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Bush Weed Seeds


The Haze Whisperer
So have Any of you experts ever grown out Kangas MM ?

The real Mullum was not a Laos.

That article
The most purported breeders according to the information available online are Kangativa and Bushweed. Both can be found on the International Cannagraphic forum. They have contributed immensely to online threads concerning MM, which were used to write most of this article.


Bushweed was never a breeder or had he been growing for years.

Kanga had no involvement in the breeding of MM he was given MM in 84/85 he posted that.

The last MM i scored was 84/85 and it looked close to this.

Kankas MM the plant i call Medusa

Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_2459 (2).JPG Views:	0 Size:	97.2 KB ID:	18082948

Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_2469 (2).JPG Views:	0 Size:	151.1 KB ID:	18082949

Looks more a Thai Colombia hybrid to me.

Were you in PNG VIC or even smoking cannabis in 84 Donald ?.

Donald Mallard

el duck
if you have an onboard dna tech for analyzing samples of cannabis ,
then you might have some information to add hempy ,
otherwise , your just speculating at best mate , and not going so well at it either ,
since you really have no idea ...

what is the source of the seed you have taken pictures of ,
kangas mm right ??
so are you saying you think its legit and the exact thing you think you know is mm ??
has your onboard dna sampler told you what it is ??
if not , how do you come to your conclusion ??

why do you care where i was in 84 hempy , or what i was doing ,
i started toking long before then , and i was in victoria during most of that year ,
though i did spend some of it in queensland and moved there in 85 ...
i get around a bit mate ...
will you ask me next how many plants i have grown as you do with others when you try to make less of their input??
your barking up the wrong tree buddy ,
do not push me or attempt to banter with me ,
ive had enough of your shit and wont tolerate any crap from you ...


The Haze Whisperer
No speculating from my end like i said school friends were living with the hippies and growing the real MM from 78 until 84/85 i have posted that for over 2 decades.

The first time i smoked and had herd of it was late 79 from plants grown in 78. It was no big deal as we had lots of quality weed about from tripping weed Thai list goes on.

Your the one speculating here by claiming its now Laos not me.

My source of seed is non of your concern Donald all you need to know is there legit.

How old are you Donald by memory your about 10 years younger than me.

Why dose it matter well if you were not around smoking how would you know first hand what MM was or what it really smoked like or other lines of the time period.

The MM name as you found out was used to sell weed Mulluman was just one of many to do it but credit to him for admitting it was not the real MM in the end.

Back then few cared about the name or even labeled the weed they sold.


The Haze Whisperer
What matters in this conversation is this.

Is Kangas MM related to the real MM well i believe it is.

Did Kanga get the real MM from an old guy in the mid 80s YES.

Did Bushweed ever get the parent plants to breed these lines NO.

Donald Mallard

el duck
No speculating from my end like i said school friends were living with the hippies and growing the real MM from 78 until 84/85 i have posted that for over 2 decades.

The first time i smoked and had herd of it was late 79 from plants grown in 78. It was no big deal as we had lots of quality weed about from tripping weed Thai list goes on.

Your the one speculating here by claiming its now Laos not me.

My source of seed is non of your concern Donald all you need to know is there legit.

How old are you Donald by memory your about 10 years younger than me.

Why dose it matter well if you were not around smoking how would you know first hand what MM was or what it really smoked like or other lines of the time period.

The MM name as you found out was used to sell weed Mulluman was just one of many to do it but credit to him for admitting was not the real MMit in the end.

Back then few cared about the name or even labeled the weed they sold.

learn how to read man ,,
its quite painful having to even interact with someone that cant read and comprehend clearly,
i did not say what you are insinuating, did u read the information chi posted ??
i said its possible laos is related to mm , of course much earlier ,
and you cannot possibly say it isnt since you dont know , hence my saying you are simply speculating at best,
but i was not the one that began that conversation, its in the information posted by chi ,
but of course thats below you to read it from what i can tell because of course you know better ...

and no i am not 10 years younger than you , where do you make these assumptions ??
its 3 years mate ,
i guess this is another way of you trying to assert your self importance yet again ,
that ego just runs unchecked with you doesnt it mate ?
your a complete narcissist hempy , get over yourself mate and learn some humility for fs ...
go back to where you came from and leave these conversations to level headed adults , who all did fine before you came in like a bull in a china shop ...
pull your head out of your ass mate ....


The Haze Whisperer
I had to take a screen shot of your post above best example of classic wally right there.

You posted your age and you also posted videos of your self remember and no way your 3 years younger than me.

Do you even know what a Narcissistic personality is ?
A mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.

That is you my friend.

