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Post op issues:

moose eater

Well-known member
The depression during my recovery was a constant companion. I came close to accepting it as if it was a friend... a very tiresome friend with some odd habits. Lots of sleep and thoughts of "not being able to do what I used to do" scared me into getting outside of myself. My near acceptance of the depression had filled the house I shared with my wife, and she had to bear it while I wallowed in it and struggled with it.

Her burden was created by my depression. I had encapsulated my recovery and she was left to think the very same thoughts of cancer survival, loss of love, 'sliding down the laundry chute of life' alone. My 'need to get on that' depression activated when I looked beyond myself.

Thanks buzz.
My wife's stress and related strength involves a variety of things; she's trying to run her agency while working remote from home, helping to tend to my needs (which now involve daily trips to town for IV antibiotics), my own PTSD, which typically has me with a short fuse where tolerating unnecessary speed-bumps and fuck-ups are concerned, comes with an even shorter fuse now; "if you already have limited energy, why do things that result in circular problem solving via the 'gerbil wheel' , expending energy where you already have none." A long-time issue at our home where my addressing folks living consciously is concerned.

At the hospital I had 2 shifts of nurses, with 2 each shift. At home I have my wife, and to a lesser degree, my younger son. Needs are a bit different now, but there none the less.

While al of this was at its height, her clinic had an accreditation survey, which stood to potentially 'sink them' or allow them to swim. Murphy took sympathy into hand for them, and they were given a long list of 'dos' to address, but they passed.

Her clinic's finances were previo8sly handled by an incompetent person who should've been sent down the road long ago, had it been me at the helm. Lots of expensive damage occurred during that overdue dismissal's languishing.

There's more there with her clinic, aside from me.

Her family, specifically the women, has a long history of Alzheimer's Disease, and she has had a conscious concern re. her susceptibility to such things since decades ago, having watched from a distance as her grandmother succumbed over time. When she gets stressed, and forgets things that are obvious or basic, that fear arises, and the outcome is circular; the more stressed a person becomes, the more apt they are to repeat the behaviors born of stress. "And so it goes..." (Vonnegut)

What the Doc in Seattle 'did for me' was to include 'gifts' that cause further uncertainty re. my recovery, without any regard to the cancer itself, which now seems a secondary focus, leaving us dealing with simply getting out of the quagmire HE helped to create. The cancer is something that can be dealt with over time, one way or another.

I was pleased that in another case of a fellow who is still sporting really positive numbers, post-op, but who began with lower numbers than mine from the beginning, my local urologist's opinion is to skip Lupron and if required (which it isn't yet, due to stellar numbers for the guy) launch into external beam radiation; I might opt for a more specific focus via Cyber-Knife, depending on who the operator is, but that's not here yet.

I'm about a week away from my first post-op PSA draw, and that's a Cracker Jack Box in which I'm not really eager to find the prize in the bottom, considering the way the rest of this shit-show has gone.

When I get up and assert myself even a bit, the pelvis can end up enflamed, and a bit puffy, leading to questions re. whether the leak at the urethra, near the bladder (the Seattle surgeon's gift to me) has really ceased or not. Such was the case last night, when my testicles and pelvis hurt, but due to trying to avoid constipation, I stayed with a 500 mg acetaminophen, rather than an oxycodone. (nurse at the local clinic asked me where I got my oxy. I initially sharply told her, "THE STREET!!", then the truth; left-overs from the PA who assisted my neurosurgeon in my spine surgery 3 years prior. Later recounted the inquiry to my primary care Doc, and added, "Like it's anyone's fucking business; the fact that I still have over 50 of an 84 tab set, from 3 years prior, OUGHT to fucking speak for itself." Knee-jerk motherfuckers with their presumptuousness about generic, black & white assessment of our species' drug habits, as though we all fit into ONE mold or something. The whole thing has 'insult' built into it, like fenders on a new vehicle. I could tattoo "I DON'T DO RECREATIONAL DOWNERS OR OPIATES!!" on my forehead, and the idjits would STILL Ask their presumptuous, insulting, brain-dead, limited in thought-capacity questions).

Short of it is that ultimate losses or gains, if any, are unknown at this time, my energy is toasted before I even apply it, and there's some indications that the sources of on-set of the infection may still be hanging out. Again, I'm never re-doing this last month+ of mayhem again. no matter what. It's not happening. So there's some stress from that line in the sand, too.

