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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
I didnt really talk to her cause the phone kep[t going out but she seems to be doing better and hopefully she can she can come home tommorow. Said she had chicken marsala and veggies. should of told her to take a pic. ill tell her to take a pic for supper.Thanks for the support guys.

I second that baba. pops needs to take a pic of this lamb or whatever it is. Im not really back on the booze baba. I only drank 3 or 4 times in the past month and a half or so. I couldnt get a drink if i wanted to. I only got enough for a tall boy and im not walking to the liqour store for that. Now that its getting nicer im gonna start doing things. My hours are all fucked up though. woke up at 10:30 pm last not. Im tired as hell but had to wait for my moms dialysis bags to arrive.

Looking forward to hearing from buzz. After watching it on TV and seeing peoples reaction i wish i could of seen it.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Buzz got lost and got butt-raped somewhere. Hopefully not. Buzz you're still a virgin right? How was the eclipse? Must have been nice. Did you meet up with your friends?


Well-known member
The eclipse was spectacular. No words or pictures can do it justice. There were seven us sharing the moment and I have met them all in person some as long as 20 years ago. We smoked a lot drank enough and ate plenty.

When the moon reached totality it was as if a light switch had been turned off. The corona was a silver ring around the deepest darkest black center. Venus and Jupiter were visible and a bright orange spot of a solar flare was visible. The crickets woke up and started chirping.

I did not shoot any pictures until totality. I'll post them up when I get home. I did not capture a decent shot of the corona but I have some one of my friends shared with me. We are going to head home on Wed AM and spend the night south of Jackson. I'm breaking the drive into two 6 hour legs on the return home. 8 and 4 was hard on us.


Well-known member
That's awesome buzz.sounds like an awesome time.now I wish I would of seen it.you guys bbq? Wait duh your in Texas,of course you did.really looking forward to the pics.im excited to see what NASA learns from this.probably nothing good in the long run.doesnt really matter for us.

Here my moms dinner.its half portions but it's alot for a 75lb woman.that looks bad even for hospital food.that brownie in the corner has potential.

since I'm sharing pics,I'd like you guys to rate the pants I bought from ebay that came today.gonna need to get some decent white shoes next month to match



In my empire of dirt
that dosent look like a bad plate hawk, but like you said its a small portion!
is it because she is so small they feed her less
plus all the ensure! i would be knocking those things back
glad to hear she dosent have the covid and i hope she is out soon
how do you like those pants? hawk
i like my jeans darker because they will fade on theor own but they look stylish and have that stretchy material blend in them
instead of white shoes get yourself a pair of good hiking shoes! in a neutral color
/they look bad ass and protect your feet
im wearing a pair of merrels right now
/these are the 3/4 tops, i gotta protect my baby ankles you know
good job on laying off the booze man

so here is some middle eastern food
chicken kabab.jpg

first up the chicken kabob, their chicken is seasoned just right and tons of flavor
/i get an extra portion of chicken because this is something both me and my mom will eat
next up we have the kofta kebab
kofta kabab.jpg

its like seasoned ground meat with a nice flavor, in my opinion its better than their steak kabob
and for the star of the show this is their tika korma
tikka korma.jpg

this might become one of my go to dishes at this spot!
nice tender chunks of chicken in a seasoned sauce
not too spicy but you can taste all the extra flavors from the sauce!
/next time we will try the lamb

dig in boys!
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Well-known member
god damn that looks good pops. now im hungry again. especially that firs chicken pic. im gonna have to look around and see if a place is around. how much did that set you back? got a ribeye i might cook tommorow. had walmart deliver some things.

My mom is like 4'8 or 4'9 and 75lbs so thats a lot of food for her.she said the bacon was so bad she spit it out. i have had good hospital food. bout the same as cheap low cal food. from a diner.

Yeah i thought the pants would be darker. got them new on ebay. oh well. ill look into those shoes you mentioned but i dont think those are the type of pants for hiking shoes. probably white
superstars. ive got black superstars

damn im getting hungry from those pics.you guys have a good one!


