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Quitting Cigs Day 2


Active member
you are going to have to get rid of the nicotine altogether. no worries; you will eventually realize that there IS life after tobacco . you can trust me on that.


lives on planet 4:20
you have to be ready to suffer....whatever feelings or thoughts.....that show up after you quit smoking......if you can't suffer for some time.....it won't work.....since nicottene is some serious shit

some scientists say its worse than heroin....as far as being addictive at least

all my bad habits......*all*.......have been given up cold turkey....it works better than anything else

the reason being.......a habit is formed in our nervous system on a physical level...a good way to imagine it is like a rope....every time you repeat a habit....the *rope* becomes fatter and fatter...and the habit stronger and stronger

so ones you go cold turkey....the rope starts losing its strenth and starts to fall apart and disinigrate

it is very important not to replace any negative habit with a positive *habit*....because it will still be a *habit* although healthier.....if it involves something that is better for your health that is

but the structure of the habit still remains.....but you are only addicted to this new *thing*

everyone of us is much stronger then we think....and can quit any habit ..... cold turkey if we want

when the serviceman came back from Vietnam .... a very large percentage had an addiction to heroin.....and most of them gave it up when they came back home to America....this is a well documented fact

the government was scared as shit that there would be a huge problem with all the army people becoming heroin addicts.....but they never did...because when they got home.....doing heroin was not that important and they gave it up

a few did stay with the habit....but a very little percent

so the best way to stop smoking tobacco...is give it up totally....cold turkey.....and never touch it in any way....ever

i have not smoked it for eleven years....after smoking red marlboro's for around 14 years straight

at this time the smell of tobacco....is unpleasant to me....and after one year after smoking....i never had an urge to smoke tobacco again

the only thing is I did not drik any alcohol either......even during holidays.....because it is possibly much tougher in the beginning if you do drink...since the mind gets relaxed...and smoking a few while you are buzzed on alcohol may seem to be ok

but its not...most people I think get back to smoking tobacco that way


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
NorCalFor20 said:
well i want a cig like crazy and have a whole pack in the freezer I just opened it up for some ice and saw them but i didnt smoke one, as bad as i wanted too. is it ok to smoke a black and mild?

I found having a pack around helped. I could never handle the pressure of quitting. I could have one whenever I wanted. I would just choose not to at the moment. I made those moments stretch for six years and then , like a big doofus ... :badday:


saying "I'm trying to quit smoking" is self defeating

repeat this over and over again to yourself "I'm a non-smoker!"....it's positive self-hypnosis and it worked for me..or maybe it was just the right time for me to give those stupid things away....

get rid of every cig in the house, but keep a full ashtray in the garage, everytime you feel like a having a cig, stick your nose in the full ashtray and breathe in deeply until the feeling goes away.....and keep at your mantra "I'm a non smoker"

in a few days or a few weeks from now some one will offer you a smoke and you will automatically say " I'm a non smoker" without thinking..you'll smile to yourself and then you know you have it beat.

that's part of how eventually stopped..but mainly after 25 years of smoking tobacco, I started to feel shortness of breath, had trouble walking a hill and have you noticed the wrinkles that smokers of over fifty have.and that scared me and so I got angry and stopped!

I also got mad at myself for being a sucker and financer of a corrupt multinational company. I hated being addicted, I felt like a weak sucker.

it aint easy to give up, but as others have said, it can be done.....and if they can, so can you.

getting into daily walks or other types of exercise when you become a non-smoker helps too.

good luck!.....

I'm a bit different from many other former smokers, I sometimes get a whiff of tobacco smoke and enjoy the smell...I can be in a room with a smoker and it doesn't worry me at all...I can even light a cig and do smoke rings tricks, but I'd rather cut my nuts off with a rusty knife than start smoking cigarettes again....I look upon any smoker as a weak minded, short of breath, addicted idiot who's clothes, car and house stinks...

if all that doesn't make you stop smoking, then switch to organically grown tobacco, this will lessen your chance of getting cancer, though not of getting emphysema or developing face skin like a rhino or loosing the "lead" in your pencil earlier than you should
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Smokes, lets go
well day 4 or so now and i still haven't smoked one and i was around all my friends today who smoke for the first time since i quit they offered me cigarettes plenty of times too

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I smoked for about 5 years and I quit cold turkey. The only time I smoke cigs is when I am in Dam. Cigs are just gross, I cannot stand them at all. There is just something about them in Mokum... Hmm


However you can quit, just keep doing it. Whatever works for you.
Cold Turkey is probably best though, worked for me.


Active member
nice job, norcal ! there are going to be tests like that from time to time. keep your resolve and remember that, to an addict, there is no such thing as 'just one' .


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
green_grow said:
remember that, to an addict, there is no such thing as 'just one' .