My wife and younger son and I have all had an open discussion re. how much is enough, when to say "When," and surrender, and moving ahead if able./ They all accept that I'm in the driver's seat of deciding when I've had enough of feeding the beast.

Then I got a nice reminder from the hospital that the surgeon fucked me up at, no doubt geared toward accelerating recovery <sarcasm>, letting me know that there's over $50,000 hanging out at the moment (not all-inclusive), that if my insurance co. doesn't get on it, they will be sending all or part of that amount to me to be collected. I made several efforts before procedures began to assure us that everything in the works was pre-authorized, and have notes in my portal messages to verify such efforts were made by me. I was told by the staff of the surgeon that they nearly always handle that pre-emptively, but that if it made me feel better, I could contact a specific number to make sure such arrangements had been made. Before surgery I called that number 2 x's, never got an answer, left a message both times, and never got a call back. My telephone records can show I phoned that number that many times, or more. Yet they send me a mildly threatening letter, involving over $50,000.00 after I, once again, practically did their jobs for them, to no avail.

There's my reality in a nut-shell, aside from now needing to treat a yeast infection, and determine when it might be safe, down the road, to pull the catheter, and trust my immune system to have healed the breeched urethral leak.

Yes, a face-to-face meeting with the good surgeon in July MIGHT just be what the Cosmos has ordered in the way of setting balances straight. We'll see.

I knew I could never go back, but also had little idea of how far ahead I might be catapulted by the help of those who are paid to "Do no harm."

Take care.

Bruce Cockburn

'Mama Just Wants to Barrelhouse All Night Long'

Bruce Cockburn - Mama Just Wants To Barrelhouse All Night Long - Bing video


Well-known member
My wife and younger son and I have all had an open discussion re. how much is enough, when to say "When," and surrender, and moving ahead if able./ They all accept that I'm in the driver's seat of deciding when I've had enough of feeding the beast.

I am happy to hear that discussion took place. That is very important for the three of you.

Good luck on the PSA number.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- reading thru this thread - good to hear moose is recovering - albeit slower than one might have wished - but on the doom-and-gloom/gallows sorta humour you mention - thinking about it - I came up with this George Carlin sketch - and it seemed in tune with how this thread is going - somewhat - Carlin's rants are classic - and even apply today -

link: George Carlin - Germs, Immune System - YouTube

moose eater

Well-known member
All good humor folks. Though a bit over the top, I suspect G. Carlin is, for the sake of entertainment value both exaggerating & minimizing his own 'hygiene practices' in his skit.

Here's a starting place re. the significance of post-op infection rates in the US, and related mortality rates, as well as who tends to be most susceptible, and why.


https://www.infectiousdiseaseadvisor.. .er%20discharge.



There's MANY more pertinent articles re. this issue, and you'd probably be blown away to realize the cost to you, personally, your insurance company, and, ultimately, the patients and their families who are the direct recipients of such negligence. The correction of the good surgeon's fuck-ups, in my case, no doubt at all, exceed the cost of the cancer treatment, and have a better chance of killing me much more quickly, all things considered.

Several years ago, the local hospital, where they began patching me up from the Seattle surgeon's aloof lack of attentiveness (reminding once again that we spent over a week, post-op, routinely calling in, or writing in with valid reports of significant symptoms when we wre post-op in Seattle), lost its JCAH accreditation; a pretty major stop sign for a hospital.

That means, to some degree, that during the period preceding Fairbanks Memorial Hospital's loss or suspension of accreditation, their numbers for post-operative infections exceeded the 'average numbers' for such incidents at other facilities, despite the known average prevalence of such outcomes in general.

What contributes to these outcomes? In part, the state of the immune system of the patient at the time of surgery, BUT also, the regimen applied to cleaning operating/surgical theaters, the hygiene practices of those taking part, etc.

3% of those developing post-op infection in the US die from the infection, despite continued care (*note antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria we now have, as well). 3% doesn't sound like a lot, until a person extrapolates the numbers, based on population, at which point it can become a "HOLY SHIT!!!" number. Then consider the last time you bought a lottery ticket with a 3:100 odds of winning the grand prize? Not bad odds at all, eh?

Bear in mind that there are 'sealed' areas of the body (upper & lower diaphragm, as examples), that are sealed off for a reason; when folks got 'gut-shot' back in the days of the wild, wild west, pre-antibiotic days, there's a reason most of them died slowly; it was the related/resulting infection to the peritoneum and perineum, not the bullet, per se'.

