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So what got shot down near Alaska?


Well-known member
Yep, and they're now saying in one article that the object shot down off the Coast of W/NW Alaska was shot down over Deadhorse, Alaska. Deadhorse is on the Haul Road (Dalton Hwy) up to Prudhoe Bay. No where near the Coast, per se'.

Poor reporting, or a complete relocation of the story? Radar that bad?

Like, I went to Disney Land, and suddenly we were going up inside the Eiffel Tower?

I want some of what they're using, but maybe in lesser dosage.
yeah deadhorse? wtf, seems I recall right after the first shoot down that there was a report of debris field visible
I'm thinking there's some interest in the 'debris field' pictures


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You want a criticism of Islam?

Here it is: They should get better Call to Prayer recordings and better public address speakers. When you go to a Muslim country, the Call to Prayer from all of the mosques is actually pretty cool. Well, maybe not the 5am version . . . But, in a major city, many will start within a minute of each other. But there is always one – usually the closest – who has a really, really tinny shitty audio system and they play a seriously crappy recording of a crappy muezzin that drowns out the nice ones. That happened to us in Istanbul with a small close mosque drowning out the wonderful call from the Blue Mosque. Just sayin’ . . .


Well-known member
looks like some consensus, no way weather or other scientific balloons
hauling in one of these 'pelts' would be quite a coup for a local citizen up there
a treasure hunt could be on now, but a word of caution to any indiana jones wannabes
you know what happens to the poor schmuck that finds the alien artifact
it ain't good

moose eater

Well-known member
You want a criticism of Islam?

Here it is: They should get better Call to Prayer recordings and better public address speakers. When you go to a Muslim country, the Call to Prayer from all of the mosques is actually pretty cool. Well, maybe not the 5am version . . . But, in a major city, many will start within a minute of each other. But there is always one – usually the closest – who has a really, really tinny shitty audio system and they play a seriously crappy recording of a crappy muezzin that drowns out the nice ones. That happened to us in Istanbul with a small close mosque drowning out the wonderful call from the Blue Mosque. Just sayin’ . . .
You're still hustling hi-fi equipment, aren't you? Shameless!!! :)

When I worked as a contractor for Uncle Sam on an Army Post in the Interior of Alaska, a ways east of here, if an employee or troop wasn't off-post by the time the bugle sounded (over the PA system; equally tinny, I'm sure) at 5:00 P.M., you were supposed to park on the side of the road, exit your vehicle, place your hand over your heart or stand at attention facing the direction of the bugle, and I think there was a cannon burst about that time, as well.

The military's 'call to prayer.' :)

Caused me to violate the speed limit a little bit at times, when I was headed off post at quitting time.
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moose eater

Well-known member
looks like some consensus, no way weather or other scientific balloons
hauling in one of these 'pelts' would be quite a coup for a local citizen up there
a treasure hunt could be on now, but a word of caution to any indiana jones wannabes
you know what happens to the poor schmuck that finds the alien artifact
it ain't good
When an asteroid (correction: meteorite) landed and fragmented on the ice atop the lakes in the Yukon Territory years ago, near Carcross Yukon Territory and Tagish Yukon Territory, a fellow who found a good number of pieces from the thing made a lot of money, I'm told by friends there..

Wonder what an ET 'balloon' might be worth? I've been looking for a means by which to bolster my vacant retirement account. I don't think shedded late winter moose antlers are going to cut it. :(
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Chasing The Present


Well-known member
When an asteroid landed and fragmented on the ice atop the lakes in the Yukon Territory years ago, near Carcross Yukon Territory and Tagish Yukon Territory, a fellow who found a good number of pieces from the thing made a lot of money, I'm told by friends there..

Wonder what an ET 'balloon' might be worth? I've been looking for a means by which to bolster my vacant retirement account. I don't think shedded late winter moose antlers are going to cut it. :(
metallic meteorites have sold for millions on occasion. have you seen the pix of the two Colts made from one? very nice...


Well-known member
well, old joltin Joe has made the case these 'ufos' weren't probably anything unusual
hobbyist balloons are on the list, all kinds of stuff in the air these days
and recovery searches have ended, big bag of nothing there
interesting incident, maybe it's stopped, maybe not?

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