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The Canna Embassy organic homegrowers thread

Hey G.A
Got a quick question for ya:
which one of the cannaembassy strains stays the lowest (heigtwise) for an outdoor balcony grow? also, how inconspicious (niet merkbaar, onopvallend) would the scent/smell be?
Greetz, Low


Green Ambassador
He guys,

Browser I didn't do anything with the main staik...

Low,'in your case it's the size pot that matters, not the seed.

Looks like Science Fiction, but this seedbank has opened today...
Genetic back up for "the day after".
Very Impressive.


Sweet dreams world....

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G.A. said:
From left to the right: Purple Peace, Green Ambassador and Purple Princess.


It could be great poster on the door. lol

Best new season wishes, more sun!

This is my cross growing by my friend FLO -
Vortex X Rosetta Stones





Green Ambassador
Hi Gelowas,

Good to see you bro... thnx.

The street in front of the Canna Embassy is getting more shape and form every day now.
Since september they already work on the road.
Before 25.000 cars a day were passing by. It will be 50% less if the road is ready.
Someone asked before abouth the polution.
The plants love CO2.... lol.
The biggest problem is not the CO2, but the so called "fine dust".
But this fine dust is hanging like a blanket all over Europe and not only over my street. Ofcourse the concentration is higher in the cities.

Bigger walking areas and a redish bike roads they just finished today...
They created also spaces for trees.
The road has been closed down since one month now and they need one more month to finish.
You can feel the pressure on the constructionworkers, because the road needs to be rady at the end of march.
They work on the road from 6 am in the morning till 9 pm at night.. Cars, trucks, cranes and steamrollers are driving on and off...
The concrete jungle....

Today was sunny. I move the little sprouts around at the terrace to let them catch as much as sunlight possible...
It's still a little "cool" outside. It's 10 degrees by day and 4 degrees at night.
After sunset I bring them inside and put them under a light tube, to keep them warm and enough light to keep on growing.
The coming days the temperature is rising to 13 degrees by day and 6/7 degrees by night.
I hope spring will come early and that it will not be a "moldïe" summer this year.
Last year was a very wet and windy summer with a lot of changes in temperature. Some plants were preflowering twice last year!!

But those 2 little babies are doïng fine and will probably survive.

I bought some nice Amnesia Haze this afternoon at my favorite smokeshop.
I love the Hazes and Sativas.

song for today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qPTiwdPflE&feature=related

Peace, G.A.







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Hello G.A and CannaEmbassy friends!:wave:
Oh yeah! We also can see some sings of coming Spring!:D:D
In PL we call it "Bazie" the first sign of Spring al my location:D
Its time to prepare for the outdoor season!The atmospherics of wating is mad...haha...:D
Great work with your lil babies!:yes:

an impression...

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G.A. said:
About the size of the plants...
You can just use small pots, less then 10 liter.
They won't grow that big if you put them in small pots.
And if it's still necessary you can bent them down..
The bigger the pot (more soil) the bigger the plant.
Not arguing your statement, but I'd just like to add that the strain can be of some importance too sometimes. I've had bad experiences with plants that were grown early in the season, but went into flower rather late. In this example your plants will start to get really limited in their growth as the season comes along and by the time they're about to finish they'll have lost quite some vigour due to their limited pot size. I'm talking sativas here, but since the Purple Peace should flower early in the season I take it this won't be a problem at all. Small pots are good to limit plant growth as a rule of thumb, but I think you should reconsider it when growing sativas outside. Or sprout the seeds later in the season or start early and blind them to induce flowering earlier. :bandit:


Green Ambassador
Hi guys,

Did I miss something?.... lol

Looks like spring Alijah, beautifull shots..

Esben, nice trichome shot.
I was in my favorite smokeshop this afternoon and there is a very good microscope.
Looks almost like shooting from the inside of the flower... lol
This one looks like it's made under water...

MS you're right, but in the beginning I was so lost in the forest of information that I even didn't start to grow my own, worried that the seeds I bought weren't the right one, the fertilizer was not good, the temperature was too low, and so on...

Ofcourse you got early flowering strains, late flowering strains and some are a little larger then the other, but the basic to the size of the plants is at the first place the size of the pot.
And the kind of strain someone likes depends on their own preferences and Those are personal matters.
The strain I love the most myself (Purple Peace) I came across after 10 years of growing.
Growing Cannabis is a process, you will grow yourself with the process...

I just moved the 2 little babies inside, because as soon it's getting dark the temperature is goïng down very fast.
I moved them to the guestroom under the light for the night.
As soon I go to bed I switch of the light.