A built-in irony here is this; I/we routinely hang out in close proximity to the source of a surgical procedure for around 10 days post-op, as the average 'window' for showing post-op infection symptoms is 7-14 days. In this case, with the gift of the urethral breech, I was having some significant symptoms 2-3 days out, and reporting them, including tachycardia; a circumstance or symptom that has only popped up in my history ONE time, under very specific circumstances, despite having done enough clean, uncut, 92% cocaine in the early 1980s to kill a dozen healthy race horses; no history of tachycardia, even then.

There's no "out of the woods" here yet, and now, after this morning, I have 3 more days of a total of 14 (ending on Friday) of heavy-duty out-patient IV antibiotics, at which time the dice roll, and I try to resurrect all the flora the 'Godzillacillin' wiped out, as well as finish treating this yeast infection that came as a side-order of sorts. It's a very safe bet that the 7 LARGE pockets of puss, and the pool of coagulated blood the surgeon gifted to me, are still in there, but diminished. Trouble is, as my local urologist has pointed out, I've run the extreme of antibiotic intake that any one human can reasonably tolerate.... And I can feel that. Most of them world-class prize-fighter antbiotics. Very little of it random, light-weight.

If/when this phase closes, I get to see what/how much of the promised function re. urinary continence and sexual function still exists; there's no way of knowing those odds at this time, for my specific case.

Anger doesn't begin to touch on my status of mind in re. to this case and my 'care team's' negligence.. Were the good surgeon present, in light of their and their primary nurse's responses to the circumstances described above, they'd be fortunate if a serious pistol-whipping was the extent of their just rewards. That might have to wait for another day, as I have the immediate fall-out to contend with. But we've got air miles up the ass, and the next time their aloof egos permit them to outright ignore the damage they inflict, they might spend some time contemplating that. It might spare therm some 'instant karma'. I firmly believe in the delivery of justice and equality, whether generated by a formal court, or 'catch-as-catch-can'; we all put our pants on one leg at a time, regardless of credentials, incomes, or egos. "Everybody's touchable."

Time will reveal ALL of our fates.


I'll quit posting for now. My primary purpose in returning was to 'accurize' some of the reports of the issues, and I've MORE than done that now.

Stay the fuck away from hospitals if you can help it; modern high-speed, high-dollar medicine has some (slightly) hidden price-tags that can be a motherfucker; more dangerous than ANY street drug I ever sampled as a youngster. And always remember, "NOBODY cares about your (anything) as much as YOU do." Part of the built-in selfishness and narrowness of our species.

BTW, as an initial volley in the "Oh yeah? Well fuck you, TOO!!" exchange, I noted yesterday that the greedy miscreants had billed identical amounts for anesthesia by the anesthesia Doc, as for his RN assisting with anesthesia; Docs and RNs don't get to bill at the same rate. So in the midst of contacting my insurance Co. over a half-dozen other related issues, I successfully threw a stop sign down on THAT particular item of pilfering. Let the games begin.

Never piss on a curmudgeon who's lost his sense of 'Ghandi-ism.'
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St. Phatty

Active member
Anger doesn't begin to touch on my status of mind in re. to this case and my 'care team's' negligence.. Were the good surgeon present, in light of their and their primary nurse's responses to the circumstances described above, they'd be fortunate if a serious pistol-whipping was the extent of their just rewards. That might have to wait for another day, as I have the immediate fall-out to contend with.

The 3 dentists that destroyed my oral health back in 2018/19, and left me with constant nose & lip pain that is called "Trigeminal Neuralgia" by subsequent "doctors", who deny that there's any relation to the surgical procedures being performed when it started ... are all still practicing "medicine".

The state medical board never even returned my letters of emails asking them for help.

The US medical industry needs to believe that its procedures are safe, even "upper jaw root canals".

And the sister of a dentist told me ... her dentist brother told her, AVOID root canals like the plague.

The US has a caste system. Patients who are injured by "doctors" are in the lowest caste.


Well-known member
"never piss on a curmudgeon", lol. as long as you can laugh, you can live. give the bastards hell, Moose! we're pulling for you, brother.

moose eater

Well-known member
"never piss on a curmudgeon", lol. as long as you can laugh, you can live. give the bastards hell, Moose! we're pulling for you, brother.

Thanks hippy. Times are a bit tough at the moment. We'll see how she goes. I'd say more, but not the time or place. Mornings are the toughest. Intending to do some special things with my youngest son in the near future. Labs aren't horrid, but not the joy I'd hoped for, either.

Thanks again.

Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer (from The Concert in Central Park) - YouTube
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Well-known member
Moose...have you seen the cover that the group "Disturbed" did of Simon & Garfunkels "the Sounds of Silence"? much more intense than the original, which i love. i watch youtube video of their concert in Central Park regularly. Garfunkel must have had 316L stainless steel balls to stand out there & sing in front of 500,000 estimated concert goers...

moose eater

Well-known member
Moose...have you seen the cover that the group "Disturbed" did of Simon & Garfunkels "the Sounds of Silence"? much more intense than the original, which i love. i watch youtube video of their concert in Central Park regularly. Garfunkel must have had 316L stainless steel balls to stand out there & sing in front of 500,000 estimated concert goers...

I'll give it a listen. Thanks. It's a favorite tune of mine, as well.


Thanks again.

moose eater

Well-known member
I'll write this, and be done with it for now.

PSA the other day, 3 mos. out from surgery, is teetering on the ridge of worry for one Doc, & 4 times the upper desired threshold for another, while only half of that for some. Throw a dart, eh? Whose alarm bells should we heed?

In any case, there's still serum being produced or tossed about in me that says the cancer may be trying to make a come-back, but not enough yet for my newest urologist to be too concerned; he's content to test in another 3 mos. I'm not that patient, and for $25 out-of-pocket, I can get it done again in a month or so at a local private non-profit clinic, versus $220 at the mainstream lab at the hospital.

Energy is the biggest thing, and my older son apparently believes I lied about or to him, or maybe other issues and people, too. I didn't, and wouldn't, but he lacks the courage to speak with me, and that abyss has truly shattered my heart.. Way beyond stitches or bandaids.

My physical therapist, primarily simultaneously addressing rehab re. incontinence from the surgery and infection, as well as rehab for core muscles re. a pinched/damaged nerve at L4-L5, initially told me to lay off the tree felling & land-clearing, but now figures it may be helping me, so she's waved the green flag on that effort.

Battles with boundary-challenged neighbors re. my developing our property, with visions of erecting a home or cabin for my younger son, allowing him to be nearby, to help his mother when or if I'm no longer present in the flesh, has further tapped my outlook, as well as piquing my resentments toward much of our species. The misguided NIMBY ass-hats seem to think the deed here is in THEIR names. Silly rabbits!

Other things afoot I'm not at liberty to discuss at this time, and have been told to stay silent about.

As an Agnostic and an average human hypocrite, I rolled the dice and prayed last night; not about the cancer, but about my older son. I woke with a voice in my head this morning, early, (as that's been the pattern lately, turning my typical dyssomnia and midnight waking, into a more extreme pattern than I've ever experienced before), maybe a positive dream, or metaphysical something-or-other, and despite severe depression, was thankful it wasn't either the cancer nightmares, or the horrific dreams re. my older son that have both been prevalent lately. I got up from where I'd tried to finish what sleep I'd gotten, eventually, folded laundry, and ate a half of a good grapefruit, along with a plant-based protein shake.

I fear more the heart-ache re. my older son, than I do the cancer.

My right testicle is in some intermittent discomfort, perhaps sometimes situational pain, and the current urologist has me eating 1800 mg of ibuprofen a day for a week, doing who-knows-what to my stomach lining, rather than writing an order for a scrotal ultrasound, to see if it's a cyclical inflammation of sorts, versus metastases, which would be a 1:100 occurrence, but Murphy seems to like hanging out with me, so you can guess where my wager sits on the table. That, and I've never had this sort of thing before, though this has been with me since shortly after the infection.

I envision the accountants at my insurance co. eating a Valium when my name or account number are whispered.

Looking into immunotherapy, which I find to be amazing stuff, but the bean-counters at the insurance co. are apt to want to send me to radiation instead, which will fuck up my already damaged tissue, as well as likely injuring other healthy tissue.

At times this all reminds me of the scene in 'Platoon', when the CO in the field tent calls in an airstrike on his own position, and says, "It's been a lovely fucking war." Each day comes with thoughts of calling in a proverbial air-strike on my own metaphorical position, but I get up, do the chores, tend my plants and the veggie gardens, and know there are things I need to do for and with my younger son and wife, before I can give myself my release papers.

My German Shepherd, a sweetheart of a bright, alert, protective 11-year-old pup & primary companion, whose birthday is this Thursday, still curls up by my side, and like my wife, maybe even moreso, tells me in her own way that she's here for the duration, whatever the outcome may be. I'm thankful for, and undeserving of all of them; my pups, my wife, and my youngest son. With time, I can maybe even forgive my older 2 children, and maybe they can forgive me, too. We'll see.

