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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:afternoon campers...just got done with the landlord so off to run some errands then back to trim jail,should get through the rest of the trop cherry and onto the gg4 today,that will be over half the plants from the last run,the rest was like 2-3 plants of each strain so those bins should go quickly...got a shipping notice on a bike part i ordered almost two months ago,just one more to go...then on to some house projects...had a pretty good little thunderstorm last night,more rain chances this week and cooler temps again....not "nice" out but not close to 100 either...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
free sample pack



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
don't you hate it when you still have a month of flowering left and the buds are already falling over? put up a pack of yo-yos last night,gonna need another bag of them...



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That fasilitor is a good one. Don’t waste it mixing it in any feeds just spray it at 4ml/gal right when lights turn on, end of veg first few of flower


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
All monosilicic acid is expensive... I remember when OSA 28 was the leader, now there out of business. Does anyone know why?. Alchemist Stout MSA is the cheapest I've seen. 1 gallon is 85$.. 1 liter of facilitator is $300


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:afternoon campers...really slept in today...late night though,the party just don't stop here!...so long as "party" means watching star wars movies and getting high! any who...garden chores today after a quick errand...maybe some trimming or rather pre-trimming,gg4 up next...


Active member
Afternoon fellas, I've got what looks like a quap or so of RKS to trim.
the CSP only netted me 3 1/4 oz., but the quality is there.
I have a 'Flashfire' coming down tonight, and being replaced by another Tropic Driver. My OG #18 snapped itself in half as well, with at least two weeks to go. I have to stake her up and maybe cage her in.
All of the outside stuff got pruned and defoliated for what I hope to be the last time. I think I'll hit them all with GrowSafe one last time as well. Some need to be tied down, so I'll do that right now!
Take it easy guys, I'll try to take some more pics later:)


Well-known member
Hot and muggy today... I get to look forward to the next couple days being even worse... Wring your underoos out type of stuff... Is it road kill skunky OrgAeroMan

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