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twisted treez

yea your old thats the point OUT with The old in with the new, , black jesus , sorry jesus was jewish, or do you think hes white with blue eyes.
you guys prove points constantly, if someone sat down and read all this what would they say of you, you sound like a mccain supporter , causing grief and downing everyone, your all sore losers since some of you , actually most of you are not gonna vote cause you didnt wi n the Nom, and you guys are fake haters in the fact that your obviously smart because you guys are on the net constantly talking and pledging fake dollars yes fake, dollars all those internet dollars were all fake, because your obviously not nice enough to be normal citinz your self , and the state rights things can only go so far or you have componds were girls under aged are pimped out by there own parents, or w hat if a state has enough rights to become a petiphie state , then is that ok, obama is saying treat others fair and dont sell your soul for $,
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DirtDevil said:
So obviously Obama is going to win the presidency.
Does anyone know exactly where he stands on the marijuana thing?
I heard he smoked bongs and inhaled.

Barak the "Magic Negro", like a Dragon of time past, will blow fire from Faint Jaws and Proclaim VICTORY, do YOU really trust our Nation to this man? Not on a cold f*****g day in hell at this end.


I have Family serving and I dread that inexperienced young senator having his hand on the health and welfare of my family at his disposal, AND as regards the Armed Forces of these United States of America. Trusting some elected sob to office and have them take a dump on your cause.


gets some
strained said:

heres a couple of videos where obama states his semi mj friendly stances




I just watched them. You really gotta pay attention to exactly what he says and not just take what you want to hear. He says he would regulate MMJ like any other doctor-prescribed drug. Guess what that means? BIG PHARMA in control of MMJ. You or I growing or selling for med needs would still be 100% illegal under federal law, just like it is now. He would legalize cultivation and sale for Merck or Pfizer, not you. As someone else mentioned, you can't cook up your own Oxycontin either. Dispensaries would still be illegal under federal law and your presciption doled out at your local pharmacy under FDA oversight. Obama is a master at speaking in such a way that people hear what they want to hear instead of hearing what he actually says. This is a perfect example.


ItsGrowTime-----Holy Shit, YOU make sense------------not a common factor in the forums.




My Hero, my Father, he is buried at the Willamette National Cemetery. I visit from time to time and thank him for all he was to me. A fine man, worthy of a son's love.

GET MO said:
No offense to ron paul supporters, but by voting for him you are throwing your vote away. ron paul has no chance in winning this race, if you are looking at it in the longe run than yes, you show that ron paul has support, and by so may gain more for future elections, but if mcain wins this terms presidentcy then there may not be any future elections. Just an opinion.......
...... Really I believe they are all puppets put forth to give American citizens the false impression that they have a say and can make a differance, and the ones running the country are behind the curtains, controling the media and propaganda in order to lead the mass in the desired direction...

There is no such thing as throwing your vote away, if you vote your conscience.

I, for one, REFUSE to support either the Republicans or the Democrats. Yeah, it's only one vote, but at least it's mine and I still have control over that. Both parties have taken SOOOOOO much from Americans already. I refuse to vote for either party's candidate. They are both bad for America and will only further destroy our freedoms and standard of living for their own enrichment and power.


ItsGrowTime said:
I just watched them. You really gotta pay attention to exactly what he says and not just take what you want to hear. He says he would regulate MMJ like any other doctor-prescribed drug. Guess what that means? BIG PHARMA in control of MMJ. You or I growing or selling for med needs would still be 100% illegal under federal law, just like it is now. He would legalize cultivation and sale for Merck or Pfizer, not you. As someone else mentioned, you can't cook up your own Oxycontin either. Dispensaries would still be illegal under federal law and your presciption doled out at your local pharmacy under FDA oversight. Obama is a master at speaking in such a way that people hear what they want to hear instead of hearing what he actually says. This is a perfect example.

I feel you misinterpreted what he said. He said "I would not have the justice department prosecute and raid medical marijuana users, it's not a good use of resources."

Now you may interpret this differently, but to me, it sounds like he said he will not let the gov't prosecute and raid medical marijuana users.

He also said, "What I'm not gonna be doing is using justice department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue."

State law says it is legal to grow in Cali, among other places.

