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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
g'day me Cockney cobber ...

I can appreciate how the subject is big in importance where you live. The Lunatic himself lives closer to your place than the furthest extent of the State that I live in down here.
It's times like this that I bless my Father's Notts head for being so far sighted as to get us out of there. I understand little snow now falls where we used to live because of the heat generated by the collection of power stations there.
So you have lots of conveniences in that big city of yours. And lots of Culture as well. Never a dull moment. But gee whizz Mate ... I 'd be thinking of emigrating!

Nice to see ya back mate,,,,
hope you and the missus are both in fine fettle,,s2


Well-known member
Crabs and excess roughage in the diet from beans and pine needles. Yule Gibbons was working for the CIA, taking the counterculture on a ride, telling them all that natural food was for their own good, when, in fact, it was a well-hatched plan to get rid of purveyors of questionable Mexican reefer. :D

Not all parts were edible after all.

"did you know that some parts of a fire hydrant are edible?" used to be the joke...poor ol' Euell, mocked even decades after his death. 😏


Well-known member
Didn't all the hippies die from STD's and mange...

only HIV can kill, short term. syphilis WILL get you...eventually. crabs might make you shoot yourself, if you can't get rid of them...how did the old joke go? "set your pubic hair on fire & stab the crabs with an ice pick when they try to escape the flames..." was how bikers killed them.

St. Phatty

Active member
We already have a Worst Case situation -
Nuclear weapons in the hands of Mid-East Terrorists
i.e. the US & Israel.

People think "oh they're on our side" and are Terribly Wrong. Even if they're American "citizens".

That Terror States like the US & Israel have Hydrogen bombs, totally changes the equation for Nuclear Proliferation.

Nuclear Proliferation is a GOOD THING, because it gives independent states - Syria & Iran, for example - the power to withstand the Terror States.

But as they say, you need 80% enriched (80% U235, 20% U238) to build a Hiroshima type bomb.
That centrifuge step is difficult, for those who go that route.

A cyclotron was probably used to separate some of the U235 and U238, that was used in Hiroshima Little Boy tests.


Well-known member
gaseous / thermal diffusion and electromagnetic separation, just down the road an hour or so in Oak Ridge...used to archery deer hunt in there. all deer harvested were checked with a Geiger counter at the checking station. saw some really big bucks in the dumpster every year...


Well-known member
A huge error will be made if UK, France, Germany, Spain et al (and Israel for their know how) do not move on Moscow right now.

Any reason to not say the states?
We are all pretty close, to be shooting down stuff sent our way. Hitting stuff on it's way is very difficult, and the window in time very small.

Isn't Branson Island it's own nation?
Come on Rich, step up :)

moose eater

Well-known member
but will that incapacitate an aircraft delivered nuke with a simple physical altimeter trigger switch working on air pressure at a given altitude? bomb drops to a certain height & BOOM! they were used on the atomic bombs we used on Japan, giving the bomber aircraft a chance to escape the shock wave. i don't know if that would even be needed now, as fast/high as jets fly these days...you sure as hell don't want it going off on contact with the ground or below. that would shove HUGE amounts of radioactive material up into the jet stream circling the globe. bad juju all around.....

Historically it was believed that anything that relied on electricity (navigational equipment, air defense systems, etc., etc., was all presumed to be of suspect function in the event of EMP.

The altitude/pressure trigger might well function. Getting it to its target from X number of miles away might prove to be another effort altogether.

I think the whole concept of scorched earth doctrine where nukes are concerned is more evidence of our adolescent mentality where war's involved. Like we watched too many A-Team movies, where no matter how bad the carnage, the hero's in the next scene, sling on arm, smiling, and either enjoying a beverage, or ....

Reminds me of that book, 'Enough Shovels' where that fellow wrote about folks needing to not worry; that in the event of a nuclear exchange, he insisted all they needed to do was to quickly dig a small trench, deep enough and large enough to have their body lay down in it, and the heat wave from the blast would (he believed) pass right over their body, and they'd be ... .fine?

Presumably such persons failed to take into account the physics of flame and intense heat cooking the oxygen out of the air. Enough Shovels, indeed.
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Well-known member
No need to dig trenches if there is a large enough supply of school desks. Duck and Cover saved me from the Cuban Missile Crisis. I kept hearing how Cuba was only 90 miles away but my trusty school desk would keep me safe.
Click image for larger version  Name:	duck and cover.jpg Views:	0 Size:	144.5 KB ID:	18089493
NUKEMAP is a site that simulates damage resulting from nuclear weapons detonations. Plug in your location and choose the weapon and watch what happens. If I had a choice I'd prefer to be at ground zero, @944s2.


Three Berries

Active member
This is what the whole thing is about, to bring such terror to the public they demand that nuclear weapons' be never used again.

Are we at the precipice yet?

St. Phatty

Active member
Historically it was believed that anything that relied on electricity (navigational equipment, air defense systems, etc., etc., was all presumed to be of suspect function in the event of EMP.

The altitude/pressure trigger might well function. Getting it to its target from X number of miles away might prove to be another effort altogether.

I think the whole concept of scorched earth doctrine where nukes are concerned is more evidence of our adolescent mentality where war's involved. Like we watched too many A-Team movies, where no matter how bad the carnage, the hero's in the next scene, sling on arm, smiling, and either enjoying a beverage, or ....

