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So what got shot down near Alaska?

Its all bullshit. This is just the next step to lock down the entire planet, and a way to take the focus off other things. Theres videos of ronald reagan and bill clinton saying how united we all would be, if there was a threat from outer space. Our primitive weapons cant touch a machine thats capable of interstellar travel. Funny how theres no debris, huh? lol

I read ghislane maxwell spilled the beans and gave a list of names. This is all smoke and mirrors

St. Phatty

Active member
Spy balloons are nothing new - the US has used them for 60+ years, Russia and China have also used them for many decades.

For the initial balloon in the recent series of Media Coverage, the one shot down after passed over the entire US and then got shot down around South Carolina, it was 100% logical to use the Laser Based Missile Defense.

They had plenty of time to get the tools in place on the ground and in the water.

I understand not wanting to display "certain capabilities" - but shooting down a balloon is pretty much a minimum effort.

WHY would they not use the Missile Defense for the balloon ?

The best reason I can come up with is, they were afraid of being EMBARASSED if it didn't work.


Well-known member
Premium user
So, what you are all saying is that any foreign country can send a device into the inside borders of our country and not be detected or destroyed before it gets over American soil????? Doesn't sound right. Why not add an atomic bomb to the balloon and detonate it inside our borders. Sounds too easy to not have already been done or at least tried. A lot of people out there still hate America.

No, something doesn't add up. If I thought a foreign power could get a device inside our borders without our military even knowing what it is, I would be very disappointed in our military technology?????

I don't know what it IS but I damn well know what it ISN'T. It ISN'T whatever they say it IS. LOL


Well-known member
Idk those ones on the twlight zone look legit



Well-known member
So, what you are all saying is that any foreign country can send a device into the inside borders of our country and not be detected or destroyed before it gets over American soil????? Doesn't sound right. Why not add an atomic bomb to the balloon and detonate it inside our borders. Sounds too easy to not have already been done or at least tried. A lot of people out there still hate America.

No, something doesn't add up. If I thought a foreign power could get a device inside our borders without our military even knowing what it is, I would be very disappointed in our military technology?????

I don't know what it IS but I damn well know what it ISN'T. It ISN'T whatever they say it IS. LOL
I don't doubt that such thoughts were being thought at the time
balloons lend themselves to stealth, flat panels have little radar visibility
and that's what the octogonal one appeared to have, it was shot down over Huron
the combination was apparently disturbing enough to let loose the hounds of war


Well-known member
lets's go back to the "atomic bomb in a balloon" idea. for starters, that would have to be one honking large balloon. second, it's gonna show up big-time on radar, folks will see it from the moment it lifts off. no doubting where it came from. no plausible deniability whatsoever.


Well-known member
when you blow up object size of an office chair (12$ PICO Balloon) with a 400K missile there's not exactly much to find at the bottom of a great lake.....
it's not like it falls straight down, lol. unlike the sensor array the chinese "weather" balloon was hauling, 30 feet long, lol. they knew where it fell, and it's gonna be right there. you could prob find something that big with a Lowrance fish-finder... :shucks:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I suppose we could wait for the next one and latch weapons onto it and redirect it to float over Iran and then when they shoot it down and it detonates it will look like China did it....

That might buy us some time to hatch more harebrained schemes.


Well-known member
a tidbit found this fine morning over on the ny times
the pilot that shot down the ufo over alaska reported it wasn't a balloon
or at least not the usual kind, it was metal with fragments being seen after it was hit
mighty interesting if true, unfortunately we may never know for sure

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