So stop trolling me i will go back to ignoring you best thing for all involved.


atomizing haze essence
When you cross the Seedsman Hz males with genetics containg real Haze, they bring you plants leaning to the mother and grandmother back in the progeny.
If you select and find some of those males, you can make some crazy top alchemy crosses with the gear you have and bring more magic back

Have a nice day everybody

original haze is top alchemy already, why to cross haze cross with original haze? instead of growing just original haze? this way you suggest it is kind of inbreeding and if you know original haze enough, probably not yet as you grew just few plants... you know that more you touch it and inbred, worse it gets... I think that what you suggest is misunderstanding of haze genetics. I cant get rid of impression, you think that cannabis genetics is stable like tomato or potato genetics. which is surely not... it is wildly unstable and when you try to get it stable, inbred it, you loose more than you gain...

I found nice info about haze bushweed used in his cross with super laos. I think some can find it interesting...

I'm very impressed with this what I think is a pure haze (certainly there's no obvious NL or SK as far as aromas or cola development are concerned), but there is a possibility that the seeds I have are a Hz x Thai hybrid based solely on the absence of purple traits. But because of the aromas and flavors, I think it is perhaps from Sam's original haze batch that has subsequently been selected for the very clean euphoric high, which may be more prevalent in the non purple ones.

Unfortunately, I have yet to make haze f2s and have only a handful of the originals...

Soi when I compare the best of Kanga's MM and the Haze in my pocket, it is only an evaluation based on 2 haze plants with a 2 month cure...BUT as far as I can tell, the high is of similar strength and quality...where the MM comes out on top is in structure and yield, which is unsurpassed IME - long rows of solid columnar MM tops is very hard to beat. But the haze has prettier, sweeter smelling flowers.

Very, very nice, but still a way short in terms of potency of some of the Thai gear that was still available here until the early 90s.

They do exist...this is the closest we have..



Donald Mallard

el duck
I had to take a screen shot of your post above best example of classic wally right there.

You posted your age and you also posted videos of your self remember and no way your 3 years younger than me.

Do you even know what a Narcissistic personality is ?

That is you my friend.

So stop trolling me i will go back to ignoring you best thing for all involved.

you are an insufferable man ,
so i look young for my age ,
my apologies for being such a healthy specimen ...
i never posted any videos of myself , they are from icmag clips ,
it was 20 years ago now , i know your not so good at working out the finer points of things mate ...

i tend to understand what i say , i dont have to use google in order to define words as you do ,
stop posting bullshit , i will delete any further rubbish you post ,
its not accurate or useful and is only posted in order to inflate your ego or put someone else down ..
be gone with you ....


Well-known member
you are an insufferable man ,
so i look young for my age ,
my apologies for being such a healthy specimen ...
i never posted any videos of myself , they are from icmag clips ,
it was 20 years ago now , i know your not so good at working out the finer points of things mate ...

i tend to understand what i say , i dont have to use google in order to define words as you do ,
stop posting bullshit , i will delete any further rubbish you post ,
its not accurate or useful and is only posted in order to inflate your ego or put someone else down ..
be gone with you ....

Donald Mallard it is clear to most even semi-versed in reading comprehension that what you wrote was not an absolute statement, in fact you literally said ”…it might be distantly related…” and of course Laotian maybe being distantly related to Laotian or Thai isn’t that far fetched haha. It’s as clear what that other person is doing as - per his own admission - he’s been doing this for ”decades” and I bet there are a few more people than just me that got tired of it more than a decade ago.

I think it’s just jealousy as you get a lot of positive attention (rightfully so) and ”they/the other” might be deeply depressed that they haven’t got the same respect and love in the community hence those pathetic tries to downplay your persona and what you’ve done of course all the while trying to put makeup on the pig that is the own experiences or lack thereof.

I for one salute everyone that ”stands up to be counted” as it was once said. Going out in the world meeting people and trying different things, sourcing seeds and growing them and making new seeds and spreading them with kindness, humor and a very humble attitude. Some wish that they had that kind of reputation instead of what they are stuck with through their own doing and their own abrasive behavior. It’s sad but that is the flip side of the coin of ”free speech”. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion even if they’ve been rattling on and on about it for decades having the same fights over and over.

The stupidity though is that some seem to think that only they’re allowed an opinion leading them to try to belittle or ridicule differentiating opinions in some sense that they have the ”right” to. I told him more than once before that it’s totally fine to have an opinion but it’s insanity to crave that everyone else must agree with it.

The sad part is that people like yourself have to deal with this kind of posters, for the rest of us it would be much more productive to have that kind of noise silenced so we could ask people like you more important and much more interesting things drawing from your experience, I mean real world experience, not a friend of a friend who told someone something or something you read online. I have enjoyed your sharing of both knowledge through many of the jungle growing threads and the genetics spread with love and care, I bet there are many just like me thinking like this so don’t worry about that noise, it’s unfortunate but it’s the ”dark side” of our community and the flip-side of the coin of free speech I guess.