Whether in the future marijuana will be big business for pharmaceuticals, that is open to interpretation, it may very well be. There does need to be more research put into that direction.


Ty-Stik said:
Barak the "Magic Negro", like a Dragon of time past, will blow fire from Faint Jaws and Proclaim VICTORY, do YOU really trust our Nation to this man? Not on a cold f*****g day in hell at this end.


I have Family serving and I dread that inexperienced young senator having his hand on the health and welfare of my family at his disposal, AND as regards the Armed Forces of these United States of America. Trusting some elected sob to office and have them take a dump on your cause.

I would rather have Obama running things than McCain, and I consider myself Republican.

twisted treez

you just called him a hated word, there"majic negro) thats rich you think you know plants boy .george washington carver , would tell you 6,000,000,000 you dont know about plants,
and you say you have family serving and you dont trust him, he wants to make peace and leave, and you want to go with someone that wants war with any one, because to be nice to people will give them the wrong idea, right , is that right?
get real we were 14 $ billion in debt when gwb took over now we spend that in a month or so..
lets get rid off the patent law , and take all the vihicles and technology off the "shelf"because the only one with all the ideas first is God, you can never invent something that was always there . that is imposible, evrything was already there. duh then we can drive on all the stuff from the future , like biodiesel, invented in 1884 by george washington carver, and he never patent anything because he said it was gods gift to him and us, then white people(lets not talk of white people((phycology again))) patent his stuff put it on the shelf and sell the hell out of gas and build more greed, so does anyone have a reason to be bitter . in my opinion we do because when your smart you can see threw lies and when they tell you that your wrong you can see the phycology and you can go with them or you can tell them that your not gonna do what your racist great great grandpa would do ,,, but your gonna do whats right ,
and in the end , you will stand for everything and fall for nothing
because to do whats right is the right thing to do.

p s your family will be better of with obama , he will bring them home to eco jobs , peace came before war witch means it will also follow :joint:
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gets some
Negro is a hated word now? Jeez, the racially divisive politics that Obama says he hates is becoming more and more apparent through out this campaign.

tex, you are correct that he says that however one thing I think should be considered is anyone's personal stance on the mmj issue and what is important to them personally. For someone that only cares about the feds raiding PATIENTS and PATIENTS getting safe access to mmj to use, even if it's at a drug store pharmacy, then Im sure Obama's view is acceptable and an improvement. But for anyone involved in the commercial side of it, like growers and dispensaries, Obama's view is just more of the same anti-mmj rhetoric that takes the control out of the people's hands. He said he wouldnt raid PATIENTS, he didnt say a thing about dispensaries or growers. Again, listen to what he says, not what you want to hear! I dont live in Cali or a med state so it doesnt really matter to me either way, but as a grower, I will only be satisfied by a president that acknowledges that the entire WoSD (War on Some Drugs) is a failure and wants to change that.

twisted treez

o k igt , cant we just give obama a chance, this whole election sux. its worse than a soap opera, and im ready for it to be over, this takes longer than it would to have colledge playoff's. well wouldnt it be nice to go for the new guy that hasnt had his hands on the dirt at least shorter than the others and his views are very similar to ron paul far closer than the others and with mccain having ties with budwieser its gonna be less chance for the stance,
at least with obama he has the kind of conversations and analogys, point of vies , as i feel myself have , and common sence of joel liberman, i just am gonna vote for my first time as i thought a felon couldnt vote till i stop listening to what the " word on the street was , and actually researched it myself
thats what i do best is look for fair ness , and i cant help but have loyalty to obama and i dont even now him, but i do have a daughter that appears blac though she is mixed , and she gets straight a's has gone to school with the same people since 3rd grade and she cant catch a break, so its personal for me even though i was once along time ago what you would call a wigger if you were hating , am now on the oppositte spectrum , and i was always smart , i should have listened to my dad when he said that you can do any thing you want in a suite and tie , and not even be looked at but when you wear baggie jeans,,, urban wear you ask for trouble, it sucks .... and ive watched it the phycology of it is amazing , and being white the way i am now people dont even know how i view talk to me in a way about other races that i care not be apart of, i only have a couple of friend s and they are way older than me even a friend that always says that obama is a terrorist and i reply , then mccain is in the kkk, then i say that niether one of us can prove it , and niether is true


