentioned 9 grams a day. Who the hell smokes more than a 1/4 oz a DAY.
That's like a puff every ten seconds. someone who makes eatibles.

i am happy with the way prop 215 is. i think huge mass commercials growers(way exceeding the limit) using prop 215 as a cover should given harsher penalties. because it gives us bad names and some people say its just a cover and theres no such thing as MMJ.


Freedom Fighter
dankbudz said:
You mentioned 9 grams a day. Who the hell smokes more than a 1/4 oz a DAY.
That's like a puff every ten seconds. someone who makes eatibles.

i am happy with the way prop 215 is. i think huge mass commercials growers(way exceeding the limit) using prop 215 as a cover should given harsher penalties. because it gives us bad names and some people say its just a cover and theres no such thing as MMJ.

Why should that be bro?? Should Anheuser-Busch be tried as criminals and given a harsher punishment because they make lots of beer and sell it?? Can you pls tell me what other substances that are regulated...as far as what quantity we can have?? Or what else has the restriction that you cannot sell it??
How the fuck are ppl suppose to get it, if they can't buy it?? And WHY should we not be allowed to make $$ from it?? You can make $$ from virtually any other legal thing there is...just not from weed!!??
Not trying to get in your face homie...but why should we be bound by all these unfair rules...that are nothing more than old-school thinking...unwilling to give up the ghost...and LEGALIZE!!


im not saying people shouldnt sell it and make cash. gotta pay the bills somehow..im talking excessive 1000+ plants. until the laws are changed and its totally legalized people should respect the law passed/guidelines. because large scale grows(100+ to be clear) trying to be medical but straight up selling the shit to whomever(not 215) is nothing but ammo against us.

Should Anheuser-Busch be tried as criminals......yes they should they are a monopoly helping keep marijuana illegal. theyre product is as bad as pills.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Ok guys sorry for the lag but the mrs wants to eat when she wants to eat!

Socio - No problem. I was trying to get the reply out as fast as I could. I dont have a problem with patients having whatever they need esp 7 pounds a yr. I personally use more than that so I couldnt follow your scale. But again i have no issue with what a doc tells a patient is needed to fix a ailment.

420 - I would never try to say your sit. is better or worse but it is different. The struggle of pts who have cards but live in areas that do not recognize them is a very touchy one that i cant speak on with any knowledge. I wish you well in that hurdle. But i have to ask why is the limit prescribed not realistic? As for the processed or flowers question again I grow meds and rarely use anything processed into butter. good luck with that as well. I actually grow both ways and 2lbs lasts my friend and i abou 30 days. There is a reason we have the disp. and it is for those people you mention . Until you reach a point of self sustaining/quality grown herb the disp would be a excellent option i would think. Nothing will stop commercial growers except complete legalization. There is too much money to be made in the states where it is still a serious crime to have MJ let alone grow it. Hundreds of millions

RMK - I think our gov, whether right or wrong, regulates all drugs in the country except caffeine. Especially those requiring a scrip from a doctor. The attitude of lets make a little money on the side is unfortunately part of the problem. You either are a patient or a capitalist in this fight my friend. I dont think you can do both with a conscious.

DB - Yes I would follow the limits but i would not need to go to that scale for myself and my friend. It is nice to know I have the right to skydive but I dont get out to do it much if you get my drift. Just 2 folks you see. As far as who i am and all the ?? let me see if i can answer most without breaking Tou. I am a Desert Storm Vet. Served as a medic for 5 yrs in the Navy and 3 tours with the Marines in the desert. I use the herb for insomnia, ptsd, and night terrors. Definitely not LEO. Why? You doin somethin illegal? Not a member but should I be? Why? i tend to avoid crowds of any kinds. Secretive by nature. Lurked on OG in disbelief for yrs and never even posted a single word. Been here since 05 actually joined in 07. so this is the only outlet for me. I absolutely help a friend who is suffering who is the father of my best friend. Taught me alot that my own pops never thought to. I know as much about this plant from growing it from the swamplands of North Carolina to the hills around Norcal and tons of indoor soil grows in between, so i dont tend to ask the help of 21 yr olds working in the disp. with a crash course in weedology. I am pretty well read I like to think but always open to know more. Again guys I am simply showing what our opponents will surely see as a weakness in our argument and use it to impose more stricter controls of the whole process. They will try to regulate it to death and use our transgressions as the reason to do so. tread lightly out there cause people are really watchin us and how we do it. We can be patients or we can be capitalist. Just my opinion. Keep this talk goin folks!! We need this. Dont blame A Bucsh!! Blame the Belgian company that bought the Great American Beer for 50 billion today! Peace.
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inflorescence said:
You mentioned 9 grams a day. Who the hell smokes more than a 1/4 oz a DAY. :nono:
That's like a puff every ten seconds.

