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no no, unvaccinated are not discriminated, no no. they just can't do anything any more except stay home, not discriminatory at all.

i think Australia is gonna get a shock when they re open their borders. you guys have hardly any natural immunity there and when you open up it will do what it did to every other country with open borders. you can come back and laugh in 6 months if its all over, but i doubt it. time will tell.

to me it doesn't really matter if they say they are opening up, the precedent is set, they can and will lock you down again any time at the drop of a hat. to me this is the worst thing about covid, not the people its killed, the dictatorial emergency powers it has given governments around the world to cancel human rights, powers which they now have for ever. they have the power to turn democracy off and do as they please and thats a price thats way too high.


Active member
Chi; Just wondering if there is prejudice happening there against the non-vaccinated? In BC Canada it is getting really bad. People who have decided to not be vaccinated are looked down upon and ridiculed. You need the vax card to go into coffee shops, bars, etc. It is pretty bad. It is ridiculous, since there is no evidence (I've seen) that the vaccine slows the spread.

It's not that bad yet in Mexico but the prejudice exists a bit in the expat population.

As most should be. Some may have legit medical reasons. Don’t call it prejudice though. It’s a choice not to participate in society, yet they want all the benefits. You can’t have both.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
As most should be. Some may have legit medical reasons. Don’t call it prejudice though. It’s a choice not to participate in society, yet they want all the benefits. You can’t have both.

If there were a real provable case that vaccines stop or slow the spread and/or the mutation of the virus, then I might agree with this statement. If an individual makes as informed a decision as possible that they decline the vaccine (as many medical professionals and scientists have done) they should not be chastised, ridiculed or looked down upon because of this. If they are denied access to an airline without the vaccine, so be it (although I disagree) but being blamed for the continuance of the virus, as is happening widely, only shows a mob mentality and lack of perception.

It appears (although admittedly data is scarce so far) that with the omicron variety that the virus is naturally 'downgrading' preserving both host and parasite. To push for a new vaccine related to this variety for a wide sweep of the population seems only politically and economically motivated.

How about 'only pot smokers allowed in this establishment'? If you don't drink milk you are not allowed. We all know it builds strong bones!


Active member
If there were a real provable case that vaccines stop or slow the spread and/or the mutation of the virus, then I might agree with this statement. If an individual makes as informed a decision as possible that they decline the vaccine (as many medical professionals and scientists have done) they should not be chastised, ridiculed or looked down upon because of this. If they are denied access to an airline without the vaccine, so be it (although I disagree) but being blamed for the continuance of the virus, as is happening widely, only shows a mob mentality and lack of perception.

It appears (although admittedly data is scarce so far) that with the omicron variety that the virus is naturally 'downgrading' preserving both host and parasite. To push for a new vaccine related to this variety for a wide sweep of the population seems only politically and economically motivated.

How about 'only pot smokers allowed in this establishment'? If you don't drink milk you are not allowed. We all know it builds strong bones!

21 and over. Is that a prejudice against kids?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
21 and over. Is that a prejudice against kids?

You misread.
they should not be chastised, ridiculed or looked down upon because of this. If they are denied access to an airline without the vaccine, so be it (although I disagree) but being blamed for the continuance of the virus, as is happening widely, only shows a mob mentality and lack of perception.


thats what blows my mind, the mrna shot is proven not to contain the virus, it's proven not to stop you dying from the virus. so how exactly is a mandate in any way reasonable?

open your eyes people, you can have 90% vaccination rates and still have terrible outbreaks. this is not a real vaccine any more and mandating it is just doubling down on a failed medical experiment. at the total best, this vaccine gives you a few months of some statistical protection. in no way can it be compared to real vaccines with a proven history. the FDA is so ashamed of their approval of this shit, that they are fighting freedom of information requests for the raw study data, they are saying it will take 75 years before they can share all of it.