In my empire of dirt
oh yeah, the whole thing was about $50 but its going to be at least two meals
haha my mom is tiny too, she is maybe like 5' but she can eat
im all about the sweet kicks too but im telling you a good pairs of hikers would look kick a$$


Horse-toothed Jackass
That's good if ur mom can come home soon, Hawk. Another crisis averted, for now.
Even better that youve been able to keep the drinking under control so far. Do u still need to take the anti-seizure medication or whatever it is?
The pasta looks like whole wheat, and the meatballs look like they came frozen in a bag. Seems decent tho, did she eat some cause the pasta to meatball ratio is off. Then there's salad and canned pineapple, sprite and ensure and the brownie u mentioned. Decent amount of calories tho most of it seems to come from sugar but i guess ur mum needs to gain weight.
The jeans look alright, faded blue denim, straight leg? Do they fit well?

Im glad you had a good experience during the totality, Buzz, looking forward to ur pics when u get back. Thought you'd stay till the end of the week, feels like u just got there.
We only got 94% coverage in northern IL, it did get a little bit darker around 2pm CST. I followed the eclipse on the nasa youtube channel, people in the totality were amazed at almost complete darkness in the middle of the afternoon.

That foods looks straight fire, like Hawk said. That's pretty much what middle eastern food is like, at least in america, lots of grilled meats (chicken, beef, no pork tho) with sides of rice, salad, pita bread. Did u get pita bread with all that, Pops?
So it's not much different than what youve been cooking on the grill, Hawk, grilled meat with a side of rice. They probably use different spices/marinades tho, and dont use potatoes that often unless it's in form of fries. It's pretty healthy, not much fried foods except for falafel, maybe french fries.

Those merrell hiking boots are like $180, which is pricey but i guess for good quality it's worth it. How long does a pair usually last u? If u use them regularly for 2 yrs i guess it's worth it, with as much hiking as u do you dont want to mess up ur feet/ankles, theyre much cheaper than a doctor's visit.


In my empire of dirt
i dident get any pita bread but that is always a good add
its one of those things i would go to the store for thoe, a pack of pita breads is dirt cheap and they have hummus too, grab those and some good olives and its a nice starter
they actually have this potato bollini which is like a stuffed flat bread that is rocking!
its like seasoned mashed potatoes between this dough then cooked on a flat top
f'n grinding!
but its like $14 , almost the cost of a whole meal so ive been avoiding that and getting an extra plate when i go
yeah i think the marinate is where its at and if you could get the recipe down you could totally make this at home for less
but they have the flavor
/saw somewhere else posted that a big mac is like $10 now!?!
the price of the dbl/dbl has gone up but they are still like $7/ea (i think $6 and change)
but its still almost a $20 meal now when you get two burgers and fries
yeah the hikers mid tops are probably around $120 (but i probably got them on sale) but ive had merrels that ive had for years
the top gets softer and the sole are built to last, so even if they wear out a bit the are still good for just normal every day use
/they use those vibram soles so its tough as sh!t

so have you tried on the new pants hawk? how do they fit
im glad to hear that your mom is doing better and hope she is back home soon
do whatever you can do to help her
when are you cooking that rib eye? rib eye is the king of meats

yeah i hope @buzzmobile had a great time enjoying the eclipse!
that sounds amazing that you got to see solar flares and all
it also sounds like it was as much a social visit and that makes it even more cool
i wonder if he is sinking his teeth into a nice piece of tx beef right now
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
i dident get any pita bread but that is always a good add
its one of those things i would go to the store for thoe, a pack of pita breads is dirt cheap and they have hummus too, grab those and some good olives and its a nice starter
they actually have this potato bollini which is like a stuffed flat bread that is rocking!
its like seasoned mashed potatoes between this dough then cooked on a flat top
f'n grinding!
but its like $14 , almost the cost of a whole meal so ive been avoiding that and getting an extra plate when i go
yeah i think the marinate is where its at and if you could get the recipe down you could totally make this at home for less
but they have the flavor
/saw somewhere else posted that a big mac is like $10 now!?!
the price of the dbl/dbl has gone up but they are still like $7/ea (i think $6 and change)
but its still a $20 meal now when you get two burgers and fries
yeah the hikers mid tops are probably around $120 (but i probably got them on sale) but ive had merrels that ive had for years
the top gets softer and the sole are built to last, so even if they wear out a bit the are still good for just normal every day use
/they use those vibram soles so its tough as sh!t