Try one gram every 2-3 hours. (2.66 grams/hour to be exact.)

Inflorescence, I don't believe you're a doctor.

Have some compassion. Do some research. Plenty of people consumer twice that amount in a day. It's far safer than the near toxic doses of opiates they'd have to take in substitution.


^This lady consumes way more than 9 grams a day, and she's still more intelligent and coherent than you are. Irv Rosenfeld (federal exemptee) smokes joints all day long at his office. He's a stock trader and I bet he makes more money than you, stoned out of his mind. It's funny that you're judgmental over anyone.
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Active member
EasyBakeIndica said:
Try one gram every 2-3 hours.

Do these people ever sleep?
Because if they do and smoke 16 hours a day ( 8 hrs sleep) then that's 5.3-8 grams per day per your calculations. Mind you that's a person who starts puffin the moment they wake up till the moment they go to sleep. And they can do this at work without anyone noticing?
Irv is federally exempt so he can at work. Nice analogy, the one guy in 300 million americans who is federally exempt and can smoke all day at work. :nono:

Like I said the vast majority of people don't smoke over a 1/4 oz a day.
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Bong Smoking News Hound
Edibles really does take a lot of cannabis. And if you are using Rick Simpson method you will be using tons of it. It varies from patient to patient. We need to really be compassionate. Even if people are making a living off of growing medical marijuana. That is great. At least someone has the balls to grow it and sell it. Because if not. Than the people who are dying and dont have the chance to grow it. Can actually buy it when needed.



Bong Smoking News Hound
inflorescence said:
Do these people ever sleep?
Because if they do and smoke 16 hours a day ( 8 hrs sleep) then that's 5.3-8 grams per day per your calculations. Mind you that's a person who starts puffin the moment they wake up till the moment they go to sleep. And they can do this at work without anyone noticing?
Irv is federally exempt so he can at work. Nice analogy, the one guy in 300 million americans who is federally exempt and can smoke all day at work. :nono:

Like I said the vast majority of people don't smoke over a 1/4 oz a day.

Some people are bed ridden and have to utilize that much. And in edibles it stays in your system so building up a tolerance is easy to do. Making it so you have to cook with more cannabis or hashish, kief. Its easy to consume a half ounce a day with low quality cannabis. In edibles that is...


Active member
SCF said:
Even if people are making a living off of growing medical marijuana. That is great.

Apparantly it's not all that great up in Arcata. Isn't that what this thread is about.
When 1/7 th of your neighbors are moving in from Montana, giving you a cold ass stare and trying to grow as many as can fit in the rented house (as to avoid asset forfieture and leave the landlord holding the bag so to speak).
Where is the compassion in that?
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Bong Smoking News Hound
inflorescence said:
Apparantly it's not all that great up in Arcata. Isn't that what this thread is about.
When 1/7 th of your neighbors are moving in from Montana, giving you a cold ass stare and trying to grow as many as can fit in the rented house (as to avoid asset forfieture and leave the landlord holding the bag so to speak).
Where is the compassion in that?

The point is, the story is fabricated. I know. I've been there. Have friends who live there. This story is pretty much bullshit. And to believe it is feeding into their bullshit, and propaganda against prop 215. The small percentage of people, like law enforcement, who would like to eradicate it. So lets not feed into this flame of fire. Otherwise it burns wild, like our state right now.
inflorescence said:
Do these people ever sleep?

Many people with chronic nerve/spinal pain get very little sleep. Eating edibles before bed helps, but most wake up throughout the night. Smoking helps them get to bed much faster. Assuming they sleep a full eight hours, they can smoke a joint every hour (roughly 1 gram) and still be very productive individuals. That equals roughly 16 grams.

inflorescence said:
Irv is federally exempt so he can at work. Nice analogy, the one guy in 300 million americans who is federally exempt and can smoke all day at work. :nono:

Since he's a medical user, I'd say that makes it a perfect example. It's not an analogy.

inflorescence said:
Like I said the vast majority of people don't smoke over a 1/4 oz a day.

Maybe that's because the vast majority of people aren't in chronic pain. The vast majority of people aren't prescribed oxycontin either. Both Cannibinoids and Opiates are serious medications.

