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Not sure if my plants are sick or not


Dr. Doolittle
You will know when too, they will start to have a growth spurt and will tell you when they need water.


Alrighty, new update. The leaves are still yellowing, and some are getting a bit worse. I upped the Mg dosage to 1 tsp. epsom salt / gallon of mixed 50/50 RODI/Tap water a couple of days ago and I haven't noticed any improvement. What strength should I be mixing the epsom salt at?

Other than the yellowing the plants are starting to grow. They've put on almost an inch of growth in the past week, so I'm guessing they're starting to recover. I could have started from seed and gotten faster results. Oh well, it's my first grow and I think having the problems at the beginning made for a good learning experience.

So, what do you guys think? What should I do about the yellowing? How does their health look overall?




Take Five...
The reason your ph goes up could be a couple things....If there is lime or some buffer in your mix, that will raise it, plus as plants take moisture and nutes out of the media the ph will rise. When they get really rootbound you will find the ph is high even as you lower your water ph. This is because the roots are so packed in there they suck up all the water /nute before it can absorb and store in the medium. Usually this means repot, or trim the rootball bonsai style. I trim my moms roots and they are due for another trim right now.

they are looking good, hopefully they are greening up more with epsom. Can't give advise on dosage, I don't use epsom, I have calmax, Stitch knows better. Watch the lower leaves and if they are yellowing you need to increase gro nutes, either frequency or dosage because that is a Nitrogen deficiency.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Have you fed anything - if that were pro-mix in the mix I'd say they're a little hungry. Epsom's bottom fed will take a day or so longer than spraying. I think you have the right amount. Give it another day if the yellowing continues, I'd say it's time for a little food.


The lower leaves are starting to yellow. I will feed tonight. They should green back up with a proper feeding yes? I'd hate to lose even more growth.


I didn't know that, thanks Pete!

Yes, they have grown about an inch, which, considering all the trauma they were suffering through when I got them, I don't think that's too bad. You can see the new growth in some of the side pics. It is green while the older parts of the plant are all purple/red.

HeadyPete said:
The reason your ph goes up could be a couple things....If there is lime or some buffer in your mix, that will raise it, plus as plants take moisture and nutes out of the media the ph will rise. When they get really rootbound you will find the ph is high even as you lower your water ph. This is because the roots are so packed in there they suck up all the water /nute before it can absorb and store in the medium. Usually this means repot, or trim the rootball bonsai style. I trim my moms roots and they are due for another trim right now.

they are looking good, hopefully they are greening up more with epsom. Can't give advise on dosage, I don't use epsom, I have calmax, Stitch knows better. Watch the lower leaves and if they are yellowing you need to increase gro nutes, either frequency or dosage because that is a Nitrogen deficiency.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Yes, go easy though.
They aren't that big.
Your soil will be wet from the bottom fed Epsom's?
Don't over water this feed so go light.
Get a fan going.
Or you can give them a foliar feed with
some very diluted fish or other in the spray bottle
until the next proper watering.
btw what's the mix you have with the soil?
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I am using FF Light Warrior:perlite @ 2:1, so it's damn near a soilless mix (much like ProMix from what I've read).

I am using GH MaxiGro and MaxiBloom. I also have some SuperNova and DarkEnergy. I figure 1/4 tsp. of the MaxiGro in 1 gallon of water should be plenty. I fed with that for two days in a row and got some light nute burn so every other day should be good I think. I am feeding around 1 - 2 cups of water to each plant.

sirgrassalot said:
Yes, go easy though.
They aren't that big.
btw what's the mix you have with the soil?


Domesticator of Cannabis
Check my edit above. Don't feed 2 days in a row. I'd tell you should feed every second watering unless they can use or need it more. Right now personally I'd give them a mild mist of N until the next scheduled watering. Than decide what the next step should be.


I have been watering every 24 hours. The soil mix I am using drains really fast. I don't know that you could overwater the plants unless you put the pots in standing water.

Yeah, I learned on my own not to feed every day. I'll mix up 1/4 tsp of the MaxiGro into 1 gallon of water and do a light foliar feeding. I did that last night with the Epsom salt, which I also fed into the bottom as well. I'm going to pick up some CalMag to make dosing the Mg (and Ca too, which I'm sure they'll need soon) easier.

I have a fan on them, and the cabinet they are in is currently flowing about 150-200 CFM, which is keeping the temps around 76F-80F at plant level. I need to get a small fan to blow directly across the lamp, but it seems to be ok for now.

Other than CalMag, will I need any other supplementation while using the GH Maxi line?

