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Who will be in the Dam in mid April (4/20)


ICMag Donor
it would be good for all of us hash lovers to get together for a big hash session around the 420 sometime
just import smokes we found in amsterdam and elsewhere
mr haze capt bb bh and everyone else who loves import hash
what do you guys reckon


Cheers groovy, I'm writing a book actually. No about ganja tho...

Hey ojd, I like the sounds of a hash smokeout a lot! I would only be able to bring a lil bit of homemade hash tho, not seen anything but the worst soapbar in the Uk for a long time, I live in the ass end of nowhere fo it's rare as owt round here to see any hash other than soapbar. Maybe I can be excused if I bring some sativa buds instead? lol

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
I hope things work themselves out....

we had been planning a get together when the cup was called off...And will still be doing something I'm sure...
A lot of people only seem to be coming to town for a couple days just for the cup and we will need to find out peoples dates(or what's compatible) to work something out....I will be in pretty early so it's up to you guys if you want to get a coffeeshop crawl or get together planned...

I'm not sure about the Greenhouse buds as I have never been there but I can say one thing for sure and thats the fact that that new shop looks KILLER!!!Thats a nice place!!!Be a hell of a place for all the cup attendees to get together for the closing of the cup festivities...

Take care fellas...............................................CC


My dad may have solved the car problem, he discovered he could save a load of money if he didn't have his own car insurance and instead listed himself on my insurance, it has the added advantage that I can drive his cars if I need to anytime. Not that he's ever let me drive any vehicle of his apart from a landrover that was already beaten up. Anyways, he's paid half of the insurance and I am having the car MOTed today and fingers crossed they won't find anything wrong and it will only cost me the 40 quid for the MOT itself. The road tax isn't due till the end of April, so I don't have to pay it till just after the cup, so there is some light at the end of the tunnel. The flight is paid for, the hotel is 100 euros and I pay for that when I arrive, car parking at the airport is gonna be 39 quid, so i reckon if I save all my pennies I should be abe to make it alright now.

I've made some nice pieces of pressed dry sift for a collection of really nice trim and popcorn buds - Trainwreck, Sour Diesel, Blueberry x Zamalhaze, Purple Afghan x Cheese and Mexican so should be some interesting flavours, I just mixed all the trim together as I like hash to have a complex taste and effect, I'll exercise willpower and save it for out hash smokeout.

Monday 21st would be a good day to organise a coffeeshop crawl I reckon, I fly out at 9.30pm so have the whole day free.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
See there BH,Karma has a way of working for the worthy!!!!Damn glad to hear it's gonna work out...We are going to have a blast...That pic of that Rifman Habibi is calling my name...At least thats one they can't pull the switcharoo on you with....

I'm taking it your Diesel is from the IBL?
I have some of the ECSD cut I can save for the trip and see how they are compared to each other...I have only tried 1 example of the IBL which was quite nice indeed!
I also have an S1 Trainwreck that is ready to be picked that I might have to send over...Prolly 12 to 14 grams of the craziest looking sativa flowers...Crazy strange odor...I'll see if I can get a pick this afternoon before the chop...That Strawberry Creme is crazy odorous!Should be ready in 2 weeks...A really nice Bubba Kush is just about ready as well...Maybe 7 to 10 days of flush under the boomers should take care of that.....

A crawl set for the 21st will work for me as well....I am supposed to fly out on the afternoon of the 22nd but may extend for a few more days...

Karma Genetics

I was planning going back in the morning off the 21e. But maybe i will take a later train
and go on the tour with you guys. Sure sounds like a good end off. Only a few weeks looking forward to meeting you guys.


Yup, my SD is the IBl by Rez. Be nice to compare to the cut as Rez reckons the tall pheno of the IBL I had is a dead ringer for the cut but with better structure. Be nice to compare TW as well.

A crawl on the 21st sounds great to me, anyone who's staying longer than that can have whatever stash I have left by that point with pleasure, no way am I taking anything home with me, customs love me for some reason, often get searched.


Well-known member
the triple xxx is the so called morocaan ice, more lke jelly. oil and polm mixed. saw some the other day, has a very impressive look, but not my cup of tea. give me the old school hash anyday


I was planning tilburg on the 19th morning to see what they have to offer down there...some of the pics on the Toermalijn website look well nice:




double diamond




nepali pollen


and then there's the scary sheeit

jack-haze ice

jelly ice :crazy:

it'd be cool for me to go on the coffeeshop crawl with you connoisseurs to hear your opinions on the strains available...anyone have any knowledge of Topweazle? I seem to remember it was moppel recommended but it looked a bit difficult for my mangled brain to find the last time i was over hehe. I'd be up for headin out Katsu way if you guys are up for it cos that Papillon shop also sounds interesting...man i can't wait


ICMag Donor
yeah like mr h said nice

i like the looks of the first 2 and last 2 hashes
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yeah the photo's certainly are a bit spesh eh? (but then so are some of the ones you've posted mr, hehe)...so d'ye reckon it's worth me takin a train trip on the saturday morning? As i don't grow (yet) and am basically just a bit of a stoner i thought i might try and get some nice goodies to share with the serious heads back in the 'dam...and i'm always up for seein new places and tbh the dam on a saturday can be a bit too crowded for my tastes, i've only been twice on the weekend and the troops of pissed up stag parties just weren't my cup of tea....just out of interest, is the city noticeably busier because of 420, like in november or is it more just local stoners who fill the streets? what about the coffeeshops? is availability/quality affected by the occasion?
yeah ojd the first afghan looks mental eh? and the jelly stuff? ohmygolly :headbange
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Hi booforever,

A trip to Tilburg and to Toermalijn sounds good - I'll be in that area on the morning of the 19th, as I'm staying in Eindhoven the night before.