Sure there is. That's all it took to get me back up to a pack-a-day... oh, wait ...


lives on planet 4:20
good job norcalfor20......just take it one day at a time....and in a short time those urges will not be that strong anymore.....and you can become a non-smoker forever

your health will definately reflect you being a non-smoker.....because for me the worst thing about the time when I smoked is that I always felt like shit....and now that I don't smoke tobacco....i never feel like that anymore...never

plus I couldn't take a full breath of air in my lungs....felt like only about half could be filled sometimes and that shit freaked me out....that's when I decide to call it quits for good

and another thing if you have been smoking for a while and hold your breath while trying to push air out your lungs.....smoke will come out....meaning that smoke stays inside your lungs constantly

and that is really fuc...ed up...considering tobacco doesn't even get you high...only takes nicotine craving away....so in a way it is similar to a heroin addiction.....in that sense.....that you have to keep doing it....in order not to feel like shit
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Norcal - you're doing great. I think you are now past the three day hurdle, so as was stated before you just need to wean yourself off the mental part of the habit (that was hardest for me). Most of the nicotine is probably purged out of your system by now as well. The hardest part is not even necessarily quitting but STAYING quit at the one month, 2 month, 6 month etc. I'm almost at two weeks off. Best of luck and stay strong.



Active member
sirgrassalot said:
Cold turkey here & the best thing I've done since growing Cannabis. Every day it will get better & easier. Wait until you start smelling smokers a mile away. Than you'll know you've got her licked.

yeah, i think this is when you REALLY understand you don't smoke anymore tobacco.

Now i HATE tobacco smell and taste... But back then it has been really painful to quit smoking... from 2 packs/day to none... it's like living in the hell....

One small advice: START DOING SPORTS!!!

Especially swimming.

At the begin you'll suck... you won't be able to do 75 ft at once... and this will make you reflect on your health situation...

Afterwards it will help you to fight your addiction...

Moreover the cleaning of the lungs will help you to start hating cigarette smell...
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this post is a god send, im currently trying to quit dipping. so far its been 5 days and the pack of kodiak is still sealed sitting by my bed side table. i have found that chewing on toothpicks helps a great deal i just keep a small vial of them in my pocket and chew on them when i feel that nicotiene urge comming on.


Keep going Norcal! You can dooo eeeet!

It's a fecking nasty habit and a good one to break. I have been smoking on and off for about 10 years, as of recent--it's become more 'on'. Gotta give it up too, trying to do the weaning thing...down from 10 a day to 5 for a while, then to a few. Not a really bad addict, but I'm thinking if I can give up blow...nicotine is a walk in the park.

My mom just quite cigs after a 40 year chain smoking (3-4 packs/day) habit with Wellbutrin. Docs prescribed it for depression and told her of the 'side effects' they said she would just wake up one day and not wants cigs...after gum, patches, hypnosis, acupuncture she had no luck...then one day her mind/body was ready and she got the right help. She woke up two ears ago smoke free, doesn't take the Wellbutrin and doesn't have the urge to smoke. If Mom can quit, anyone can...Best of luck to you!


Smokes, lets go
hey still no cigs its not a big deal to me anymore, i do smoke blunts still and will smoke blunts, but that is all i read someone said they have nictoine in them but i don't know either way for me blunts is the best way to smoke.


Active member
im 35 and have never even tried a cig.

never had a friend who smoked, and my parents didnt either.

didnt try weed or drink LQ...'til i was in my 20's ...and i dont like LQ either

...im also highly alergic to cig smoke....i cant even be around that shit for a second or i get very very sick.


Registered Med User
I noticed cigarette smoke never botherred me before I started smokin, but then after 6 smokin I quit, now the smoke bothers the fuck outa me, gives me a headache, makes my nose run and my eyes water.. Anyone else gain allergic reactions when u quit? pretty crazy. I smoked a cigarette 3 weeks ago because my stomach was goin crazy at the mall after eatn some fucked up food, felt like I was dien(the cigarette did help too..). other than that I aint smoked for about 8 months and I do feal better, specially my throat, no more flemmy shit. Good job norcal, keep it up and u be happy ya did.
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lives on planet 4:20
last year....i bought a prerolled joint in a coffeeshop...and smoked it later

even though I bought it as a pure cannabis joint...the mofo either mixed something up or sold it mixed with tobacco as a joke or something....i guess

after taking about three hits in my hotel room later....i got a massive headache

since I quit smoking tobacco 11 years ago.....I guess this was my body's reaction to tobacco

since I get a headache once in maybe ten years.....and after smoking that mixed joint...in about ten minutes my head was about to split open from the pain

I smoked lots of cannabis after quiting cigs...and never had headaches from weed

and as some people above have stated.....the tobacco smoke is very unpleasant for me nowadays......maybe it was unpleasant also when I smoked tobacco...but i guess i just didn't care since I craved nicotine massively in those days

but now this is all i smoke...lol

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