HEMPY don’t go there again. You come down this road of anger fueled by your sense of self-importance and you’re kind of ruining the exchange of ideas and information for the rest of us with your lack of comprehension and your desperate thirst for respect and recognition. You can’t tell others how fucking great you are, you have to show it and dude, all I see is someone who never dared to stand up to be counted. Can’t you see just how silly it looks when you try to prop up your stuff and shit on everyone else’s? ”Oh I have the original Thia, no one else has anything like it but I won’t ever give it out as then they might tell people that it isn’t as fucking great as I tell them it is”. You’re the only one out of your element being the self-appointed leader of ”team haze” yet you never grew or smoked a pure haze. You’re the one trying to tell us about thai culture and language and what the farmers there might have or not and where they keep it, yet you never been there, not even once for a week. But then when others that have some sort of experience, even if they’re not trying to claim themselves (like you do) but just set the ”record” straight as it were. There’s not much respect in my book for people like that. Please prove me wrong by yielding to sanity or at least be fucking decent to people.

on another note, those old pictures are so nice to see. Wonder how they could grow them with all the leafs still on the plants and in the sun… hahaha

Donald Mallard

el duck
thanks stocktont ,
i always enjoy your well thought out and written posts ,
and yes your correct ,
if mullum is even 50% thai , and reported to come from isan/laos,
then its possible that its related to laos (doh) ,
only an stubborn person wearing blinkers couldnt see that,
maybe it would sound better if they said it themselves .. lol ...

i wonder if that person is aware of projection ,
seems to be a bit of that going on too ....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I had to take a screen shot of your post above best example of classic wally right there.

You posted your age and you also posted videos of your self remember and no way your 3 years younger than me.

Do you even know what a Narcissistic personality is ?

That is you my friend.

So stop trolling me i will go back to ignoring you best thing for all involved.

What is wrong with you people honesty all you do is crave attention.
You just couldn't make this shit up. :laughing:


Well-known member
Premium user
original haze is top alchemy already, why to cross haze cross with original haze? instead of growing just original haze? this way you suggest it is kind of inbreeding and if you know original haze enough, probably not yet as you grew just few plants... you know that more you touch it and inbred, worse it gets... I think that what you suggest is misunderstanding of haze genetics. I cant get rid of impression, you think that cannabis genetics is stable like tomato or potato genetics. which is surely not... it is wildly unstable and when you try to get it stable, inbred it, you loose more than you gain...

I found nice info about haze bushweed used in his cross with super laos. I think some can find it interesting...

I agree that there is really no point to crossing original haze to another haze hybrid. Thats a recipe for an inferior result. Why not just run the pure haze and if you want more body on a lesser plant grow the hybrid separate.

With respect to inbreeding pure haze I found that with other strains like Cinderella as an example(keeping in mind exceptional Origianl Haze individuals are much more rare than that of c99). In C99 I have seen great variance in the later filial generations and 90% of those examples have been done with very very limited populations and even a lesser amount of male population at that. P1, F2, F3, F4, F6 and probably an f5 in there somewhere over a long time. Some my own but most from others. Only one or two examples have retained what I would call decent examples of the original P1 stock and possibly one or two of those may match the height of the P1, but not in the entire population of that particular filial generation of seed. With each progressive generation the need for larger populations to find plants of equal quality increase exponentially.

This is a theoretical example only.
Haze by example a P1 generation (without taking dominant alleles into account)an exceptional plant is said to be found in 5% of the population (1 in 20=.05). So by the first mating of random individuals you would have reduced exceptionals to as low as .25%. (.05x.05=.0025)
P1 may have .05 (1 in 20)
F2 may have 0.0025 (1 in 400)
F3 may have 0.0000625 (1 in 160,000)
I was never good in probability so its more theory and I am not even going to begin to look for the proper equation.

Not much in the way of P1 stock of Original Haze available anymore if any. Small batch 1:1 matings as you will find with most f2 and beyond are not seed to start a haze breeding project with as you are already starting off with less than 5% workable individuals. These statements are also heavily reliant on the 5% rule of which many of spoken with regard to the Haze line. Other lines you may find a much higher % of selectable parents to work with but you arent going to in Haze.


Active member
What a nostalgia trip!

Man I miss that mango, It was the herb that got me hooked.

I hope sooner rather than never those seeds of yours Hempy are gifted to the world to try.

Please be around to share in the joy they will bring to people.

Peace out.

:Dhempy's corner::smokeit:

Hempy Thia 78

Nevil's haze

Original Mango Haze Testers

haze A Line

haze C Line




The Haze Whisperer
Exactly and he hoards and lords over all.

Sub i share my genetics with friends and their friends that in many cases i dont ever meet and i allays have.

Who are you to me ? no one you have never tried to reach out to me or make an effort to be a friend and here you are calling me a hoarder REALLY ?

Why would i share genetics with people that dont like me.

I was going to share a specific line i plan on making with the community that will not happening now because of people like you.

But i do plan on shearing things with a few that made an effort with me in privet.

The hide of some of you is amazing.


Well-known member
Lol I edited that statement really quickly and it was in bad taste. I really honestly think you would feel better sharing the love ❤️
Let’s be honest now... you were never going to share. Just saying.. idk you know it too.
I shouldn’t have jumped into this fire pit.