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Snow High Seeds' Double Acapulco Gold

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member


Active member
Thanks for the update Hempy McNoodle !
Looking good. Well I'm a little afraid now regarding my headroom 😂
What are the smells like, please?

I'm just at day 59 from seed. Started at 14/10 and went gradually down to 11/13. So can't really give an a precise week of flower (in terms of light cycle). They started to show and flower about 1-2 weeks ago, taking it slow. Had a rough start as my soil was too light (ultra light mix), but got them back on track. They're doing fine. All topped, started some training recently.
8 are in 1.5L pots. Had 2 runts, of which I killed one as it was too mutated. The survivor runt still has not sexed. Put it straight into 3L to catch up.

No hermies so far. Guess that will change, as my small space doesn't allow for them to grow without much stress. Have to keep them small.

I think there's 2 major phenos in there, which would make sense as these are P2/F2 from 2 different lines. Got two plants which look pure NLD, pretty green, slightly more pale leaf colour (won't show on my shitty pics) and more grassy smell on the stem rub for now. Then the other pheno looks slightly more WLD and has a different kind of stem rub smell...not exactly sure how to describe it. Maybe your black licorice description is kinda close. Also one plant showing most WLD influence has that kind of smell. So my guess is the grassy one is the late 60's line, the other more WLD pheno represents the early 70's red stem male used.

Only two males unfortunately and both not on the pure NLD side of things judging by the leaf shape and stem rub...hoping at least one of them will remain stable. They've started to dust around.

Number 8, the most NLD looker. She auto-topped in veg and I took one main branch as a clone, so she's a bit asymmetrical. Might be genetics or my thrips issue...not sure. She's definitely a fave.
Click image for larger version  Name:	AG8d58.jpg Views:	2 Size:	59.9 KB ID:	17972561

A few more days ago:
Click image for larger version  Name:	AG8d54.jpg Views:	2 Size:	50.8 KB ID:	17972562

#1 The one with the strongest smell, some colour in the stem and petioles a few days ago. Most vigour of the bunch and also a fave
Click image for larger version  Name:	AG1d54.jpg Views:	2 Size:	57.5 KB ID:	17972563

This is a similar pheno yesterday
Click image for larger version  Name:	AG8d58.jpg Views:	2 Size:	59.9 KB ID:	17972561

Males a 2-3 days ago. #2 left #7 to the right
Click image for larger version  Name:	AG2and7d57.jpg Views:	2 Size:	90.9 KB ID:	17972565

Click image for larger version  Name:	AG2d57top.jpg Views:	2 Size:	58.7 KB ID:	17972566

#7 is more stretchy, more smelly, started to show later than #2 and generally seems to be a hint more NLD...please keep it straight mate :D
Click image for larger version  Name:	AG7d57top.jpg Views:	2 Size:	59.9 KB ID:	17972567
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Very nice herblux! Thanks for sharing. They are looking good. I think you can keep the size fairly manageable by keeping them in small containers as long as you can and don't upsize too high when you do transplant. Mine went from 2gallons to ten gallons and grew very large after moving into the ten gallon. Also, topping is a good idea and that's what I'll be doing next time. All three of mine smell like lemons. And, I don't mean any old lemons. I'm talking the most beautiful lemon scent you'll ever smell! There is also a little hasshy-ness to the smell as well. And a delicate floral and slightly grassy smell. But, mostly natural lemon.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Greetings All, :tiphat:

I have a big update on the SnowHigh 'Double Acapulco Gold.' In the last update, I mentioned that I was getting hermies on the big plant (which I now call 'the Gold plant.' These hermies started showing up after I switched the light cycle to 10 on/14 0ff. The pollen flowers were primarily on the lower branches and the flowering was working its way up the plant. I decided to sample some flower. I used a microwave-steam quick-dry method to quickly dry some flowers. The smoke was maybe the smoothest I've ever had and had a complex, but subtle taste that was hard to put my finger on. It reminds me of the little pads you bite down on at the dentist when you are getting x rays. The high was truly special. Very happy and uplifting and while I did not have much to smoke, it seemed to be a no-ceiling effect, where the more I smoked the higher I got. And, it was a true "high" very elevating. I highly recommend this stuff for anyone who wants to feel happier. It also had a very wholesome vibe for me. The gold plant did have a day dream fade out quality where my mind ran off to god knows where, but then faded back into more energised and the whole time very positive.

So, I decided to harvest all of the lower branches on the gold plant. And harvested the other two plants as well. The other two had few if any pollen flowers. I left the upper part of the big gold plant to finish ripening. I am also keeping one lower branch which has many female pollen flowers. I want to drop that pollen on the top of the plant and get some self pollenated female seeds if possible. The top of the plant was growing above the lights this whole time and so I want to give it a month under intense light to help her golden up.

I call this one the 'Medusa plant'


And, I call this one the 'Rocket plant'


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I haven't collected any seeds from Medusa, yet. She is holding on to them. But, the Gold and Rocket plants have seeds that are way different from each other. The Rocket plant's seeds are much larger, grey, and less round. The Rocket Plant had the cleanest high with a powerful, soaring feeling of happiness. I like the gold because it was a little more stony at times. I look forward to growing these out again with a lower and more even canopy. I wish this bud were available to the masses as I think many people could really use this in their lives. I'll keep you all updated as the harvest, drying and curing continue and eventually the best part...the smoking!


Curious Cannivore
I grew Bodhi's AC Gold a couple of winters ago. Looked nearly identical to your plants and went for about the same flowering time. Wasn't a great smoke and flavor was bleh, but very fun to grow. My Punto Rojo also looked similar but was a far better smoke. I just love growing these crazy Sativa's. :)