so have you tried on the new pants hawk? how do they fit
im glad to hear that your mom is doing better and hope she is back home soon
do whatever you can do to help her
when are you cooking that rib eye? rib eye is the king of meats

yeah i hope @buzzmobile had a great time enjoying the eclipse!
that sounds amazing that you got to see solar flares and all
it also sounds like it was as much a social visit and that makes it even more worth it
i wonder if he is sinking his teeth into a nice piece of tx beef right now
I've never heard of the Double-Double is that like a double cheeseburger on top of another one?


In my empire of dirt
I want to get high and eat some of these motherfuckers . Samosa ever have? View attachment 18985503
f'yeah ive had samosas! freaking awesome and they sell them frozen in bags at this indian larket i know of
we made them once, chick pea mixture wrapped up like a wonton but its easier to get them pre made
/what with the wacky sauces depicted in that pic?
they are off the wall good


Well-known member
My mom is back from the hospital and she is in good spirits. Thanks for your prayers and support. Means a lot to me. Her biggest complaint was all the food! She said she was having bad flashbacks when she was a kid cause her parents made her eat all her food. My grandparents never made me eat it all. In fact, i feel guilty when i was a kid when i went out for food and didnt get a doggy bag. Lots of wasted food.

I gotta get the pants tailered. They are 32/32 straight fit and a little long. Im short as hell. Even the waist is kinda small but will stretch. Figured after i quit drinking I would of lost belly size. I did lose weight though. My mom says she can fix my pants but she hasnt done it in 20 years so i think id rather take it to a professional if its not too much. Theres a landromat down the street that has a tailor i think. Never been to one before. I had another pair of pants i was gonna take anyway. Havent decided on the shoes but was looking at these.already got black superstars but gonna get white one day probably

I never really cared about clothes and stuff until a few years ago. I always had a mixed bag of decent to crappy clothes. Im gonna start dressing better and not look like a slob. Im already a step ahead here cause damn these people here are dregs. Gotta go to Bettendorf for classier people.

I was checking out ME food and saw this place. It looks pretty nice and they have a buffet.I might check it out but i doubt my mom wants to go. Only ethnic food she likes is american chinese but might convince her. i consider myself pretty knowledgeable but i dont know what this stuff is. I know what a kabab and humus is. thats about it.want to check it out for sure. Might need some recommendations pops and others. That chicken kabab looks good as fuck but i want beef and lamb i think. Guess theres no beef.Only lamb.darn

Probably do that ribeye tomorrow. Gonna dry brine it tonight. Got 2 nice ones for about $32. ill probably make one and cook a couple burgers too. Gonna try to get to walmart and get a charcoal chimney. Not fucking with charcoal ever again
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In my empire of dirt
holly f'n cow hawk! that place looks legit
its indian food,tastes super good and heavy on the spices plus they have a lot of vegetarian options!
dont get the paneer if you arent wanting cheese
stick with the chicken dishes and you wont be let down my man!
the buffet might be the way to go man, just try a little of everything and see what you like
glad to hear your mom is back out and in good spirits!
its not hard to hem the leg of a pair of pants but it shouldnt be that much to have them tailored
but what do i know i dress like a dirt bag


Well-known member
yeah buffet is probably best. Wish they had beef though. I even found this Ethiopian place but one step at a time! Ill try almost anything once but im poor so gotta take it slow. Gotta try lamb first though. Then work my way up to goat! lol i do like lamb though. think i got a pic somewhere. My mom never had lamb and i got her to eat it. It was good but she hates everything
If its chicken im thinking of tandoori. Lamb saag sounds good too. You really ate all this stuff pops?

