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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!




welcome to the thread, I really like your set-up and hope those beans end up coming to you. How are you liking the LR2's so far. Keep us posted.



when am I going to be able to post some pics???? its been a couple days now :cuss:
Saelin said:
good morning children!!! perhaps its my inclination to not trust people who post such uninformed and sketchy questions as the fruit that threw a temper tantrum and left after I spoke my mind. it looks worse when you claim to have no way of getting nuggets, begging on the boards cause you feel sick? Thats pathetic. I've had an autoimmune disorder for half of my life, I don't beg like this guy did. Don't forget who'se posted their own shots, and didn't run away when they were called out. There are folks on here who have gifted me things because of my illness not because I begged, so sue me, I have a low opinion of people who show up and within a month start posting like that dude did. So back the hell off, I've got enough to deal with throwing up every morning from the 6-mp i'm forced to take. People as sick as me don't get onto the police force genius. Also why I'm not haunting the boards like most of y'all.

btw, thanks for all your positive thoughts guys All I did was make an observation. he had every chance to defend himself. You however, did give me and my friends a chuckle calling me a cop though. That made my day.
Much appreciated since I spend most of it in pain from my bleeding digestive tract. (don't mistake this for a guilt trip, its part of being sick, it sucks but thats life) :joint:


Hahaha i'm not begging my friend,I was stating a fact.I didn't dissapear I just have a sick 5yo daughter I tend to that is FAR more important than this BS. I was just calling it as I saw it,doesn't mean I'm right or wrong. I didn't realize that I would be offending an OG like yrself..... :bow: ..where are my manners?
I AM new to growing bud,but not consuming it. I spent most of my time w/my family and fungi.
BTW there were no 'gifts',that's not allowed.I'm sure my donators can attest that the opposite is true. Honestly though,who cares.If I'm a little late to respond oh well but there's a pair of hairy cheeks here w/SAELIN written all over 'em.

To everyone else,didn't mean to kill the vibe we've had going but biting my toungue isn't my style.Keep up the good work,as will I.....back to the GREEN
You thought HE was or I was? :bashhead: I'm confused a bit too since I was replying to his original dumb comment about AO,and somehow I became a beggar posting fake pics(??).who knows BABYMAMADRAMA
pics are all f'ed up tonight,try again in am I guess.......let the mycellium run....theres a humungusfungusamongus


i finally took strawberry cough pics the other day and i still can't share what i've been drooling over. Also i have pics of new plants i am going to be flowering after the ScrOG is done. Can't wait to post, if they'll ever let me




one more thing,

I love all you east coasters sharing the goodness and i am grateful that i don't feel like a criminal anymore after joining this site. I will never ask for anything or ask people to do things differently but I do have an idea to keep this thread peaking. Lets keep this thread a DRAMA FREE ZONE!!!

smellmyfinger, you obviously have a lot to offer not only to this thread but the whole site and i am sure i don't only speak for myself when i say i truly appreciate the work you do. Please though, drop it about AO, he obviously hasn't come back and wont', people got scared, the thread hasn't seemed the same since, and i hate to see how it keeps dropping. (I am in no way shape or form trying to blame you for this).

I just enjoy seeing this thread on top because anytime someone looks at this site around the world they see MA/CT/RI growers unite and when they see that we do not play games and are serious about smoking top quality nugs, it should make us all feel extemely proud that we can hang with the best of them. Lets not scare people away from this thread with the drama, but rather lets get back to our roots of helping one another and being respectful because thats the kind of people we are.

Please no one take offense to my comments i just want to see this thread thrive again!


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none taken Gratephul,no worrries,I was originally just having a lil fun beaten the long-dead horse and when I saw that comment back I got heated. 2hrs. sleep after taking E for the 1st time in a WHILE(wheres that paper????)and it was really good btw. but sleep-dep,sick kids and grumpy moods prevailed....i did feel better though so go figure!!!
No bad vibes from me,just ordered my Aug16th Ratdog/Allmans ticket so I'm counting the months! Harvest in 2 weeks,and going to my wife and I's place in Playa Del Carmen Mexico for 2 weeks in April so I'm all fired up with goodness!!
You're right tho,drama sux and it's done.
Now whens Phil coming this way???????


Gratephul I fell wat u saying man i just want to get back on wit some pics.

smellmyfinger Don't even worry about it cause anybody would a got heated.I'm sorry to hear about your sick daughter too man.

The weather did suck ass today cause now i'm f**king sick
Thanks IPWC she's better now. I'm psyched now cuz Bobby and Ratdog are coming to Casino in NH May 31 and Phils at Pavillion in Boston w/Leon Helms Band June 16th....yeehaw!!!!! look for me w/the fungi


WOOOO HOOO we can post again!

These pic were taken about 5 days ago, im gonna have update pics of the ScrOG tomorrow but here is what i'll be working with.

The strawberry cough

Top 2 on the left are white russians to the right is a ECSD under them is
5 S-99's and under them are 2 MTG X SD

The ScrOG

The top 5 cups are Strawberry Cough's and the bottom 2 are GDP

A good friend of mine saved me seeds of this bud he smoked at school because he said it was amazing. Supposedly it's a Hash Plant X Big Bud that an older man breed himself. I want to say i believe him because i've know the kid for 15 + years and the beans he gave me were beautiful looking. He gave me 6 of them and they all shot up




hey gratephul4thc i'm in the same soup 50 posts damn!, i wish 4 a early spring. bros its freakin 30degrees out here.


Active member
Looking sweet gratephul4thc. Would like to see what you end up with out of those hashplant x bigbud beans. I still have some beans I found in a bud of some OG.