ItsGrowTime said:
Negro is a hated word now? Jeez, the racially divisive politics that Obama says he hates is becoming more and more apparent through out this campaign.

tex, you are correct that he says that however one thing I think should be considered is anyone's personal stance on the mmj issue and what is important to them personally. For someone that only cares about the feds raiding PATIENTS and PATIENTS getting safe access to mmj to use, even if it's at a drug store pharmacy, then Im sure Obama's view is acceptable and an improvement. But for anyone involved in the commercial side of it, like growers and dispensaries, Obama's view is just more of the same anti-mmj rhetoric that takes the control out of the people's hands. He said he wouldnt raid PATIENTS, he didnt say a thing about dispensaries or growers. Again, listen to what he says, not what you want to hear! I dont live in Cali or a med state so it doesnt really matter to me either way, but as a grower, I will only be satisfied by a president that acknowledges that the entire WoSD (War on Some Drugs) is a failure and wants to change that.

Well, thank you for replying without any name calling and for voicing your opinion professionally, and I can respect that. Obama's stance on medical marijuana is not the only think I like about him.

I think he is a bit more diplomatic than McCain, and I like that since so many foreigners are pissed at American Imperialism. Obama is for bringing the troops home, McCain is for perpetuating the war "as long as it takes." McCain is not against federal raids on medical marijuana patients, which I dislike. When asked about medical marijuana he blew off the people asking the question. I felt it was very inappropriate and rude. Even if McCain is against medical marijuana, he should at least have the common courtesy to hear a question and reply his opinion professionally.

I do not live in a medical marijuana state either. But I want to. Marijuana will not be legalized any time soon as there are too many people who grew up in an age of misinformation. Protecting medical marijuana users is a step in the RIGHT direction.

All of the politicians talk about protecting people from terrorism. What about protecting medical marijuana patients from prison? Hell, I think that is pretty important. They are legally using a prescribed substance by a doctor in their state, why should they have to go to jail? If Obama recognizes this, then I can recognize Obama.


gets some
I agree that his stance is an improvement, albeit a small one, over McCain's. I don't like McCain either though. I can't look past everything else Obama represents in order to vote for him simply on the issue of MMJ. Especially since its just a hope he keeps his promise, which politicians are not known to do. I like balanced budgets, affordable gas and food, my Glock pistol, etc. No way could I vote for a $250 billion deficit spender that wants to take away my 2nd amendment right, while pushing inflation so high that we turn into a 3rd world country. Feel free tho.


ItsGrowTime said:
I agree that his stance is an improvement, albeit a small one, over McCain's. I don't like McCain either though. I can't look past everything else Obama represents in order to vote for him simply on the issue of MMJ. Especially since its just a hope he keeps his promise, which politicians are not known to do. I like balanced budgets, affordable gas and food, my Glock pistol, etc. No way could I vote for a $250 billion deficit spender that wants to take away my 2nd amendment right, while pushing inflation so high that we turn into a 3rd world country. Feel free tho.

Affordable gas...

I've always heard the world's oil supply will dry up, and I worried what will happen then. I now think the world will be a better place when there is no more oil. America has too many smart, educated men and women not to have a solution for foreign oil dependence.

Edit - The economy has already sank. One thing to consider, the economy was doing much better under Bill Clinton, a Democrat, than it is under George Bush, a Republican.
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gets some
texsativa said:
Edit - The economy has already sank. One thing to consider, the economy was doing much better under Bill Clinton, a Democrat, than it is under George Bush, a Republican.

That's because of the war sending our country into hock to the Chinese. There is so little difference between D's and R's these days that I doubt it really matters which letter is next to their name. They all have the same governing philosophy. You can't possibly tell me that an Obama administration, that has been estimated to cost $250 billion for all his "programs" isn't going to just add to the problem. You can't replace one big spender with another big spender and expect different results.

