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can you roll?


Jack Crevalle

It's like a new language. You're only going to get good at it with practice...lots of it..

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c



wow that bottom one is amazing big herb tree but on the top two the paper looks super thick for some reason. peace and love

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
they work as a support.. you roll your joints into the two supports and cross them with notch you cut into support... then wrap it all in papers.. they got tutorials on youtube.. its good time if ya got a hour or so and a buncha herb to roll up... i think i rolled over 10gs in that holy cross

Jack Crevalle

Those joints in the camel box were rolled with a machine, don't cheat.and that Holy cross? What the heck is the purpose of that?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Exactly...and if yah roll each with its own strain ..its liek a ganja mixer---i can also make potleaf joints---airplane joints--windmill joints...all kines of fun stuff.. more liek arts+craft than simply rolling ... ill get a link to videos if your interested

Jack Crevalle

It doesn't matter how well you roll one...you still need a roachclip...
You obviously are a noob, I have filters in all mine js, even in A'dam they know what's up and sell books of filters, holler..


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Filters ...? FILTERS?!? Oh the Humanity! The terrorists have won.

Learned this from a strange Brit in a bar that I never met again (insert Twighlight Zone Theme here)

The secret was two piles. When pressed between thumb and forefinger, the piles spread towards both ends and center leaving one smooth tube.

1) Two piles
2) Roll up
3) Roll down (optional, repeat steps 2 & 3)
4) Roll all the way up
5) Lick and seal
6) Crimp ends as desired



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Lancet-Percy said:
Nice Baccas! My buds and I used to twist out the tobacco from cigarettes and fill the cig back up with herb, stuffing the end with tobacco of course. Works well in a lot of social situations.
In the old days cigarettes were rolled in paper that wouldn't extingush. Once lit, the cig would burn to the end whether you hit on it or not. Obviously, this is wasteful with weed.

Recently, at least here in the States, cigs have been made self extinguishing. You have to hit on it to keep it going. What I don't know is if the change is in the paper or the tobacco. Point being, unless it's purely for stealth reasons, find a paper that isn't self burning.

Collie Man

I have rolled blunts for sooo long I have mastered it with my EYES CLOSE!!! Next is rolling it behind my back balancing on a soccerball! But seriously if the blunt isnt dry there is no reason to fuck up. I think blunts are easier to roll then joints...

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Jack Crevalle said:
You obviously are a noob, I have filters in all mine js, even in A'dam they know what's up and sell books of filters, holler..
Not really... :nono:

...back in the 'Nam 1967...we would dump the tobacco out of cigarettes and stuff them with weed and tear the filter OFF. There was a lot of places in the world then, that didn't have rolling papers handy.... :badday:...and it was hard to keep papers dry.

and I still use a roachclip.... :headbange


lives on planet 4:20
freezerboy...awesome pics with instructions...that should help many people who dont know how to roll...especially the two pile part...sinec if you make it all one pile all that weed gets in the middle and you get a joint that is fat in the middle


Active member
I can roll. I notice pinners are much more efficient because you don't burn as much THC away.....but rather it's vaporized (sounds funny, but vaporizing doesn't just happen in a vape)....while in a pipe or huge joint, you're just destroying more THC than you would with a pinner. :rasta:

Jack Crevalle

Filters ...? FILTERS?!? Oh the Humanity! The terrorists have won.

You guys are dumb as fuck, filters are not cigarrette foam filters, they are cardboard crutches that act as roaches. Not many people can roll and put a nice cardboard crutch in the joint. The Dutch are great at it, and it is common there...

...back in the 'Nam 1967...we would dump the tobacco out of cigarettes and stuff them with weed and tear the filter OFF. There was a lot of places in the world then, that didn't have rolling papers handy.... ...and it was hard to keep papers dry.

and I still use a roachclip

Not foam filters, cardboard crutches, sorry man, 21rst century, I know that when you get old, new stuff is just alien..
Here's a homemade one I found on google..



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Cardboard? CRUTCHES? Oh the Humanity. The terrorists have won again.

Crutches? I ain't got no crutches. I don't need no stinkin' crutches. Crutches are for cripples. :wave: