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Southern Cannabis Alliance (SCA manifesto)



Wow those are some sweet looking Kali-mist girls you got there.
Props on the Thunder Head those buds look FAT. Can't wait to see what those produce.


Okay heres the problem
What would be better
Lights on at night (useally cooler at night)(good for vegging I guess)
Lights off at night makes it cooler but when the lights run during the day it gets hotter.(good for flowering I would think)

So there is a downside to both :(.
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Active member
Down here, with the heat like it is..... I run my lights night. Always cooler at night, plus your usually home and have it nice and cool in the house.

During veg (like now) my light is on from 4pm to 10am. It's off for 6 hrs during the hottest part of the day.
I do have a small cfl that's on 24/0 because I'm re-veggin 2 plants.

During flower I usually run 6pm to 6am.

Seems to work out pretty well.
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Thats what I did with my last grow. I think or it was my first grow.
When I clone I'm getting plugs and cloning hormone


Active member
I've used a bunch of different ways to clone, and was pretty successful with all of them.

Bubble cloners, perlite wick cloners, rapid rooters, soil and straight coco....I have used dip-n-grow and rooting powder. I need to get some more and I think that I'm gonna get Olivia's or Clonex gel.


I'm getting tired of using these crappy soil nutes. I need nutes that I can control. so when my plant wants more or less then I can give it more or less.
Pure Blend Pro grow soil
(will this work with peat moss?)
{It's actually a "soiless grow"}
Pure Blend Pro bloom soil
And a bloom booster
Any one can advice me a good one? :)
Where can I find a NPK and a PH metter?

Also what would be better for yield and potency?

Doing a sog with 10 1gallon bubbler hydro. I guess flower a plant each month.
I would have to figure some type vegging period.
Doing like I said. 54
16oz beer cups. Flower 6 each week.
What I was thinking of doing is veg for a month but don't TOUCH the plant.
No sog, no lst, and no topping. Hopefully it will get tall enough.
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weeds on showtime hells yes. coming on now peace.

ps pirate138 think ure right on that one. used them this grow and have had nothing but trouble. yours look kickin.great job.


Well will just PBP Grow & Bloom soil or hydro whatever I would choose with Calmag & Liquid Karma work or will I need more nutes?


Most plants foods IMO are the same just give them N when they are growing VEG & two weeks into flower ,,, Then give them potash & phosphate. Easy peasy ,, If your going Hydro and want to get all technical do the lucas formula and feed by ph. I find I get better smoke with less fuck ups when I just keep it simple and use soil but good luck with what ever you decide. peace :wave:


Cal/mag replaces minerals that are in tap water My plants don't need it, if I did the ph or had a R.O. system I would have to put Cal/mag back in the water epson salt works as well.


I'd say 10.5-14 grams there.
Good god, I bet shes gonna taste good.
How many days you let her go before you chopped her down?
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i scraped my latest grow due to high temps and bad soil. i got a few good beans from a friend. but i have to rework my little space. lost bout 8 females. my ph was off too.

edit: damn nice plant there. pirate
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Wow you must like a head high pirate. :)

Yeah thats why I haven't started any new beans because of soil and temps.

But once I get everything worked out. Everything is gonna be smooth sailing.


About to smoke some bowls. God I need to go to the city to get those plugs and cloning hormone. If I don't go tomorrow. Then I have to Friday. Because i want some Free sweet good herb. Also wanna find out what ones are female and what ones are males. With my luck they will all probley be male.

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