Unlike hazyfonty, I'm up for an early start, lol, and what time were you thinking of arriving in Tilburg?

I can be there quite early, but not too early, lol.

Another ICMagger is possibly going to be with me, so it would be a great meet up, and I'm also very interested in the hash available there :D



HI BB, i get into schiphol bout 8.30 i think so i was gonna get into the dam and drop of my bags and hoped to jump a train for no later than 11 so i guess i'd be lookin at gettin there for half twelve oneish i spose...not real early but i figured i'd spend the afternoon there and head back up north for 6-7 depending on whats happenin in Tilburg, SativaSoul provided some links in his smoke report thread: http://www.icmag.com/ic/links.php?u...uk.com/Database/Streets/NBrabant.html#Tilburg
and it looks like there are a few places not too far from each other, and as i've mentioned Hamsterdam on a saturday ain't really my cup of tea so i would be up for havin a stoned stroll about, weather permitting...it'd be cool to wander about with some other hash lovers so sounds like a plan matey :rasta:
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Hi boo,

Ok cool, Saturday afternoon in Amsterdam isn't really my cup of tea either, as it's too packed.

I like buds, and will get some decent flowers in Eindhoven as I need them to smoke the hash with, as I don't smoke baccy, but what really floats my boat is the top quality import hashes :cool: ....so full of flavour, taste and also potency in the better examples.

Thanks for the links - I've read the coffeeshop.freeuk reviews before and Toermalijn seems to be the best in Tilburg - I'm sure we'll find some great hash there :yummy: and I also like to have a wander round, so that's cool too, and maybe we will find some other good smoke as well.

I had a look at the trains on ns.nl - there are 2 types of service between A'dam and Tilburg, one you change once and the other twice, so it's better to get the one where you only have to change once, at Hertogenbosch, rather than at Utrecht as well. The times are 10:37-12:05, or 11:07-12.35 from A'dam Centraal, your choice m8, but the sooner you get to Tilburg the sooner the hash feast starts, LoL :smoker:

If anyone else is up for joining us, they're more than welcome ;)



Hey BB, sounds like a plan...i think the flyingpig had a check-in of 11 so i'll see if i can check in earlier, if not i'll just take me bag with me, i'm only in town for 3+1/2 days so should be travelling light...cheers for the heads up on the trains, i'da prolly just stumbled down centraal station and woulda been p'ing about tryin to find out so cheers for that. Yeah the weed should be good down south aswell, hopefully there'll be some of the legendary A5/C5 haze i've heard so much about, hehe i saw C5 somewhere in the 'dam on the day we were leavin and never had the chance to try it. Bit more than 5 weeks to go eh? Can't wait.
Cheers buddy, have a good weekend.


Hi boo,

Ok cool, you're welcome for the train info, and here is the itinery for the train at 10:37, for example:

10:37 leave Amsterdam Centraal from Platform 5
11:36 arrive at Hertogenbosch at Platform 6

11:50 leave Hertogenbosch from Platform 7
12:05 arrive at Tilburg

If you choose to take the later train at 11:07, you can find all the details at: www.ns.nl

You know, it's such a coincidence you mention A5 Haze, as that's exactly what I was thinking too! Great minds think alike eh? LoL

I've been meaning to try that bud since ~2001 when I first read about it on Overgrow, from two Dutch growers from Arnhem, they were called 'k2k' and 'dutchmaster' I believe and they were grow partners growing big A5 clones and other Dutch clones including K2.

So, maybe we will finally get to try it, as I read on coffeeshop.freeuk that Toermalijn had it last year....and hopefully this year too :)

The Wall coffeeshop in Eindhoven also has some nice hazey buds, and I'll be sure to bring some of those along to Tilburg too :)

Yes m8, only 5 weeks to go, and I'm very much looking forward to it - it will be a cool trip for sure :cool:

Cheers to you too, and you have a good weekend as well :)

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booforever: just out of interest, is the city noticeably busier because of 420, like in november or is it more just local stoners who fill the streets? what about the coffeeshops? is availability/quality affected by the occasion?

Btw, in answer to your q's - I've been at 420 before, and apart from a few more American tourists, it's no busier than usual, and certainly nothing like the HTCC in November. Local stoners and Europeans don't celebrate 420 as it generally means nothing to them, and so the availability/quality isn't affected either.

In Tilburg for example, I think we'll be pushed to even meet someone who knows what 420 is! lol
