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Did you get the Covid Vaccine

Did you take the Covid Vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 22 42.3%
  • no

    Votes: 30 57.7%

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Well-known member
Wondering why the vaxers seem hostile....the non vaxers not so much.....

It rubs off. When you're emboldened by government to attack a segment of population, like anything, it's a path of least resistance. They become one with the message even if it's just a dog whistle.

A lot of psychological warfare being played in our homelands.

This is how we start civil wars in other countries. I learned all about it in military school.

It's why I eat cheeseburgers and lick my fingers after filling up the car. I laugh at a few masked ppl once in a while but what can you do. 😂


Well-known member
can't have a bee hive without workers. we are the ones that make the honey that the queens and drones survive on. they do NOT want us gone...:good:
I think this is true, still need security, food creation, doctors etc.

Only reason why I say all this is because too many times have I played pretend ruler of the world scenario and how would I do it from this very moment. I over think things geopolitical and strategically when I get high.....


Zero legal accountability for anyone involved and the people who were the cause are still in charge.
Kind of like the people who killed JFK got away with it and are still in charge.
Cocaine in their house is politics cocaine in my house is prison time.
The main issue is the number of ignorant and low IQ citizens that are produced by their educational systems.........that we pay for.
Keep sucking the government tit and you will stay a child.


I don't get what people mean when they say this. We've had the flu vaccine for decades, and it's only about 50% effective, for example.

Maybe I don't understand what part of the definition people say changed

Simply look at a old dictionary and compare it to the new definition or a Google search........thanks for proving my point.
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