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wattup nz,just poppin by to smoke a rillo with ya holmz.peace yo,keep it pimpin-Y-


New member
Looking hella good and tropical NZJ, Got my popcorn ready. Soo your just using the shape n size of an average bunk bed? What I had walking around in my head was like this. Instead of doing it like that Build about a 5-6ft box "Hollow" so you can rest your bed matress on it. Then have all your dirty work beneith your sleeping quarters. But good looking stuff Can't wait to see it in a month!



Subscribed! Looks like another great grow from my favorite Kiwi grower!

BTW- I've used a mix of FFOF and Black gold before and liked it--the BG was lighter in color and density than the FFOF and stretched it nicely. I also added dolomite lime and mychorrizae, but no blood or bone meal. It worked great, but I did eventually fertilize on it. Still, I think you're set up for a very good grow.




Crazy Hazy lets Blazey!: sup my good man. i cant wait to see the bag at the end of this too! :) thanx for dropping good.. glad you sticking around.

Khaleel: nice of you to show up eventually! lol slacker. you're too busy kicking girls out of your bedroom to visit huh?? yeah yea.. i know how it is!
remember, BROS before HOES dude!!
Speaking of beans. expect to see them soon... like... 2-3 days :D

RipOG: heya mate. thanx for dropping in! id love to share some Urkle with ya mate.. but sadly its all up in smoke already! lol.
i smoke too much weed....... dammit.

good man good man.. keep poppin'.

Kirk: hahah yeah, it would be sick if i could actually sleep somewhere on the bed too.
sadly, im a tall boy, and 6ft length would be very uncomfortable!
even if i wasnt growing in it, i still wouldnt sleep in it :)
Bunkbeds best use: to grow in! :D
a month couldnt pass quick enough .. heheh. thanx for droppin in!

Mole: fav kiwi grower huh?? lol.. be honest now... how many Kiwi growers do you actually KNOW! lol....
glad ya sub'd up.
yeah i like the mix. they seem to work well together and balance each other well.

A NEW PEICE FOR A NEW THREAD: hits like a champ.



So, cruzed around town today, picked up a few new things.
like a shovel for the upcoming outdoor adventure :D

also looked into things il need in the near future.
like with 1200 watts burning now, temps are something i have to watch..
for now, i get by with keeping everyone in veg with only 600 watts burning until the sun goes down, then i can open a window in my bedroom, and turn the other 600 on. sits at 77 even with 1200 burning. but still, this isnt summer. so i would certainly expect to have heat issues at some point.
i looking at a nice 5,000 BTU A/C unit. this little cute puppy is only $100... and im pretty sure next time in town, ill be bring one home with me to install onto the side of the bunkbed somewhere.

with that small AC kicking direct into the room, i wouldnt think it would have to work very hard, and it saves from having to install a 23,000 BTU AC in the Bedroom window, and try to keep my intire bedroom cool.

also... i WILL be getting co2 boost some point during this grow. :)
if temps are gonna sit at 75-84 then i think its just too perfect NOT to get co2 in and let it do its thing too.

i noticed i can get them on Ebay for the same price my hydro store was selling them for. my hydro store is $30 gas away. so looks like ill be getting it from ebay :)

thats about it. dunno when ill update... prolly when i go day 1 in flower... which might be this weekend!

Peace everyone! glad to have you ALL on board!

D Rock

Looking Great!

Rep added for those glass presses. Those are sweet! How do you keep them green and keep them from dying? The reason I ask is because I have attempted this and only came up with a dead leaf that molded.
Will be watching this grow.


nice new piece nz,looks like you put in some dank too,one pic the bowls all clear-next pic its a O G hehe.cant wait to see how you put the ac on.this bunkbeds gonna be off the hook!co2,ac,whats next yo a couple farmhands to help;)open the bunk and see some oompa loompas in there,
"were here to do the gardnin 4 you,oompa doompa doopity dee,smoke up some of that purple NZ" lol peace my man,this is gonna be a slammin thread yo i know it-Y-
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MMMMMMM purple :muahaha:

nice upgrade and even gave me some great ideas.Ty for all the good info and ur :headbange for answering so many Q's.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
I'm looking forward to seeing what you're gonna do outside Jay. Should be awesome too. :D


NZjay said:
Khaleel: nice of you to show up eventually! lol slacker. you're too busy kicking girls out of your bedroom to visit huh?? yeah yea.. i know how it is!
remember, BROS before HOES dude!!
Speaking of beans. expect to see them soon... like... 2-3 days :D

hahaha well, i sat around for six months, turning ass down left and right, waiting for my baby's mama to tell me she wanted to get back together, only to watch her get more and more bitchy towards me the closer we get to having the baby. so whatever, i know we will at least get along for the baby's sake, both mature enough so no worries there... but i'm single now whether i like it or not. might as well like it. ;) ("returrrrn of the mac") :pimp3: lol

i can't wait for those beans. probably won't get them in the dirt for another few weeks, have to wait until the G3xTW get switched over, but the urkle will be my main focus once they are underground. fingers crossed for at least 3 girls... right now i am planning on veg'ing them about six-eight weeks before flipping, we should see a monster show. bwahaha-ahaha-ahaha!


p.s. no shit, i posted right after i read your last post on the old thread, and it was already page 2!!! someone is getting pretty popular around here... you deserve it man :rasta:


oh man... talk about my crazy assed luck.

someone is coming over to inspect the house to do a "weatherization"? on the house?...

basically means he will go into every room, and want to look at windows etc. to seal the house better (coz its freezin cold here... old house - crap insulation)

so now gotta find out when they are coming, and plan to put all my girls outside for a day or 2. break the bed and veg room down so this room looks like a normal bedroom again!... dammit!
what a pain in the ass, but thank god they are still in veg, and are small though.
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Weatherization? in summer?

I have some crappy windows here, I use that shrink plastic come fall


i guess they were meant to be here last year, BEFORE winter... now winter is over, of course they are keen to do it... ..


...and im outa weeed!

.................................................... fark!


dam nz ,i know exactly how you feel.i went thru that whole break it down put itback up thing too yo.you shouldnt have too much trouble though,and atleast you dont have to sacrifice none.yup just find out when theyre comin and ur in there.gl bro peace-Y-

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Still, how would you test for cracks and drafts when it probably the same temp out as in

How can you be out of weed, did you just not crop?


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Out already? :biglaugh: I feel for you mate. You must have blazed that urkle pretty fast. Go check the kitchen cupboard :smoke:


Awesome idea, I'll be chillin and watchin this one with the rest of the peeps :wave: :friends:


Y: yeah man.. shoudlnt be too much of a problem.. other than now ill have to go for another drive and get some poly to redo the intire bed all over again.

oh well, im over it already coz this time, ill already have the co2, and the A/C unit sitting next to me, so ill do it ALL from scratch.
i guess the good news is you guys will get to see this time now i have a decent camera. lol

Dog: i honestly have NO IDEA how or what they do. ive honestly never heard of this before... figuring its just another American thing to somehow make more money. *shrug*
im just going along with it. as you know, not my house.

lucky the weather is beautiful for a temporary outdoor move.
heck, if they do that well out there, i might leave them out there, and just clone then and fill the bed with Urkles :)

now theres an idea!
and yes i cropped a few weeks back, only 5oz. though and i had to sell a couple so i could pay for the latest upgrades! you know how it is...
but... i refuse to buy BS weed that i dont even get high off. so i get im going cold turkey for a while.
fuck it.

i dont care!
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
a little detox now and then is good for ya, makes you appreciate it more

I take having bud for granted, it would be weird not having any for two months or so

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