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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Premium user
Nope not able to he was across on another plot of land he noticed me backing up and he got out of there.
Pretty sure same male we've seen for the last couple years, no cubs.
Here's one of last year's right in the middle of the picture assuming same bear


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Premium user
After my vas (vape aquisition syndrome) subsided I got gas (glass aquisition syndrome) just as bad.
View attachment 18991705
That has subsided.........somewhat.
Still flares up if I see something shiny I can vape through though.
Couch potato and tatertot by Goo Roo glass if I could only have one rig for high flow vapes it would be this one.
Best hits I have ever gotten consistently and easy to clean and handle.
Looks all goofy and shit but works like a champ.
Thank you Professor☝️😊❤️

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Sorry about your bad news there. it really sucks that they let you get all the way to the point of thinking you're about to be released and then they drop those bombshells on you. The blood thinner isn't too surprising they usually want to do something like that after heart surgery even if it's just baby aspirin (81mg). The pacemaker is more worrisome, I mean did anyone tell you before surgery that might be a possibility? At a minimum it seems like they should have said something a few days ago instead of just prior to a potential release. I know it's easy for others to say this but try not to let it get you down. If you have questions about it or want to know more about why your heart doctor decided on this course of action don't hesitate to ask. You have a right to fully understand why they want to do the things they want to do. Usually a pacemaker is for when the rythmn of your heartbeat is acting wierd and you did say they wanted to shock your heart to gt your rythmn back in order. However that's not all that unusual after open heart surgery which is why they left those wires connected to your heart in right up to when you thought you were about to be released, just in case it's needed. Again though, sorry they sprung it on you at the last second like that, something lik that will ruin anyone's mood.
Yeah man - it's been another anxiety driven day in Gypsy's world - that's for sure - first the shock and unwanted surprise of learning that I ain't getting out of here so soon - when I really did think that I was on my way - today - then to learn that I need more surgery to install this pacemaker - with no set date yet - and have to take a blood thinning drug because of it - till the day I die -

So I kinda broke down this afternoon - after a big sneeze waylaid me - and literally felt like someone with a blunt scimitar -- was slowly pushing it into my chest cavity - and all the pain meds I was on at the time was paracetamol - which to me ain't no sorta pain med to combat that sorta pain - in fact to me paracetamol is more like a placebo/fake pain med - so I just went to the floor - found the high backed chair - and held on to it so tight - as if I was on a sinking ship 🚢 - in a violent storm - even the docs couldn't pry my fingers off it - and after almost busting my tear ducts thru massive flooding over about 45 mins - my wife showed up to visit and found this snotty wreck - that was the remains of her husband so entangled in this chair - snivelling and muttering - due to a sort of pain I have never/ever experienced - she made short shirft of the medical professionals confusions - and demanded that they quickly give me something of maximum strength - which was an orally administered hydrocodone - and gradually I managed to find bits of my shattered sanity - to assemble a workable psyche - within about 30 mins - of cuddling and soft words from her - as the pain killer took effect - finally - and the sneeze-slow-stab pain finally became weak and then inconsequential -

- This is seriously bad quality of life time - and it does help me digest and expel it by writing about it - at least - some sort of dark therapeutics at play here -


Well-known member
Fought one in my younger days came to town with a carnival of course it had a muzzle on and no claws.
But if it got a swing on ya it sent ya sprawling
My first close encounter with a bear happened while pruning a short bushy cannabis plant. I was freshly moved from Ontario city life to mountain life in British Columbia. I was kneeling on the downhill side of the plant. When I stood up there was a bear right on the other side of the plant, this was all knew to me. I remembered back that to scare a bear you should make loud noises. So I started screaming, instead of the bear running off it stood up on it's hind legs and I could see it's nose sniffing the air. I just about crapped my pants and I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. I decided to start backing down the hill slowly, then faster. I guess if your going to grow plants in the wilds of the mountains you better be ready for whatever.


Well-known member
@Gypsy Nirvana Breaking down, it's OK you've been thru a lot and will still be going thru a lot for s bit yet.
Know you're antsy to get home, who wouldn't be but your best bet is right there where you're at.
Both parents were in for a week a piece.
Even when you get home don't plan on doing a fucking thing.
Did you line up a stand up chair? Life fuckin saver.
Getting out of chairs and off the toilet is gonna be a joyous time you'll need help
Do Not Use Your Arms you'll split the sootures.