with the history the pharma industry has, isn't it time to re think things re this jab? seriously, when the data changes you are supposed to change your mind. to double down on failure is the definition of insanity.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
thats what blows my mind, the mrna shot is proven not to contain the virus, it's proven not to stop you dying from the virus. so how exactly is a mandate in any way reasonable?

open your eyes people, you can have 90% vaccination rates and still have terrible outbreaks. this is not a real vaccine any more and mandating it is just doubling down on a failed medical experiment. at the total best, this vaccine gives you a few months of some statistical protection. in no way can it be compared to real vaccines with a proven history. the FDA is so ashamed of their approval of this shit, that they are fighting freedom of information requests for the raw study data, they are saying it will take 75 years before they can share all of it.

with the history the pharma industry has, isn't it time to re think things re this jab? seriously, when the data changes you are supposed to change your mind. to double down on failure is the definition of insanity.
I don't have time to look at the rest but it clearly improves your chances of surviving.
  • In England, between 2 January and 2 July 2021, there were 51,281 deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19); 640 occurred in people who were fully vaccinated, which includes people who had been infected before they were vaccinated.
So unless my maths is totally fucked we have deaths from covid in England for the first 6 months this year at;
Unvaccinated deaths 50,641
Vaccinated deaths 640


People who are fully vaccinated against covid-19 are far less likely to infect others, despite the arrival of the delta variant, several studies show. The findings refute the idea, which has become common in some circles, that vaccines no longer do much to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

“They absolutely do reduce transmission,” says Christopher Byron Brooke at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Vaccinated people do transmit the virus in some cases, but the data are super crystal-clear that the risk of transmission for a vaccinated individual is much, much lower than for an unvaccinated individual.”

A recent study found that vaccinated people infected with the delta variant are 63 per cent less likely to infect people who are unvaccinated.

COVID-19 vaccines that have obtained WHO emergency use listing appear to have high efficacy against severe disease and death, but lower efficacy against non-severe infections, and emerging evidence suggests that protection against non-severe disease declines faster following vaccination than that against severe disease and death. What is less clear is whether vaccination not only directly protects individuals but reduces the risk of infection among the contacts of vaccinated people, particularly with respect to the now dominant delta variant. Before the emergence of the delta variant, it was reported that after at least one dose of the mRNA vaccine by Pfizer or the adenoviral vector vaccine by Astra Zeneca, the risk of symptomatic cases in household contacts of vaccinated cases was about 50% lower than that among household contacts of unvaccinated cases.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I don't have time to look at the rest but it clearly improves your chances of surviving.
  • In England, between 2 January and 2 July 2021, there were 51,281 deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19); 640 occurred in people who were fully vaccinated, which includes people who had been infected before they were vaccinated.
So unless my maths is totally fucked we have deaths from covid in England for the first 6 months this year at;
Unvaccinated 50,641
Vaccinhated 640


People who are fully vaccinated against covid-19 are far less likely to infect others, despite the arrival of the delta variant, several studies show. The findings refute the idea, which has become common in some circles, that vaccines no longer do much to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

“They absolutely do reduce transmission,” says Christopher Byron Brooke at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Vaccinated people do transmit the virus in some cases, but the data are super crystal-clear that the risk of transmission for a vaccinated individual is much, much lower than for an unvaccinated individual.”

A recent study found that vaccinated people infected with the delta variant are 63 per cent less likely to infect people who are unvaccinated.

COVID-19 vaccines that have obtained WHO emergency use listing appear to have high efficacy against severe disease and death, but lower efficacy against non-severe infections, and emerging evidence suggests that protection against non-severe disease declines faster following vaccination than that against severe disease and death. What is less clear is whether vaccination not only directly protects individuals but reduces the risk of infection among the contacts of vaccinated people, particularly with respect to the now dominant delta variant. Before the emergence of the delta variant, it was reported that after at least one dose of the mRNA vaccine by Pfizer or the adenoviral vector vaccine by Astra Zeneca, the risk of symptomatic cases in household contacts of vaccinated cases was about 50% lower than that among household contacts of unvaccinated cases.

I do believe I found 2 lies in the outer article. I have yet to read the studies cited.