We had the song for the day already.
This is a very nice clip for the night made on Michael Franti his "Ganja Babe".


Sweet dreams world, G.A.

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G.A. said:
Growing Cannabis is a process, you will grow yourself with the process...
So true... Strange how growing cannabis learns you to know the plants, but also learns you about yourself.

I should add that I tried to limit growth intentially on those sativas by not giving them any more than 3 litre pots. Plus I started with them in 1 litre pots early in the season and I did not blind them at any moment, so I was asking for trouble actually. I learnt mostly about myself that time. :D


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Hello all,

Great pics! :rasta: Feels a bit cold to me still, but I can't wait for the outdoor season! :jump:

I actually got the link to that univ sent to me just a few days ago, lol... If interested, check http://www.oaksterdamuniversity.com Courses seem pretty basic tho.

It actually got me wondering if there's some sort of standarized training/certification for coffeeshop personnel in the NL?

Mad Sci, how was your experience with the Sat's outdoors at these latitudes? I remember you where growing something last year? As you and GA say, growing teaches you a lot, so many ways to do it, so many things to learn, so many strains to try! I'm planning to run an experiment with short/medium flowering (length) sat's, hopefully start some selections.

GA, air pollution in Europe is a serious prob. My lungs feel it when I'm away for long. Places like Athens and Mexico DF are good examples of what could happen elsewhere (their geography ain't helping neither).

Reading that got me thinking if pot grown in urban environments (outdoors) would have higher levels of lead and other heavy metals? It's a known fact that canna acts as a heavy metal cleaner, but does anyone knows if these metals can be found in the flowers too? I'm thinking about soil contamination here, more than air cont.

Well, that's for now, more next time.

Greetz, B


Green Ambassador
Hello world,

Thnx for sharing Browser.

In 2004 there was a big Legalize parade in Amsterdam.
I just made a short "rough" edit of the shots that were taken.
It's just a short impression.
I uploeded the clip to my webalbum at photobucket.
I got many more albums overthere with all kind of pictures and some videos..
This is the link to the clip:


song for the day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7iXcKKpdx0&feature=related

Legalize it!!

Peace, G.A.

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Hello G.A. and all,

wow the thread goes very fast!
G.A. said:
He, he, he... long time no see mr. Europe... lol.
by the way, there was en exhibition on industrial hemp and Cannabis prohibition last week in the Parliament, interesting..

And look here what 3 MEP are proposing!
A Written Declaration is valid only if it is signed by the majority of MEP.
Fortunately they only have 22 signatures (out of 785) and will not get much more...
They are from the Vlaams Belang (Nationalist Flemish party).
Say NO to the proliferation of drugshops along member states' borders:

Please sign written declaration 106/2007 against the setting up of illegal drug outlets ('coffee shops' and 'coffee shop boats') in the Netherlands at the border with Belgium, targeted at Belgian and French drug users

The lax policy of the Dutch government towards illegal drugs is taking a new negative turn, as the city of Maastricht is planning to build new drugshops near the Flemish (Belgian) border. The aim of these new shops is to easy sell illegal drugs to Flemish and Walloon (Belgian) and French users...

Written declaration 106/2007 reminds that this plan is contrary with the Dutch obligations under the Schengen-treaty to fight illegal drugs, and with the EU Strategy on Drugs 2005-2012, and therefore asks the Dutch government to abandon these plans.

Please say NO to the proliferation of drugshops along member states' borders and sign this written declaration!
and this is the text of the Written Declaration:
Written declaration on the setting up of drug outlets ('coffee shops' and 'coffee shop boats') in the Netherlands at the border with Belgium, targeted at Belgian and French drug users
The European Parliament,
– having regard to Rule 116 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. having regard to the recent decision by the Netherlands to relocate 'coffee shops' and 'coffee shop boats' from the centre of the city of Maastricht to a motorway exit point near the Belgian border, in order that Belgian and French citizens may be supplied unhindered and in huge quantities with drugs;

B. having regard to the consequent threat of violation of Article 71(2) of the Final Act of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement, pursuant to which the Netherlands declared that it would adopt the necessary penal and administrative measures to prevent and punish the illegal export of narcotic drugs to the territory of other contracting parties;

C. having regard to the incompatibility of the planned 'coffee shops' and 'coffee shop boats' at the Belgian border with the EU drugs strategy (2005-2012) and the EU drugs action plan (2005-2008);

D. having regard to the decision by a number of municipal authorities at the Belgian border to condemn this plan by the Netherlands and take legal action against it;

1. Condemns the Netherlands' plan to set up 'coffee shops' and 'coffee shop boats' at the border with Belgium;

2. Calls on the Netherlands Government to comply with all of its international obligations and not to set up 'coffee shops' and/or 'coffee shop boats' near the Belgian border;

3. Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the Commission and the Netherlands Government.
I guess there is a lot of pressure on the Major of Maastricht...

