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~Zeus is Back!!! "Summer '08 MaDnEsS"~


Registered Medical Patient
:rasta: :wave: Hey guys & girls and the rest of you...Some of you know me, some don't, but Ive been here a while & have contributed my part, whatever that may be...Anyhow, I had a brief hiatus from the whole growing scene(about 2 months), but Im back & better than ever.!!! :jump: :headbange

First off, what Ill be growing...
Ive had a few clones vegging under pretty shitty conditions for a while now, but I just took some new clones off 'em, and they will start me out as my new Mom's...So...we've got:
2 clones of Mumbles #1
2 clones of Mumbles #2
3 clones of Mumbles #3
2 clones of a particularly nice MxA(maroccanxafghani)
2 clones of bagseed #2
2 clones of bagseed #4

Both bagseed girls are from my previous grow, as well as the rest of them...Mumbles is a nice stinky cross of M39xPPP/AK48 from my good bud BlackRain...The MxA is from BR as well, and the bagseed girls are from my own private bagseed stock...

Once these clones take root & veg a little, Ill take more clones & pop some killer beans Ive been sittin on for a few months now!!!

The beans to be popped are:
Crash Test
Pollen Chuck
ALL from my buddy Core, whom you all know & love, Im sure...The guy has some killer threads here and is well respected as a grower & now a breeder...A bunch have grown/are growin out these beans right now, so Ive got a lot to compare to!!!

Anyhow, thats about it...Im growin with CFLs for veg, and then 2-250watt HPS for flower in a closet in my basement...keeps temps perfect, even in the summer!!!

Nutrients for now are Earth Juice's full line - Grow, Bloom, Catalyst, Meta-K & Microblast, as well as Rootstock for cloning!!! Ill be makin the change to PBP very soon, as I havent been all too fond of EJ the last few grows...May just go full-on organics, but we'll see...Anyhow, thanks for stoppin in, and the action will happen very soon. Peace all, and enjoy my first round of pics in a while...

The new clones:

:wave: Laters

- Z

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yeah i got front row too, but as the grow progresses I will be moving around the room getting free puffs from everyone else here hehe. I guess B/R has not seen this thread yet, A full BR run, before BR does it Looking forward to seeing what you are going to get goin

I throughly recommend PbP, I think it is a great product.

SO lets get the show on the road


Registered Medical Patient
Dr Dog & Bigtimer...thanks for pullin up a seat so soon...not much goin on yet, but the fun will begin again very soon...

Dog - thanks for the pro-PBP words...Ive been wantin to try it for a while, esp. Liquid Karma, heard nothin but great things, so Ill be makin a trip to the agro store very soon...Yea, I hope BR stops in soon...Im kinda psyched to run these Mumbles again, as well as the MxA...I think with proper LST training and some bigger pots, these girls could yield HUGE!!!! This next round, Im goin for maybe 3 plants total under each 250...Full-on LST/bondage style...Cant wait...see ya round...

Peace all...

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i think i came to kno the plant very well in this short time....But bro, i'm not a breeder.....no the less i'l be tagging this thread :D

ohw yea, Welcome back to the scene !!!
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Welcome back man, grabbing my seat amongst the crew.... looking forward to watching em grow out.



Registered Medical Patient
AHHHH..its sooo good to be back amongst my buds...LOL!!

AHHHH..its sooo good to be back amongst my buds...LOL!!

Hey guys...

Core & BR - Thanks for stoppin by bros...Core, dude, dont sell urself short...You have contributed a great deal to the IC community...Thanx... :rasta: :wave:

Moving on...the clones look good, and I hope they all root this time.... :bashhead: :nono:

I was smokin on some Bagseed #4 earlier and realized what she was...I 4got I had a bunch of AK48 F2's that I accidentally made a while ago...I think thats what she is...Ill try to find some pics of her, but based on the high & taste, and bud structure in flower...Im pretty sure thats what I got :jump:

So...I think with the proper LST, she will produce really well under the 250... :rant:

Anyhow, thanks for stoppin in guys, and Ill see you all L8R!!!PEACE :joint:

- Zeus

thats her in early flower...BYE!!!


Registered Medical Patient
hey all, clones are lookin good and should root 100% this time...I hope!!!anyhow, see ya all later...


- Z


Heya Zeus. think ill snap up a front row seat in this. i get the feeling this will fill up quick.

glad you're back growing, im sure that green thumb was getting itchy ;)
Rockin' the mumbles too i see! looking forward to the show.

good luck!


Registered Medical Patient
:wave: NZJay - Hey bro, welcome to the show, & I think ur a 1st timer for my threads!!! So that wins u a prize!!!LOL...A virtual nug of Mumbles to roll up into a phatty!!!

It seems the clones are rooting already...I know its hard to tell after just 3 days, but when I give them a little tug -a- lug, they feel like they are anchored in !!!!:woohoo:

Thats about it for now...gonna pop some beans & brew a Belgian Trippel tonite...Peace y'all

- Z :headbange


Hey there, Zeus! :wave:

Hope you've got room for a crusty desert rat in here somewheres. I've lurked in a few threads moons ago, but Ima posting now. Excited to see how your Pollen Chuck runs...I'm lucky to have a pack myself, and will make a run later this year.

Good growin on ya!



Registered Medical Patient
What up EatShitake?!...like the handle, by the way...mine should prolly be EatPorcini or something...you a 'shroom lover too??Welcome to the show, pull up a seat, dust urself off, and grab a blunt!!Peace

- Z

D Rock

Glad that your back at it Zeus. Looking good so far, how many plants do you have?


Registered Medical Patient
Hey bro...I got 12 little clones rooting as we speak...as soon as they root & super veg for a week or 2, Ill take more clones, and put the rooted ones into flower with LST training this round!!The new clones will become Moms, and then I can safely pop some of Cores beans and start rockin those babies...etc, etc....Peace bro...

D Rock

ZeusOGrefugee said:
Hey bro...I got 12 little clones rooting as we speak...as soon as they root & super veg for a week or 2, Ill take more clones, and put the rooted ones into flower with LST training this round!!The new clones will become Moms, and then I can safely pop some of Cores beans and start rockin those babies...etc, etc....Peace bro...
Well Its always a splendid sight to see when someone who has there plans all layed out and they know exactly what they are doing. I will be here more often. :joint:


Registered Medical Patient
Thanks Drock...yes, that is the "plan", but it never seems to work out as planned..hopefully this time it will...I finally got a good stash started, and Im goin clean for a month, so even better for my stash...I just wanna keep adding to it so I NEVER have to ever buy again!!!!Peace bros...

- Z

D Rock

Bro I think about that all the time. If I had self control and could keep myself from smoking everyday then I would have a huge stash but I grow so I can smoke all I want. Later.