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I would like to make a suggestion to you as far as temp control. There is an extremely efficient piece of AC equipment that you can purchase that is called a MINI SPLIT you can contact any local heating and AC supply house and purchase one. They can be installed directly into the grow room on the wall and work incredibly well. They are hugely efficient and quiet. They are not cheap but well worth the expense and operate on a thermostat just like a regular central air unit. If you over size it a bit to accomodate for the additional heat generated by the lights you should have no problem controlling temps. Good luck on your challenging grow.


Registered Cannabis User
lol hey guyz, im actually walkin out the door to go get the shit right now! I dont know when ill have pics, due to the fact that my personal computer is broke! It will be worth the wait. Oh and by the way, i think im gonna do 2 4x8's with ocean forest and pbp, and 1 4x8 ebb n flow with coco pots with the lucas formula. Im doin mostly soil just in case the hydro fails!


Registered Cannabis User
REZDOG said:
After all this time, I'd be up & running.

Time's wasting.

Ok, i have a broken vehicle, no computer most of the time, this is my first relativley large grow, and im not grow master like you rez. Theres no doubt in my mind that youd be up and runnin by now, but im not you man, i couldnt even compare. Im not rushin this anymore, i really wanna get it right. It will be well worth the wait i promise! So keep up with the suggestions everyone they are helping a bunch!! :rasta:


Registered Cannabis User
oh and by the way guys, im gonna unplug every appliance and anything that uses electricity in the house so my bill is somewhat reasonable. The house just has the reg old style electric meter. Wont it look obvious that i have 7x600's running from 5pm to 5am? and then when those are off i will only have 2 400's mh's goin in the veg. Can they tell at what times u use power if u have the reg old electric meters? This has really been a concern of mine..


I find 8 pm to 8 am is the time of day (or night heh) when the ambient environment is coolest and electricity is not at peak rates. Also, there's no very little chance of a meter reading coming around at those hours I would think. Just .02 I don't think it makes too much of a difference as long as you're running roughly nighttime hours for all the lights.



Active member
skylined said:
I find 8 pm to 8 am is the time of day (or night heh) when the ambient environment is coolest and electricity is not at peak rates. Also, there's no very little chance of a meter reading coming around at those hours I would think. Just .02 I don't think it makes too much of a difference as long as you're running roughly nighttime hours for all the lights.


8pm to 8am is my current schedule..
Smurfin, i came across your thread a while ago but never posted in it, most people that rush through shit end up paying for it in the end so just take your time get shit setup and do it right :joint:



Im not rushin this anymore, i really wanna get it right.
That's the way to do it! You can push but be prepared for long days, redoing things and purchasing additional equipment while the grow is going to get it dialed in better. I'm glad you're cutting down the total wattage to start.

As Skylined said I'd run 8 to 8 whether an open or closed system. Don't worry if an old style meter.

As for the Ocean Forest...I don't like it straight...it's just too dense for me. I switched from hydro to organics in soil and ended up with a blend of about 65% OF and 35% mostly coco with some perlite. I think it'll work much better. I'm glad you're gonna do mostly soil first time around as it's much more forgiving.


Registered Cannabis User
Thx for the advice guys, I just picked up the 7 flowering lights today! It was a stack taller than me!! It really hit me at that point! I have a question about the veg, its going to be a 4x8 table (pretty stuffed). I will probly have some moms on the floor right next to the table also. How much metal halide light will i need for all this in veg? I know light doesnt need to be very intense in the veg state, so would i be pushin it to use 2 1k's in the veg, while still using the 7x600's in the flower room in a 1,100 sq.ft. ranch? is that too much wattage? + fans+a/c+dehumidifier etc...

oh and btw, i asked my hydro guy how much a palate(60bags) of ffof would be and he said somethin like just under 12 bucks a bag=$720 per palate! From the prices ive seen anywhere else, that sounds right up my alley. especially since i just got 50 clones rooted for outdoor season too! Im putting a lot of trust into the ffof this year!
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Registered Cannabis User
ok... so its been two days and no posts, so i have another question for you guys... Since dehumidifiers put off heat, how am i suppose to vent that heat out of the room? Dehumidifiers (around here at least) dont come with a heat venting setup like a portable a/c would. So how do u guys deal with that? Do you just let the a/c unit fight the heat of the dehumidifier? I was told that i will need a humidifier from someone in this forum, but i just cant see it getting too dry in a 165 sq.ft. room with 128 sq.ft. of plants. Maybe im wrong, if so fill me in please.