1/ What is important to realise, de Gier says, is that the full effect of vaccines on reducing transmission is even higher than 63 per cent, because most vaccinated people don’t become infected in the first place.

2/ The idea that vaccines are no longer that effective against transmission may derive from news reports in July claiming that vaccinated people who become infected “can carry as much virus as others”. Even if this were true, however, vaccines would still greatly reduce transmission by reducing infections in the first place.

Well sort of the same lie repeated. Unless I am very misinformed, the vaccines do not prevent infection. They prevent illness followed by infection, therefore vaccinated people can transmit. It is interesting they state transmission is reduced from vaccinated individuals and I'll read the actual studies to understand further.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Please post anything you have Microbeman (plus links). My understanding is that the vaccines help to prevent infecting others, but that this has been waning, particularly with the Delta variant. However it is still better than being unvaccinated. There was also a study that showed that within households, it was even less effective. This makes sense as you are exposed over a longer period of time. The bottom line for me is that vaccines reduce the chance of serious covid and deaths. They also reduce the chance of passing it on, although this is less effective. They are not perfect at prevention.

I do agree with gaius to an extent, in that I think when we open up we are in for a more serious time than we imagine. Even with 80% vaccinated, places like Sydney will still have a million unvaccinated. The unvaccinated numbers refer to only over 16 age groups, so that leaves a lot of children to pass on infection as well as the 20% of unvaccinted adults.

To me it does make sense to restrict unvaccinated people until such time as this virus goes away, "like a miracle", as long as those can still access food and medicine.
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the gov propaganda rag here 20 minutes has an article blasting the gov for not keeping proper intensive care bed data. they say the data being supplied is incomplete and that no one can make logical decisions when the data situation is so bad. the thing they are complaining about is the lack of clear reporting on the numbers who are and are not vaccinated. apparently some kantons (states) have not been keeping their records as they should, my instinct tells me by the time all the data is in, the picture will look very different. they are counting each patient transfer as a new icu case, even if its 1 guy being moved from 1 unit to another. that way the hospitalization rate looks way worse then it is. even the death rate is effected by some hospitals not registering the vaccination status. thats here in a relatively wealthy nation with a super health care system. makes me wonder about the numbers coming out of less organized places.

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Active member
These findings, along with the early evidence for reduced levels of viral mRNA and culturable virus in vaccinated people who acquire SARS-CoV-2 infection, suggest that any associated transmission risk is substantially reduced in vaccinated people: even for Delta, evidence suggests fully vaccinated people who become infected are infectious for shorter periods of time than unvaccinated people infected with Delta.

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/201...gests infections in,cause of continued spread.

“Suggests.” Not proven totally. A well researched guess. Should we act on it or ignore it? Is an individual’s right greater than the rights of the society on which they depend? Does a society have a right to protect itself through restricting privilege? There are no answers. Only reality. There are mandates. They’re working better than doing nothing. We’re not being lead into interment camps. It’s not a world authoritarian take over. It’s a shot in the arm. Man (woman) up.


Honest Government Ad | Hung Parliament

Honest Government Ad | Preferential Voting

i used to love Juice media rap battles, looks like they are still active.


Give the Aussie general public back their guns.

Looks like Brownell's is selling 80% lowers -


https://www.cleaverfirearms.com/Products.aspx?Category=Category C and D&Brand=9

But they're EXPENSIVE last time I looked.

Maybe we could trade, Vegemite for semi-auto's.

you won't achieve anything good with guns in this situation. they have the bigger guns and the trained people to use them, they also have the prisons all ready and waiting, taking this to guns is like putting your head in the lions mouth. also, you'd be the traitor if you want against the gov, you'd be the separatist, the terrorist. the only way forward is to wait till enough people recognize that things are going in a bad direction, some will never change their minds, but many will, the longer this goes on getting worse, the more people will say this far and no further. we are not there yet. either that or we end up chinafied scanning our qr codes with every breath we take and every step we make.

Frosty Nuggets

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