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Not sure where to post this. what mistakes are you making raising pets? My dogs are fighting im very stressed and sad 😥

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Well-known member
I'm not afraid of my dogs biting me
Well, don't try to get into the middle of a fight to 'break it up'.

And...you should be afraid, it only takes a fraction of a second of them having a bad judgement moment, especially in a fight situation, to leave you (or yours) with serious disfigurement. Some of our breeding stock were pre-trained for army/police work...we knew what they were capable of.

Oh, and @armedoldhippy , that was our experience with GSD females, too.
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pure dynamite
In my home country they used to say the same, that dogs are the problem, then they tightened regulations for owning big and dangerous dog breeds, so that it's more of a bother and bigger costs. Now less people own dangerous dogs and much less dog attacks happen. The ones that love those dog breeds can still have them, but it's not for everybody. I guess that showed those really wanting to keep those dogs can handle them ok in most cases, maybe it wasn't so much of the dogs fault afterall.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
They are pitbulls they were bred to fight in pits, you can never breed it out of them just like a gun dog will always go for a bird.

Only tards keep dogs bred for fighting then wonder why they don't stop fighting.

Its people like you that end up having someones baby ripped to pieces because you know nothing about dogs and think its sane to keep something bred to rip rabbits heads off as a domesticated pet to cuddle.

Put down your vicious chav gangster twat killer dog breeds bred to kill and do nothing else and go get a proper dog like a collie you don't even need a lead for you numpty.

Be reading about you in the news soon...
I went to shelter about 4 years ago. 35 dogs and 33 were pitbulls. In 2020 dogs in USA killed 64 people, 60 pitbull, 1 german shepherd, 1 doberman, and 1 mastiff. That year 2600 people were bitten so bad they had to go to hospital. I prefer Bichons who were bred to make their owners happy.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Well, don't try to get into the middle of a fight to 'break it up'.

And...you should be afraid, it only takes a fraction of a second of them having a bad judgement moment, especially in a fight situation, to leave you (or yours) with serious disfigurement. Some of our breeding stock were pre-trained for army/police work...we knew what they were capable of.

Oh, and @armedoldhippy , that was our experience with GSD females, too.
Town I moved to, a cop was visiting friend with his 3 year old daughter, and his friend had pitbull the owner said was friendly. She had her face ripped off, required $75K in surgery and will never have a nose again. They are trying to push a law here after another 3 year old was killed, to hold owners of known vicious breed dogs legally responsible. Now unless you give command to attack, can not be held responsible.


Well-known member
Good luck with your dogs.

A mate of mine owned a pitbull x or pure, i dunno. It was the size of a mini horse. Must've been crossed with a great dane or something.

It lived with another pitbull for 8 years and they got on famously until one day they had a row over food and started fighting.

After that day they had to be separated otherwise they kicked off again.

I hope your two learn to get along...


Well-known member
Clearly not.... otherwise you wouldn't have made this thread asking for help??
He is very stressed and sad that his dogs are acting as expected.
Really not a time to be claiming he understands them. Clearly has no idea what he has bought. Making the danger as real as it can be.


Well-known member
Town I moved to, a cop was visiting friend with his 3 year old daughter, and his friend had pitbull the owner said was friendly. She had her face ripped off, required $75K in surgery and will never have a nose again. They are trying to push a law here after another 3 year old was killed, to hold owners of known vicious breed dogs legally responsible. Now unless you give command to attack, can not be held responsible.
Yah, on another site, we watched a guy make a decision on what sort of 'high risk breed'. His toddler was scarred for life, stepped on sleeping dogo. Family was in an uproar about it, dunno if he ended up being divorced over it. Beautiful dogs, am pretty sure that he trained the dog, too. It isn't always bad training...there are the 'handling' decisions that go beyond 'training'.

Ever read a post that you have no idea what sort of smiley to hit? This is one of them, thumbs up on holding owners responsible, sad face on ripped face.


Well-known member
Ever hear the words shut the fuck up before its too late ?....well... the train left town months ago


Well-known member
just close your thread if you dont want people to pipe up. dog ownership is about as touchy as politics these days, im all for having an animal that can defend and protect. life happens everyone sees it differently. I know someone personally that has 4 pits, all on runners around the house for full protection. i am allowed to pet one of them, the momma who loves me. His kids are not at risk as far as i can tell, but they are told to stay away from the dogs during feeding and my friend is definitely the alpha of the pack and is home most of the time.
my 4 cents


Well-known member


Well-known member
What is a pitbull? I don't get it. Is the American pitbull terrier a mix?
The dog breed made in America is the American Staffordshire Terrier. The breed of dog in the old Spanky and Our Gang. Not the newer movie. That was an American Bulldog.
American Staffordshire Terriers are farm dogs. They protect the farm without hurting the farm animals. They were the most popular dog in America back in around 1900 to 1930 (pure guesswork). Somebody at one time might have raised them to bait bulls but they were bred to be loyal family and farm dogs.
I have had AmStaffs as they are known. Possibly the best dogs of all time.
These pitbulls are a mystery to me. Some of them weigh 100 lbs give or take. A big AmStaff is around 60 lbs. They can be 50 to 70 pounds. They love children and cats.


Well-known member
Shows what you know thank you for opening your trap so i can shut it the fuck up .....history lesson...... fuck you your dog if it comes near mine its dead DEAD! And you too especially you 😘
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