Active member
The heat from a dehumidifier should be easily handled by the AC or exhaust.

Be sure to use that water for your plants, as it is distilled.

My location is very dry, so I don't use a dehumidifier, but when I run an ac, I plumb the condensate directly to my rez.


Is this a closed or open system? I've used a dehumidifier during the off cycle in an open system with no air flow. Heat output is not significant. You're AC should be a bit oversized anyway and should have no problem countering any heat generated. I've never run a closed system but from what I understand the AC should take down some of the humidity which is really more a problem at lights off when the room is cooler. If an open system running a dehumidifier during lights on is useless.

All of the equipment should be a bit oversized to give you a bit of a cushion and also your equipment won't work so hard. It's usually not that much more to step up to the next sized whatever. I bought a 50 pint dehumidifier and would have been better served with a 70 for only a few more $.

The canopy area you're planning on running is almost exactly what I had 2 setups ago...I downsized after that. I didn't run a dehumidifier in that setup and relied on air flow lights off. Sometimes I pulled air from outside and sometimes from inside the house.


Registered Cannabis User
Ok its gettin there! I have all the electrics run, all the lights,movers and stuff are there. How would any of you guys cool the 7 x 600watt lights in a 11' x 15' room? How many fans and what size? The daystar ac's are 6in..

Is it true, that the more cfms you have moving thru your hoods, then the closer you can put the hoods to the canopy? Or does it just have to do with how cool the air is that is moving thru the hoods is? What im trying to say is, when cooling hoods, what is the main factor, air speed or air temp, or both...? And what works best..., pushing, or pulling air thru your hoods, or both?
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Registered Cannabis User
thx gregor! i figured. So I read in another thread that a 6'' fan will move 200cfm thru a 3 foot section of ducting, so does this mean that it will only move 100cfm's thru a 6 foot length of ducting? meaning if you had 6 foot of ducting that you would need a 400cfm fan? Also, i have 7x 6in coolable hoods, and i wanna hook an 8in 747cfm fan at each end (one pulling and one pushing). Is this a waste to use two fans, will one do the same job? And i read that if I use a bigger fan than the ducting size, that it will not cool the lights as efficiently/correctly as the size that matches the ducting. is this still true if its a long chain of lights? So if i hooked up an 8in fan to some 6in hoods and duct, then i wouldnt be able to use all of its rated cfm's? Im real confused, can someone clear this up for me and possibly reccommend a fan/fans and light setup for cooling them? Ive only ever had to cool 2 600's....thx


Registered Cannabis User
So its been some time and i bet you guys thought this was one of those "CONCEPTUAL" grows. I have been busy with some outdoor...

But if you recall i told you that when i put my mind to something, i do it!! Ladies and gentlemen, and Rez, may i present to you my idea come to life...

SO, thx for all the help guys. And I will soon have a thread on it when i get some free time. And that goes for the outdoor also. Hope you enjoy the pics! Peace!


smurfin'herb said:
Ok the title says it all. I have ranch style house at my disopal, and 10 g's.I MUST HAVE THIS UP AND RUNNING IN TWO WEEKS!

Talk about procrastination :joint:

Glad you took your time, and good luck! Don't listen to the haters, your mothers/clones looked nice. You are a good parent, do your thing =)

always safety for #1

always safety > money

Safety first and last

Trust your gut, don't freak about paranoia....there is a difference.

You got this!

edit- just looked closely at the pic, you need to cover that window. and not with a towel or curtain, do it proper and good. don't skimp on security
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Eugene Oregon
This looks like a clean and efficient grow for sure man, good ideas and it will pay off in the end with those quality buds you will be growing.

HA,way too high right now on some GOOBERRY!