Thanks for taking the time to reply sirgrassalot. :)


Domesticator of Cannabis
MPL said:
I have been watering every 24 hours. The soil mix I am using drains really fast. I don't know that you could overwater the plants unless you put the pots in standing water.
I've heard that. Mine sit in the Tupperware so I have a lot of fun with my Turkey baster sucking it out. LoL I should get a gas syphoning device.
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lol that's nuts man.

Actually I just checked the temps in my cab and they are at 72F. :)

I've got my plan together. I'm going to go buy some CalMag, and mix up a foliar feed of MaxiGro and CalMag and mist down the plants. I'll water with plain water tonight, maybe mix a bit of CalMag into it. I've got some light tipburn, could that be from the Mg foliar feeding from last night?

The leaves that are already affected by a N deficiency are goners right? So should I go ahead and trim off those leaves? Can you just trim a "finger" from a leaf?


sirgrassalot said:
I've heard that. Mine sit in the Tupperware so I have a lot of fun with my Turkey baster sucking it out. LoL I should get a gas syphoning device.


Domesticator of Cannabis
I'd leave the leaves until they're brown & yes you can cut a single finger off.

Dark Energy I'll check that out.

I've used minimal products in
my short 5+ years of growing.

I've needed to use:
*Potting Soil/Perlite or
*Pro-Mix BX/HP
*Fish Emulsion
*PBP Bloom
*Epsom salts
*Tap Water
*Molasses - Optional
*TLC - Sparingly
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Alrighty, plants are growing, but also appear to be getting worse at the same time. I don't have any decent pics just now, but it is easy enough to describe. The leaves that were yellowing around the edges are now yellowed almost to the main vein. Also, there are spots that looks almost exactly like a Ca deficiency. In addition to all this, a bunch more leaf tips are brown and a bit crispy. Some of the yellow leaves are curled downward a lot.

So, I think I burned the crap out of the plants. I did exactly what was recommended. On 02/19 I foliar fed with a 5mL/4L dose of CalMag (which has some N in it by the way). That night I watered with a weak dose of epsom salt (Mg). On 02/20 I noticed the brown spots that looked like a Ca deficit, and the yellowing was quite a bit worse. Also lots of tips were turning brown. I thought I had burned the plants, so I did a light flush with plain RO/DI water at 6.4 pH. Runoff was 6.5.

Today I noticed they look a bit worse. In this thread it was suggested that they were starting to look hungry, so I figured maybe they weren't burned, but starving. So about 10 minutes ago I fed with a 1/8 tsp of GH MaxiGro per 1/2 gallon RO/DI water, pH around 6.4 and runoff around 6.6. I hope this doesn't kill them, but they weren't improving at all from the epsom salt or Calmag (in fact constantly getting worse) so I figured it was worth trying. I suppose I'll know how it goes tomorrow evening. I might be able to get some pictures tomorrow as well.

Is there a particular time I should water/foliar feed? Does this make any difference?



Well crap I think I got it figured out. I forgot I had Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible in my closet so I whipped it out and it perfectly matches the diagrams for a N and K deficiency.

We'll find out for sure in a day or two.


Dr. Doolittle
MPL, can you show some updated pictures please, by the pictures you posted before, thoze do not show any N or K problems. I also noted that magnesium and nitrogen deficiency leaves do not recover, the only way a magnesium deficiency leaf recovers is if you get it right away before bright yellow becomes the leaf.
Also those plants are very young for dark energy, if I were you I would avoid that for now.


I'll try to get some decent ones tonight. I'm not very good with my camera, and am not sure how to put it into macro mode.

This morning the top branches and whatnot were looking a lot better. The newer growth was all perky and had a nice green color. The leaves that were only a little sick don't look worse, maybe even a little better. The leaves that were very sick are a bit worse, but I don't expect them to recover so as long as all the newer growth remains happy then I am happy. In fact the sickly leaves looked like the pictures of bad Ca and N deficits that you have in your sticky thread Stitch. They looked exactly like diagrams of N and K deficit in Cervantes' book.

They definitely did not like the dark energy when I tried it a little while ago. I'm going to alternate feeding with plain water and nutes every other day.

They've only grown like 3cm in almost two weeks so I'm kinda bummed on that. I hope they recover fully, one day.

I wish I had picked healthier clones to start with. Blah.


Anytime you foliar feed do it at lights on

Never use a foliar when the lights are on!!! When the lights are on, the water in the spray will evaporate quickly, concentrating the solution in spots on your leaves and causing burn.

The best time to foliar is about an hour before the lights turn on, or (if your humidity is under control) at the beginning of the dark cycle. This allows time for the plants to absorb the nutrients that you are applying without burning the leaves.

Pretty much just do the opposite of whatever sirblabsalot says, and you'll probably have the happiest plants you've ever grown. :wink:
