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6x23W CFL Rubbermaid Microgrow - 1st timer!



Hey all,

CO - Looking very nice :).

I wish i had some of my old flurogrow pictures.

Things are moving along nicely. Went into 12/12 on Dec. 1st so I'm hoping things will start to wrap up sometime around the end of January. We'll see! Took a couple of pictures to keep everybody up to date on progress. Sorry for the slight droop. I just fed and watered her a few hours ago.

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Props CO!

I started my indoor experience with a setup similar to yours... I used 3 lights with twice the watts... CFL of course. I rocked a G13 x Neville HAze clone and did great....

Wish i had pics to show but it was so long ago....

Got this one tagged.... Good show friend!


Incredible C.O........ that plant is lookin beautiful man!! Filled up the screen very nice..


those look deeelish! so, the idea with the screen, now at this point is just to separate the buds from the rest of the plant? Ive never done a scrog grow before. Are you supposed to continue weaving the bud through the screeen or just let it pop out and it grows on one side and the fan leaves are on the under side?
Please explain.
Wicked said:
those look deeelish! so, the idea with the screen, now at this point is just to separate the buds from the rest of the plant? Ive never done a scrog grow before. Are you supposed to continue weaving the bud through the screeen or just let it pop out and it grows on one side and the fan leaves are on the under side?
Please explain.

I'm using the screen to separate the bud growth sites from each other so that they have equal opportunity for light. A lot of guys need to tie theirs down because growth is so vigorous early in flower. I have a feeling this is an Indica dominant strain due to it's stature. It really never had an upward growth spurt when I put it into 12/12.

I've learned to be patient during my first grow. Since this is my first time around I think I expected things to move along at a quicker pace. After reading so many grow diaries over the years at overgrow.com, and now here - I kind of lost perspective as to how much time it takes to veg and then flower. When you're reading someone's grow log that's already finished it's easy to assume that growing is a quick process. I've learned a ton by reading grow logs and diaries by other growers. Not only does it teach you about growing cannabis, but about horticulture in general.

This plant still to this day has almost zero smell. Last night I re-arranged a couple of bud sites under the screen and my fingers were very sticky and smelled like menthol. No smell in flower and menthol smelling buds? This bag seed has the potential to be a killer!!
hey casual, everything looking great with those new bulbs. One question, how did you go about LSTing this fine lady? did you just tie down the side branches, or did you bend over the whole main stem? thanks for the help man, soon enough youll be rolling in buds

check my cheese lady at week 2

Dr Herbivore said:
hey casual, everything looking great with those new bulbs. One question, how did you go about LSTing this fine lady? did you just tie down the side branches, or did you bend over the whole main stem?

Lookin good there Herbivore - keep it up. When I LST'd this plant I just took the main stem and bent it over. The screen held it in place and the side shoots were then manageable with the screen. Since then, the main "cola" has turned it's way upward and the side shoots have each turned into a bud site of their own. I think I'm going to LST even when I upgrade my cabinet for the next grow. I don't know if I've mentioned it in here but I'll be running Nirvana's Northern Lights for my next round in coordination with the re-veg of this bag seed.


Wicked said:
LSTing, what does that mean please?
LST means Low Stress Training.. which is pretty much self-explanatory. Instead of topping plants, you train them under a scrog or bend them or tie them down.


Ok I think i understand by your last post, so its like just bending the plants so all the bud sites will grow up. Ok so what does the acrynom stand for?
at what day did you LST it? because i eventually want to do the same, scrog in the rubbermaid, but wait too long and the stem is too thick, but thanks for the encouragement....im excited to see the final product from yours, and from mine :joint:


Peace to you guys and have a great day, im working steady over the next cpl days, but am goin to try and find some high wattage cfls or bite the bullet and cough up for an hps, ive go a 400 w mh, maybe i can put a conversion bulb in there.
Ive got my cloning dresser finished. Ill try and get some pics up in the next week or two.. The pics in my gallery the finished stuff is mighty mite, and the moms under the lights are bag seed which turned out incredible this fall outside so i cloned the budding plants and have these big beautiful moms but no place to keep em. peace for now bros
Dr Herbivore said:
at what day did you LST it? because i eventually want to do the same, scrog in the rubbermaid, but wait too long and the stem is too thick, but thanks for the encouragement....im excited to see the final product from yours, and from mine :joint:

I'm not sure exactly what day it was. The plant was in the vegetative stage for over 30 days. If I had to guess I'd say I started LSTing under the screen at around 35-40 days. This plant was very bushy and not very tall. It'd vary depending on strain height and vigor as to when you'd LST.
Watered again tonight and took a couple of pictures. The bud sites are starting to stack on weight and trichomes day by day. Things are still looking good...



Listen my username is from 07 lol
looking great as always, wat day flowering is it? got new pics? also did you do any trimmin below the screen? in the pics above its doesnt appear that you have, you really should clean out al the growth about a inch below the screen an down, theres simply not enough light to reach the under growth an your gurl is wasteing her energy trying to make up for the lack of light down there by using some of the light the top buds are taking in, so clean it out an watch her excell some more!