Hey man i dress like a slob if im going to the liquor store or whatever but id like to look at least a little repectable sometimes. Ill wear shirts i havent washed in forever and dirty pants. Im trying to change all that. Kinda wish i had a GF but good ones are so hard to find let alone single ones
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
f'yeah ive had samosas! freaking awesome and they sell them frozen in bags at this indian larket i know of
we made them once, chick pea mixture wrapped up like a wonton but its easier to get them pre made
/what with the wacky sauces depicted in that pic?
they are off the wall good
You're not familiar with chutney and other Indian food? Dude you have to eat at an indian place . Dude raitha. Everywhere. Naan. Aloo paratha, aloo tiki. Basmati rice. Chicken vindaloo .gulab jamun.


Horse-toothed Jackass
A double-double is a double cheeseburger at In & Out, stands for 2 beef patties and 2 cheese slices. It's probably their most popular item.

Never heard of a vibram sole before but it's something ill look for next time im looking for hiking shoes. I guess they make differents versions of the sole for mountain climbing, running etc?

Indian food isnt quite like middle eastern cuisine, in some respects it is but indian food is heavier on the sauces and stewed meats, somewhat different spices too, i dont think ME places use curry as much. And like u mentioned, indians dont eat beef really cause cows are sacred, whereas ME places serve beef. Neither one serves pork tho, ME because muslims dont eat pork but not sure why indians dont eat much pork.
Sounds like DB knows indian food pretty well, it is pretty good stuff if u dont mind the spices they use. I know it's pretty popular in the UK, everyone loves a good butter chicken. It's grilled chicken stewed in a mild curry sauce made with tomato garlic ginger and butter. It's pretty westernized, even people who dont like indian food would still eat butter chicken.

That's great that ur mum is back home and resting, hopefully she'll get stronger when she eats ur cooking. She sounded like a picky eater even before she got sick so not ideal but as long as u buy or make stuff she likes it should be enough.
Getting ur fits (outfits) right will help u look good, Hawk, and if u look good you'll feel good. How much weight have u lost since u quit drinking so much and eating healthier? Probably 10lbs in the 1st month would be possible. 32 waist is pretty small for an adult male.

Is the Sox game ur going to tomorrow, DB? First base side, right? It starts 6pm my time, 5pm ur time, ill see if i can find a stream of it, maybe catch a snapshot of u if they pan the crowd.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
A double-double is a double cheeseburger at In & Out, stands for 2 beef patties and 2 cheese slices. It's probably their most popular item.

Never heard of a vibram sole before but it's something ill look for next time im looking for hiking shoes. I guess they make differents versions of the sole for mountain climbing, running etc?

Indian food isnt quite like middle eastern cuisine, in some respects it is but indian food is heavier on the sauces and stewed meats, somewhat different spices too, i dont think ME places use curry as much. And like u mentioned, indians dont eat beef really cause cows are sacred, whereas ME places serve beef. Neither one serves pork tho, ME because muslims dont eat pork but not sure why indians dont eat much pork.
Sounds like DB knows indian food pretty well, it is pretty good stuff if u dont mind the spices they use. I know it's pretty popular in the UK, everyone loves a good butter chicken. It's grilled chicken stewed in a mild curry sauce made with tomato garlic ginger and butter. It's pretty westernized, even people who dont like indian food would still eat butter chicken.

That's great that ur mum is back home and resting, hopefully she'll get stronger when she eats ur cooking. She sounded like a picky eater even before she got sick so not ideal but as long as u buy or make stuff she likes it should be enough.
Getting ur fits (outfits) right will help u look good, Hawk, and if u look good you'll feel good. How much weight have u lost since u quit drinking so much and eating healthier? Probably 10lbs in the 1st month would be possible. 32 waist is pretty small for an adult male.

Is the Sox game ur going to tomorrow, DB? First base side, right? It starts 6pm my time, 5pm ur time, ill see if i can find a stream of it, maybe catch a snapshot of u if they pan the crowd.
Yeah buddy Red Sox game tomorrow it's going to be incredible I'm sitting over by first base over where the I think where The netting ends. front row. starts 7:10 here that's cool you checked it out man I'll keep you posted