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Biden: No Guns for Weed Smokers


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It would seem that a persecuted class of people, like marijuana smokers would have more of a need to protect themselves from a corrupt government.

When laws become unjust, rebellion becomes the duty of every patriot.

(Ar-15 for the win)

Old Piney

Well-known member
There were almost twice as many people killed in mass shootings during the 4 years of the trump administration as there were during the 8 years of the Obama administration. The numbers don't lie. It's best to believe facts than some political brainwashing propaganda which so many seem to have fallen under in recent years.
So that might be true but how do you link that to Trump ? I don't believe there were any significant changes in federal gun laws, was there? I know there were plenty of failures by state and local law enforcement mostly not reporting crimes and mental health issues into the federal background check system .Trump appointees to the Supreme Court have made great strides in protecting the 2n amendment but that's after his Presidency. So how is Joe doing So far with the changes by the Supreme court in place ?
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Well-known member
The story is just plain BS what Trump did ,I don't know or care but I can assure you that Glock hand gun is not illegal in SC
if he walked in off of the street and bought it without a background check, it would be. also, you cannot take possession of it in a non-residential state even if legally purchased. the seller has to ship it to a dealer in your home state, and you pick it up there.


Well-known member
So that might be true but how do you link that to Trump ? I don't believe there were any significant changes in federal gun laws, was there? I know there were plenty of failures by state and local law enforcement mostly not reporting crimes and mental health issues into the federal background check system .Trump appointees to the Supreme Court have made great strides in protecting the 2n amendment but that's after his Presidency. So how is Joe doing So far with the changes by the Supreme court in place ?

That post was a reply to a post a couple posts above it. The poster said that leftists had destroyed society and implied that leftists were responsible for gun violence. I was pointing out that as soon as the leftists were out of the White House "Obama" and trump was President that mass shootings increased significantly. It had nothing to do with Biden but was a rebuttal to the posts about leftists destroying society and causing every problem that exists which is a false.

I personally despise the left vs right / us vs them mentality as it is too simplistic lacking any critical thinking. It's not the left or right destroying society it's the picking of sides and sticking with the "Team" no matter what mentality and refusing to compromise on anything or even try to understand other points of view. Both sides take their talking points from right or left wing media. Many no longer think for themselves but just tow the party line and drink from the spigot without actually thinking for themselves.

I blame social media which is how most of the crap is being spread around these days causing people to hate others and believe ridiculous lies that you'll never convince them are untrue because some yahoo with a channel on youtube said it's true. Or some lie posted on twitter going viral and then considered fact by many.

Old Piney

Well-known member
That post was a reply to a post a couple posts above it. The poster said that leftists had destroyed society and implied that leftists were responsible for gun violence. I was pointing out that as soon as the leftists were out of the White House "Obama" and trump was President that mass shootings increased significantly. It had nothing to do with Biden but was a rebuttal to the posts about leftists destroying society and causing every problem that exists which is a false.

I personally despise the left vs right / us vs them mentality as it is too simplistic lacking any critical thinking. It's not the left or right destroying society it's the picking of sides and sticking with the "Team" no matter what mentality and refusing to compromise on anything or even try to understand other points of view. Both sides take their talking points from right or left wing media. Many no longer think for themselves but just tow the party line and drink from the spigot without actually thinking for themselves.

I blame social media which is how most of the crap is being spread around these days causing people to hate others and believe ridiculous lies that you'll never convince them are untrue because some yahoo with a channel on youtube said it's true. Or some lie posted on twitter going viral and then considered fact by many.

Old Piney

Well-known member
personally despise the left vs right / us vs them mentality
Agreed we are all Americans, we just gotta fix the problem along with many others and stop the finger-pointing along with social media I also blame the “news” media for the division


Well-known member
I don't think that there is any question about Bidens continuing mental decline. But I'm under the impression that that is universally understood by democrats and Republicans?
address The Chumps slide into oblivion as well if you expect folks to agree with you. stay one-sided, get used to talking to yourself. yeah, Biden's old. so? :dunno: i don't care, i'd still vote for him over The Chump.