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Active member
oh i havent heard what angus says about it , is there a place i can read , or listen to what he says ??

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Active member
This quote from Gypsy first post of the thread...It was about 15 yrs ago...Good thread!:smokeit:

"The plants are a beautifull green colour with large skinny leaves typical of many tropical sativas.. The locals call it khmer gold,because of the golden shiny glitter effect of the resin on the buds when flowering."
If any locals called it "KHMER GOLD"...
TRUST ME MAN, it's either the Cambodian deportees from the states or them Cambodian crankhead. Coz they love that methamphetamine...


Active member
In Thailand, the Public Health Act of 1992 does not define objectionable odor but generally states that any premises or activities generating malodor so as to be injurious to health or likely to be deleterious to health constitute a statutory nuisance [8].

Thailand will soon ease its rules on cannabis and allow people to grow the plant at home – but recreational use is still discouraged, and officials have warned that anyone who creates a smell by smoking it in public could be charged.
But to the Caucasian people... They can only laugh seeing the misused of their own language.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Don't get in dude... Sorry as a khmer, my English is not that deep.
Sorry, I forget that sometimes this doesn't translate well on an international site.

I was responding to your SEEDS FOR SALE! post. Even though you were joking, I bet you get some interest, or "bites" hence the "fishing" post. I hope that makes sense. No offence intended. A joke that went flat!


Active member
Sorry, I forget that sometimes this doesn't translate well on an international site.

I was responding to your SEEDS FOR SALE! post. Even though you were joking, I bet you get some interest, or "bites" hence the "fishing" post. I hope that makes sense. No offence intended. A joke that went flat!
No offense taken more confused than anything else... HENCE, PLEASE BE CLEAR, THANK YOU. Sincerely yours.


Active member
No offense taken more confused than anything else... HENCE, PLEASE BE CLEAR, THANK YOU. Sincerely yours.
P.S. : I WILL NEVER SELL CANNABIS SEEDS! NOT INTO THIS KINDA BUSINESS. I'm aware of people in this site making indirect comments, compliments or recommendations just to promote the sale of their cannabis seeds. If me, I wanted to sell seeds, I will just do it professionally by getting a license and creating a website. NOT PRETENDING TO JOINT A PUBLIC CANNABIS WEBSITE FOR INTENTIONS OF SELLING BEANS.It look "SMALL-TIMER"
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Active member
In Thailand, the Public Health Act of 1992 does not define objectionable odor but generally states that any premises or activities generating malodor so as to be injurious to health or likely to be deleterious to health constitute a statutory nuisance [8].

Thailand will soon ease its rules on cannabis and allow people to grow the plant at home – but recreational use is still discouraged, and officials have warned that anyone who creates a smell by smoking it in public could be charged.
@@hempy I don't know what to say to you other than "you got a SPECIAL WAY of believing things... Unlike us Earthlings".

So this is how thai government people be writing articles to inform their own?
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The Haze Whisperer
TAINY you seem confused about the odar law hope this helps.
In Thailand, the Public Health Act of 1992 does not define objectionable odor but generally states that any premises or activities generating malodor so as to be injurious to health or likely to be deleterious to health constitute a statutory nuisance

The law that can see you find for smoking cannabis in public has been around since 1992 it was not put in place for cannabis.

Being able to legally grow in Thailand is a huge advancement for cannabis and for the Thai people.

Seeing 4000 or 5000 people freed from prison for cannabis convictions was also a huge thing.

This should be looked at as a positive thing.


Active member
TAINY you seem confused about the odar law hope this helps.

The law that can see you find for smoking cannabis in public has been around since 1992 it was not put in place for cannabis.

Being able to legally grow in Thailand is a huge advancement for cannabis and for the Thai people.

Seeing 4000 or 5000 people freed from prison for cannabis convictions was also a huge thing.

This should be looked at as a positive thing.
THX that it is you "hempy" and not GOD who think that I seemed confused... Because to compare cannabis to a "malodor", I don't know who is more confused than who... and anyway I planted my first seeds since 1977 in the woods and it wasn't legal so them FLUFFING LAWS, I'd never gave a FLUFF too.


Active member
This quote from Gypsy first post of the thread...It was about 15 yrs ago...Good thread!:smokeit:

"The plants are a beautifull green colour with large skinny leaves typical of many tropical sativas.. The locals call it khmer gold,because of the golden shiny glitter effect of the resin on the buds when flowering."
Always the same old song... An associate, grown for ever there, heirloom... even family landrace!!! And on and on... IN 2002 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STARTED TO DEPORT CAMBODIAN FELONS BACK TO CAMBODIA... they're the ones who started to grow them hybrids from the States (selling to tourists) coz it's quick to finish unlike KAGNCHA (at least four months flowering time). Could possibly be for them tourists collecting seeds (from 2002 up) with fancy Cambodian names and end up being hybrids from the States, Europe or especially Australia! Only GOD knows...

KHMER GOLD is lacking in interlect... because kinda copying Columbian Gold alike.
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Cosmonauta cannabico 🚀
@TAÏNY hey, thank you I'm doing great, how are you?
sorry I dont actually speak Thai besides some hand & feet, as Im just a white European guy haha
chose the name because when joining ICmag, I was all over the Thai Sativa thread and had been growing those Hmong Hilltribe seeds.

thats exactly what I was thinking after reading your great info about the heritage
comparing pictures, I would match them with Cambodian the most, because of the similar structure.
colas get very dominant on mine, especially when made into hybrids

this is a Hmong Hilltribe x Pakistan Chitral Kush F1, for example:



left one in the back too (green pheno)
just huuuge!
Wow! Beautifull pheno! The big colas is wonderfull. Very great hybrid! Amazing!
Well done!


Active member
@Wall how's it going man? The red skunk you mentioned, what's the difference compared to the "SKUNK"? And I meant to the 80s skunk from California.
the red skunk came from a cheap bank :unsure: I believe like the old Positronics !? a very long time ago...i think it was a purple skunk. Pheno purple? or Skunk x Afghan? I do not know anymore. Powerful skunk with a purple finish.


Active member
the red skunk came from a cheap bank :unsure: I believe like the old Positronics !? a very long time ago...i think it was a purple skunk. Pheno purple? or Skunk x Afghan? I do not know anymore. Powerful skunk with a purple finish.
@Wall one thing I'm curious was the pistils red?

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