And you'll be good and intimate with that pillow, might want to start naming it after a woman, maybe Irene. Lol
Good luck
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Well-known member
Yeah man - it's been another anxiety driven day in Gypsy's world - that's for sure - first the shock and unwanted surprise of learning that I ain't getting out of here so soon - when I really did think that I was on my way - today - then to learn that I need more surgery to install this pacemaker - with no set date yet - and have to take a blood thinning drug because of it - till the day I die -

So I kinda broke down this afternoon - after a big sneeze waylaid me - and literally felt like someone with a blunt scimitar -- was slowly pushing it into my chest cavity - and all the pain meds I was on at the time was paracetamol - which to me ain't no sorta pain med to combat that sorta pain - in fact to me paracetamol is more like a placebo/fake pain med - so I just went to the floor - found the high backed chair - and held on to it so tight - as if I was on a sinking ship 🚢 - in a violent storm - even the docs couldn't pry my fingers off it - and after almost busting my tear ducts thru massive flooding over about 45 mins - my wife showed up to visit and found this snotty wreck - that was the remains of her husband so entangled in this chair - snivelling and muttering - due to a sort of pain I have never/ever experienced - she made short shirft of the medical professionals confusions - and demanded that they quickly give me something of maximum strength - which was an orally administered hydrocodone - and gradually I managed to find bits of my shattered sanity - to assemble a workable psyche - within about 30 mins - of cuddling and soft words from her - as the pain killer took effect - finally - and the sneeze-slow-stab pain finally became weak and then inconsequential -

- This is seriously bad quality of life time - and it does help me digest and expel it by writing about it - at least - some sort of dark therapeutics at play here -
I have experienced intense pain and frustrations with medical procedures, I can relate to you on that level.
my heart goes out to you.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I have never had any close encounters with bears. But, I have been chased by a cow moose on more than one occasion. All we have here is black bears and they are as much afraid of you as you are of them. Only dangerous is if you scare one or get in between a sow and her cubs.

Moose are just fkn mean. I will take a black bear anytime over a moose.


Well-known member
I have never had any close encounters with bears. But, I have been chased by a cow moose on more than one occasion. All we have here is black bears and they are as much afraid of you as you are of them. Only dangerous is if you scare one or get in between a sow and her cubs.

Moose are just fkn mean. I will take a black bear anytime over a moose.
No thanks to being stomped to death by a moose.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
My first close encounter with a bear happened while pruning a short bushy cannabis plant. I was freshly moved from Ontario city life to mountain life in British Columbia. I was kneeling on the downhill side of the plant. When I stood up there was a bear right on the other side of the plant, this was all knew to me. I remembered back that to scare a bear you should make loud noises. So I started screaming, instead of the bear running off it stood up on it's hind legs and I could see it's nose sniffing the air. I just about crapped my pants and I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. I decided to start backing down the hill slowly, then faster. I guess if your going to grow plants in the wilds of the mountains you better be ready for whatever.
In 1951, my Daddy took my sister (4 years older) and me up into the hinterlands of Maine. We were driving along this dirt road and came upon a field of blueberries.

So my sister and I each got a bucket from the trunk of the car and began to pick blueberries while Daddy took a nap in the car.

We were pickin' away, and eventually got about 200 feet from the road... and then we noticed a humongous bear about ten feet away... eating blueberries.

With the stupidity of youth, I called out to the bear to see if he would respond.

This is gonna be as hard to swallow as a Vaseline sandwich, but that big ole bear just turned and looked at me, snuffled, and went back to eating blueberries. My sister took me by the arm and dragged us both back to the car. I learned about bears later.



Well-known member
I have never had any close encounters with bears. But, I have been chased by a cow moose on more than one occasion. All we have here is black bears and they are as much afraid of you as you are of them. Only dangerous is if you scare one or get in between a sow and her cubs.

Moose are just fkn mean. I will take a black bear anytime over a moose.
Eventually I had to learn about bear behaviour so I could stay cool, calm and collect. The beef ranch we lived on had a bull that weighed in around 2800 lbs. I gave that sucker plenty of space he scarred the hell out of me.


Well-known member
This is gonna be as hard to swallow as a Vaseline sandwich,
That's a funny metaphor.

Bears are wonderful animals, I love to watch them go about their business.

Good thing your 4 year old sister had the frame of mind to hit the road. The bear might have become inquisitive about 2 tender young children.

I was reading our small town newspaper and I noticed an article where they were suggesting to parents that they should tell their children not to be throwing stones at the bears at the garbage dump.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Eventually I had to learn about bear behaviour so I could stay cool, calm and collect. The beef ranch we lived on had a bull that weighed in around 2800 lbs. I gave that sucker plenty of space he scarred the hell out of me.
Told this before, but briefly as a little kid I would go down to the pen the bull was in. He would come thumping over to the gate, where I would string a clothesline through his nose ring.

Then I'd lead him across the road to the pasture, open the gate and turn him loose to go play.