Which do you support more: Individual growers making money from selling Medical Marijuana, or Pharmaceutical corporations making money from selling the most addictive drugs on earth?
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Plant Whisperer
Rainman said:
But i have to ask why is the limit prescribed not realistic?

Because the County is not my doctor, so how do they know how much I need? How do they know that these limits will work for all that live in the county? Does the county limit any other medication to one size fits all?

Rainman said:
Until you reach a point of self sustaining/quality grown herb the disp would be a excellent option i would think.

I cannot afford a dispensary to supplement my MMJ needs... $300 an ounce for half assed weed plus gas, wear on my car, food, and time is not okay!!!! Plus I tip!!!!!!! :violin: WTF!!!!!??????????
inflorescence said:
Irv is federally exempt so he can at work. Nice analogy, the one guy in 300 million americans who is federally exempt and can smoke all day at work. :nono:

Like I said the vast majority of people don't smoke over a 1/4 oz a day.

"On November 20, 2005 Irv Rosenfeld, a Ft. Lauderdale stockbroker, will have smoked 220 pounds of US government marijuana/cannabis over a 23 year period."

The federal government is giving him 12 grams a day. So even they would agree that you don't know what you're talking about.

And actually, there were seven other federally exempted smokers the last time I checked.


The revolution will not be televised.....
420 - I was just askin the question brother. No ill will behind it.

I think SCF hit on a valid point that the story was bogus but look at the unwanted attention this brings to the community. i diagree though on people making money off the medical ailments of others. It just does not sit well to me but, thats my bag to carry.

We are all on the same team by the way so lets keep this civil and positive if possible. We are on the same team but have different beliefs in how things should happen. That doesn't make us enemies. When prop 215 passed there was a positive and surgical pr campaign to win over the vast majority of voters. Now that same sort of pr is being waged to show how many criminals are hiding behind the act under the guise of patients in need. Even if they get one bullshit story on the news and making headlines it is a victory for them another crack in the wall for us. Bullshit or not reality is 99% perception in our country. Plus it looks even better when they can scare you with a brown/immigrant face behind the major arrest because we are already desensitized and outraged by the immigration issue. So wrap it all up with a few other big brother(border fences, illegal wiretapping, tracking your spending thru your atm, etc) agendas and it gets way deeper than med pts. If the average non-smoker who voted for prop 215 sees the DEA pulling 600 plants from a "med-grow" next door how do you think that normally rational, prop 215 sympathetic, father of two is gonna vote next time? And what about all the same faces who watch it rolling down on the 6 oclock news? That will be the biggest threat to this already uneasy standoff in places like Arcata.
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Active member
i just want to say something:

I had a friend, that was like a myth for me. Now unfortunately he's gone.

Anyhow he had a cancer, and the hospital infected him with HPV during a transfusion... he used to grow... he grew 27 kilos (~50 pounds) in the greenhouse every season...

and he used it all to make oil. Just for himself and a another sick patient.

I used to ask him a bit of oil, but he always refused :(

Anyhow they caught him, before he was able to process the weed, and he had some serious time to spend with the judge.

Anyhow the judge found him not guilty, but he died before being able to hear the sentence, because without his oil he was too sick.

There shouldn't be a limit to #s of plants or quantity of weed. The judge should consider each case, and just when he is sure that the guy is a dealer, then he should arrest him.

Moreover: It's funny to see all those pussies on the forum, whining about a commercial grower.

Hey guys, when you didn't grow, where do you think the weed came from? From imaginationland?

And how a commercial op disturb you?

If they make noise, or are violent, just call the cops. Those are crimes, and if you grow you aren't allowed to disturb the neighborhood.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Gram - you started out with alot of promise then you lost me with the rep for the mass growers. I am truely sorry for your friend and his struggle but again over a yr 27 pnds breaks down to almost 2 lbs a month. That is a logical and doable amount to work with over the course of a yr in my head. But whatever his doc prescribed is what he should be allowed to have without persecution.

Dont see the need for name calling on here since we are all here for the same thing so save the 'Pussy' comments for your backyard bbq's. People here got alot more going on than you have given them credit for and it makes you look really immature or like a comm grower and we need neither in the medical forum. And actually no one is whining about anything just having an open forum. The point of the whole article is to inform and discuss the recent situations like Arcata. Lastly, you have to be arrested to see the judge! That is the way our system works. The "cops" have to be sure/have evidence you are a drug dealer to arrest you and give you an audience with the judge.


barletta said:
So on the west coast, you guys pay 3x's for the power, and get 1/2 the price? AND they will bust you?? Ouch.

^^^the TRUTH about growing in cali.