When people talk about EMP, they miss the central point ... distance from the detonation.

All of the EMP hardened electronics that I participated in the design of, we could not expect it to survive at Ground Zero.

But 5 miles away - well that depends on whether it's a Uranium-only bomb or an H-bomb.

Americans do not understand nuclear power, and that's why they are afraid of it.

Chernobyl released far more radiation than an average nuclear bomb, related to Chernobyl having 400,000 pounds of Uranium in each RBMK reactor.

The US grossly mis-manages its own nuclear tech.

Any with 1/10 of a brain would shut down Santa Susana, which was far worse than Three Mile Island.

TMI had 1 meltdown, SS had -4- meltdowns.

The OBVIOUS thing to do in those cases is to PUNISH the managers.

But that never happened.

Which tells you that some of the managers belong to a "protected class" - they can fuck up with impunity.

The other obvious thing to do, is to transfer management to a team with a perfect safety record.

For example, if I had a chance to be involved, I would give MIT some good news, and some bad news.

The good news - they get an extra $5 or $10 Billion.

The bad news - they're now responsible for managing all nuclear reactors in the Northeast US - because of their perfect safety record. So it's not really bad news, if their safety record is acknowledged.

Three Berries

Active member
The US HAS to destroy the records of the Clinton et.al. Corruption. Russia has the goods on Uranium 1. Ukraine has their physical financial records of the US corruption.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
The world is concerned with this guy remaining in power?


Ukraine letting the west use it as a corrupt pit of cash was a huge mistake. Being a NATO bitch will ruin her. She should thank Putin for bailing her out from the NWO. Like rescueing a young girl from a whorehouse..

Putin rescuing Ukraine from what? from democracy? from self determination? Jesus wept your flippancy is breathtaking!
Putin has started a ground -war in Europe, he has invaded a sovereign country. Today he shelled the biggest nuclear power station in Europe. Yes the west has done some pretty awful things in recent years but there is no equivalence to what Putin is doing now. I bet you would be sh1tting yourself if this was happening a couple of states away from you in the USA. This is like one of your dumb culture wars... but conducted with tanks and rockets. Putin is the biggest fascist of them all... which is probably why you admire him so much.
Europe has been left divided after events of recent years and Putin has helped drive that, and now he makes his move to try and resurrect the Soviet empire. I think many Europeans thought we would not see this type of war again so close to home but we were wrong, we let him get away with too much in recent years and were distracted by dumb sh1t like Brexit instead. Lesson learned (i hope).


Three Berries

Active member
Putin rescuing Ukraine from what? from democracy? from self determination? Jesus wept your flippancy is breathtaking!
Putin has started a ground -war in Europe, he has invaded a sovereign country. Today he shelled the biggest nuclear power station in Europe. Yes the west has done some pretty awful things in recent years but there is no equivalence to what Putin is doing now. I bet you would be sh1tting yourself is this was happening a couple of states away from you in the USA. This is like one of your dumb culture wars... but conducted with tanks and rockets. Putin is the biggest fascist of them all... which is probably why you admire him so much.
Europe has been left divided after events of recent years and Putin has helped drive that, and now he makes his move to try and resurrect the Soviet empire. I think many Europeans thought we would not see this type of war again so close to home but we were wrong, we let him get away with too much in recent years and were distracted by dumb sh1t like Brexit instead. Lesson learned (i hope).


From US corruption and Globalist Human Trafficking.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
From US corruption and Globalist Human Trafficking.

I'd take my chances with a bit of Western corruption if the alternative is being ruled by a brutal dictator thanks all the same. You Trump fans getting all turned on by Putin because he is 'strong' is tragic. Europe is pretty much completely united in abhorrence for what Putin is doing and that doesn't happen very often.


Three Berries

Active member
I'd take my chances with a bit of Western corruption if the alternative is being ruled by a brutal dictator thanks all the same. You Trump fans getting all turned on by Putin because he is 'strong' is tragic. Europe is pretty much completely united in abhorrence for what Putin is doing and that doesn't happen very often.


The EU is Deep State puppets. NATO is Deep State army. You won't destroy Russia but Ukraine being part of the EU or NATO will destroy Ukraine AND EU and NATO. If the EU wants to defend themselves against an evil dictator then they should not be tying the noose of Russian energy around their neck. As it is with the EU Russian imports and the US Russian imports, we are financing the war for Russia.

Many tax dollars from the USA go to Ukraine and many US politicians and families financially benefit from that.

This is also being used to raise gas prices astronomically high by both 'sides' in the US. One wants to highlight inflationary cost to Americans and foreign reliance of fuel, the other side wants to eliminate fossil fuels and figure to drive you out of your car into an electric one.

The Last President proved the first part.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

Well - that's the sad projected outcome of what we are now facing - however it has come to be - and whoever's at fault to let it happen - a joint effort by the Ruskies - and the Western alliance - they are both a bunch of warmongers - war criminals - who seem to have no empathy or regard for the common people - such as we are - and play their sickening war games - whilst they hide in their ivory towers and bunkers - deep beneath the surface of this good earth - It will be VERY quick for us that live in major cities - you wont even have time to bend over and try to kiss your arse goodbye - before being vaporized - perhaps their is some solace in that ? - But those on the outskirts of what we like to call 'civilisation' (sic) will suffer most - and my heart goes out to them -