EDIT: Btw, the reason the Clinton years were prosperous was, in large part, because he drew military spending overseas down substantially. Neither Obama nor McCain will do that. Plus, it's easy to forget that Bill signed NAFTA into law. He was out of office before NAFTA's damage really hit home by gutting our manufacturing and service industries. If you apply NAFTA's effects retroactively to Clinton, his terms weren't so shiny and prosperous. Even to the point where Hillary is now saying she opposed NAFTA behind closed doors (yeah right!) to distance herself from it in this campaign.
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Yo bluntman, hit me up when you get a chance, Im over at the cabana guerilla415

sorry to post this here but my new screename doesnt have pm priviliges :jerkit:

take care and stay safe

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ItsGrowTime said:
I just watched them. You really gotta pay attention to exactly what he says and not just take what you want to hear. He says he would regulate MMJ like any other doctor-prescribed drug. Guess what that means? BIG PHARMA in control of MMJ. You or I growing or selling for med needs would still be 100% illegal under federal law, just like it is now. He would legalize cultivation and sale for Merck or Pfizer, not you. As someone else mentioned, you can't cook up your own Oxycontin either. Dispensaries would still be illegal under federal law and your presciption doled out at your local pharmacy under FDA oversight. Obama is a master at speaking in such a way that people hear what they want to hear instead of hearing what he actually says. This is a perfect example.

While this is correct, and Obama's stance on MMJ is far from ideal, look at the alternatives.

Personally, I voted for Ron Paul in the primary, but he didn't get the nomination, so what we have left is basically Obama, or McCain.

McCain is against MMJ in all regards. He would continue the DEA raids, or increase them most likely. Obama has said publicly that the DEA raids would end under his Presidency. It isn't exactly what we want, but it is a step in the correct direction.

If marijuana moved from the same categorization as heroin, to the same as most prescription drugs, under Obama, and states maintained their own MMJ laws unabated, I would be ecstatic. Wouldn't you?


ItsGrowTime said:
That's because of the war sending our country into hock to the Chinese. There is so little difference between D's and R's these days that I doubt it really matters which letter is next to their name. They all have the same governing philosophy. You can't possibly tell me that an Obama administration, that has been estimated to cost $250 billion for all his "programs" isn't going to just add to the problem. You can't replace one big spender with another big spender and expect different results.

EDIT: Btw, the reason the Clinton years were prosperous was, in large part, because he drew military spending overseas down substantially. Neither Obama nor McCain will do that. Plus, it's easy to forget that Bill signed NAFTA into law. He was out of office before NAFTA's damage really hit home by gutting our manufacturing and service industries. If you apply NAFTA's effects retroactively to Clinton, his terms weren't so shiny and prosperous. Even to the point where Hillary is now saying she opposed NAFTA behind closed doors (yeah right!) to distance herself from it in this campaign.

That's where America messed up. If Obama's programs cost as much as the war, which I don't believe, I would rather have that money pumping into America than Iraq. Use that money for energy reform. Think how far we could have come becoming foreign oil independent if we spent all that money in research, development, and implementation.

Edit - Actually looking at a problem and coming up with a solution may be a bit too progressive for our government.

The problems America is in now is a result of poor leadership.
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I still cant figure out what all the fuss about Obama. I feel like people see him as a god but I can not figure out why?
This man voted to keep our troops in Iraq but yet he tells the public he will bring the troops home? He wasn't in office when the war started so he could say I was against it at the start. But you can't be against it when you vote to fund the war. Liar?
Obama says he is against the patriot act. He wasn't in office to vote for the original but when he was in office he voted to extend the patriot act. Liar? BTW the patrioct act eliminates A LOT of our CIVIL LIBERTIES.
Obama still wont take a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Iran off the table and he also said he would invade Pakistan to look for the terrorist. So hes no different when it comes to George Bush and the so called War On Terror.
Obama also wants to make the same government health care available and mandatory to everyone. Wait a minute... the same bullshit health care the government offered us for the past 35 years that has been a complete disaster wait, he wants to make it mandatory for everyone!!?!get the fuk outta here.
Obama wants to maintain a Federal Reserve system which causes all of the financial problems. The federal reserve system is the reason why we are suffering economically and I only heard 1 candidate talk about removing it and it wasn't Obama.
Obama wants to take away your constitutional right to bear arms. This amendment was created by our ancestors in order to protect ourselves from all enemies, foreign and domestic including our own government. What does Obama truly have up his sleeve? It sure doesn't sound like he wants a Constitutional Republic for the people.
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