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Male plants



:badday: So I had this new Strain I wanted to try. Was under 18/6 6 weeks I did all kinds of lsting and training had 3 very healthy plants all bushy and just beautiful plants. I put them in 13/11 March 21st all 3 of them fucking males :spank: how do you guys determine sex of plants from seed to keep from putting all that work and effort in to a piece of shit? thanks and peace :rasta:


Active member
Bummer man. What i do is start about twice as many plants as i want to end up with. For example, if i want to flower 5 females i will start 10 to 12 seeds. Maybe not the best way of doing it, but it has worked good for method of growing.

Can you keep a mother plant?
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clearcutter said:
Bummer man. What i do is start about twice as many plants as i want to end up with. For example, if i want to flower 5 females i will start 10 to 12 seeds. Maybe not the best way of doing it, but it has worked good for method of growing.

Can you keep a mother plant?
Yeah I took clones before putting them 13/11 But they have all went the way of the Dinosaurs. It was a new strain But not a real problem I got more seed :rasta:


Anime n Stoner Aficionado
hate to hear that georgiagreen! however, i thought that was the unfortunate inherent problem in startin w/ seeds, like why clonin is so handy. i have been readin where folks are tryin hormones(some from rotting bananas) but imo it seems a tad odd. just not seen enough to convince me i guess. if there is somethin that truely helps i too would like to know.


asa42 said:
hate to hear that georgiagreen! however, i thought that was the unfortunate inherent problem in startin w/ seeds, like why clonin is so handy. i have been readin where folks are tryin hormones(some from rotting bananas) but imo it seems a tad odd. just not seen enough to convince me i guess. if there is somethin that truely helps i too would like to know.
What did you hear about the rotting bananas because I am about to start some more tonight and I have some bananas in the kitchen that the kids haven't ate and have turned brownish in spots and I think there is 1 or two in the fridge that they ate half of that have turned bad and I need to put them in my compost if there is no better use for them?


Anime n Stoner Aficionado
supposedly they emit female hormones & some feel if ya place the naner near the plant it will take em in & increace the female ratio.


Man sorry to hear about the males.
What are the odds?(just a retorical question).

Well your last seeds are bound, to have some ladies in them.
Get 'em in the dirt :smoke:


yeah man..bummer on the males.
get a magnifiying glass at wally world or radio shack.
it helps to get upclose to those pre-flowers.
females look like teardrops at first.
then put out 2 hairs.
males look round and are suported by a tiny stem.
iv'e found that males show sex before the female.

female preflower...


Get two birds stoned at once
Play the odds and expect males and dead seeds. You can start low numbers of seeds like one or two but you cant count on sex lol. So only start few seeds when you have other things going.


Breeder Betty said:
Start veg at 24on, then go to 18/6 and the females and males will be noticable.
With a small plant from seed I have never been able to tell sex until 2 mo. or more of vegetative growth and then the preflowers are hard to see I can always make out the nanners though, but the way I like to add a strain to my garden is to clone best 2 out of 3 type deal usually I grow a plant 6 weeks veg I do, do the 24 7 lights on until the germinated seed has rooted or taken a root (stands up seed shell comes off )and I see the leaves with the 3 fingers start to show under a floro Tube ,,,, Then I go 18/6 and make a bushy plant to clone after it has gotten really bushy with long side shoots I take a clone from each, then flower them if its a female I start the bonzi deal with clones I took, then lets say 2 of them where female the one that grew the best Yield, taste, and the way the plant looked. is a keeper, then when I have space I can do a SOG of them :rasta: Thanks for your help are you saying if I keep them in veg 24 on for longer lets say 3-4 weeks then go 18/6 I will get preflowers on a young seedling? I veged some one time the whole time under 24on and when I transplanted I could tell A Big difference in root mass from when I did the same under 18/6 24/0= less root mass I am stoned sorry for the rant peace n love Betty

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