Greetings everybody :wave:
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H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
"in order that Belgian and French citizens may be supplied unhindered and in huge quantities with drugs" LOL :D :D :D

If only... :nono: These policy makers haven't been doing their rounds lately. Not only you're limited to 5 grams max, but they'll rip you off if they have the chance, and give you less :spank: Unhindered? You know how difficult it's to find parking or reasonably priced decent weed? :muahaha:

C'on, if there's SO many people coming from abroad, maybe they should start opening cshops at home, no? :rasta: At least decreminalize indoor grows for personal use (5-8 plants). How much CO2 and ilegal activity can be decreased that way? Where do I sign for such a petition?

Just some ranting thoughts... Thanks for the info Pablo :wink:

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Green Ambassador
Hi Pablow,

Yip, before it was still a matter of Dutch politics and it's becoming more and more a European issue at the moment and the USA (still, go Obama... lol) "breathing in the neck.
Mr. Leers (major Maastricht) initiator to license the shops and bring them together closer to the border, wants to keep the "drugstourists" (4.000 a day in Maastricht) closer to home and away from the inner city of Maastricht.
It's the story of "the chicken and the egg".
Leers says "they" are the problem and "they" say "we" (the Dutch) are the problem.

In Amsterdam still a lot is goïng on and a lot of shop owners are keeping their breath at the moment....

Here in The Hague the city council likes to keep it the way as it is at the moment.
Not less coffeeshops, one owner just got his license back and re-opened, despite complains of the neighbourhood.
The situation here is the opposite of Maastricht.
Here the coffeeshops are concentrated in some neighbourhoods, while some parts of the city needs a coffeeshop and don't have one.
So, the aim of some parties at the city council of The Hague is to spread more.
Also to neighbourhoods where they need one.
For the moment here the situation in The Hague is relaxed.

But you are right, Mr. Leers has a "rough" time at the moment with his political opponents, but I hope he will get some support from the national and European politics.
His plan is just to keep the "drug tourists" closer to the border, but
there is a need for clearer national and European aproach from a totaly different point of view.

Browser I am lobbying the Dutch local and National politics already over 10 years now. I talked with national and local politicians.
They listen and agree with some of the ideas and issues, but they don't do anything with it, just because it's a "hot" issue, no party likes to burn their fingers on that!
But it can't go on like this either. Prices are rising and we'll have to keep an eye on the quality.

When I was 15 I thought Cannabis would be legal in 5 years...
35 years later I am still thinking that.... lol..

"Don't give up the "fight".

The Legalize clip is also at YouTube now.
The Photobucket version was cut off at the end....


Peace, G.A.
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Green Ambassador
Thanks for the flower Esben....

Yesterday it was still "war zone", today they finished asphalting the road in front of the Canna Embassy.
I realy respect those guys on their knees the whole day. It's realy craftsmanship.
I shared some seeds with one of the workers and smoked a joint after he was finished working.
Very soon the new trees will be brought in and we'll get new hanging lamps above the road.
Yesterday I opened the window and was a "private dj" for the guys working on the road.

Sweet dreams world...., G.A.






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Yeah those people working to build the roads, they've got a though job!
Private DJ GA!:smoke:

@esbe: wow great picture! how does she smoke?
:wave:, Low


Green Ambassador
Goodmorning world,

A new seedling popped up spontaneously.
This time it's a Purple Pincess X Purpurea Erdber cross.
I won't treat this one like the other 2.
I just leave the little baby outside at the terrace, knowing it's gonna be colder again in a couple of days.
Just like to find out if it survives by itself.
When it survives I will give this one away, because I like to grow 3 Purple Peace and 2 Green Ambassadors X Purpurea.
That's the tolerated amount of plants overhere.

People are mailing me asking when to start.
Just wait 2 or 3 more weeks with sprouting the seeds folks.
You can start growing from the end of march, untill the end of may.
So don't worry about beïng too late, just relax and wait a little more.
I know the feeling of spring coming makes the blood stream of the farmer faster... lol

Have a great weekend folks....

song for the day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL2_zhLs_T4

Peace, G.A.

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