I need to review some documents now, so this soap opera will come to another rest here.

Santana w/ Everlast

'Put Your Lights On'

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moose eater

Well-known member
While cruising down a canopy road these songs came from outer space.

Happy Friday

The post op issues continue to be many, buzz, as you're well aware of late.

Yes, these are heartfelt tunes, redone in the perpetuation of life, and those who walk after us, and one day might realize what it is we were walking through, and what we tried to tell them.

Thanks for the music. All of it is beautiful.

Lump in the right side of my throat on the gland there, after 3 months of swallowing and sensing a constriction, and thinking it was just the product of the anesthesiologist battering me during intubation in surgery. Now my throat on that side has inflammation and a nodule on the gland on that side, sometimes inflamed in the tissues in the neck.

I figure if it's a second form of cancer, which I suspected months ago, if those who've read this thread closely recall, then it's likely the Cosmos telling me I've slipped past my 'best by' date.. That's close to how my wife's put it.

Had a scan the other day, but when I went to phone the Doc who ordered the scan, turns out they work short bankers' hours; closed on Fridays.

I'd been abstaining from beer, but picked up a 6-pack of Dark Star 8% Imperial Oatmeal Stout in town, while running errands, and though the alcohol buzz and I are not close friends, I figured 1.5 of those 12 oz beers, and the carb load that goes with them, would be fine for a day. A guy's got to cheat once n a while, or it feels like he's surrendered to the throws of life. Know what I mean?

Got 2 emails form Ca-naaaaa-da this afternoon, informing me that another Carcross Hippie School grad had died; an adept bushman and birder, lover of life, lost his footing, and fell into a canyon up on Montana Mtn. Another grieving opportunity facilitated by and with the 8% Dark Star.

We're getting old, buzz. trying to hang on to what it is we thought we valued, but the clock keeps ticking, and no amount of dynamite or diplomacy will ever stop that motherfucker.

Physical therapist said, in her most endearing used car dealer voice, at my final visit, that she's worried for my mental health, with all the things/stresses I'm dealing with. The 10th-grader in my mind silently responded with, "Sell that shit to someone who doesn't read you for who and what you are." Opportunistic empathy; who the fuck needs that disingenuous shit? Brings back images from the film 'Full Metal Jacket'; "Me love you long time..."

Spoke the other night with my oldest son, via the telephone. He's been hurt by my criticism and sharp reading of people, to include him, and more, but our younger son & I believe he's making excuses for not immediately jumping into working toward healing the ills here. I suspect the bigger elephant in the living room that's not been addressed by him, is the verbal confrontation he received from me a year and a half ago re. his lying to himself, and past sabotaging of his progress in his efforts to move forward in life. I may or may not be dead by the time he decides it's time to make a move. And that would be sad for him, if I'm no longer present to help in that resolution. I've tried to make peace with dead people many times, and Memorex never stands shoulder to shoulder with 'live' shit.. Hard to convince folks sometimes of what lays down a particular path, when they aren't ready to hear the first-hand accounts. Sometimes we've got to skin our own fucking knees when we learn to ride a bike; otherwise...

PSA after 3 months post-op isn't worth ringing town alarm bells, but it wasn't worth cracking a bottle of champagne, either. Not really good news, though it could've been worse.. On the bright side, on that day, my glucose was damned near stellar. Amazing what an absence of internal abscesses and injuries can do for the body's functions, eh??

I've got an appointment in Seattle in a couple weeks or so, with a well-known clinic, where I hope to pursue tx that DOESN'T involve either radiation or hormone tx, either one of which would likely fuck me up worse.

In the interim, I intend to take my son, or for him to take me, on yet another lake trout fishing mission. Either to the Yukon Territory, where, due to appts and the timing of the Border opening, we'd have maybe 5 nights at Aishihik Lake, then need to drive back home, towing the boat, at near the speed of light, and if there's no fuck-ups, we'd give me 24 hours before climbing aboard the aircraft for SeaTac. But the boat motor was running good,. we now have enough spare parts for that thing to keep 'er running good, and the forest fire that had the related roads and camping area off-limits a few weeks ago there, is under control, and everything in that remote stretch is happening as it should, once again. Either that, or Lake Louise, to troll lakers there, and be a bit closer to home, with no permits to buy for the firearms.

Another day, another half of a grapefruit, and some plant-based protein shakes. the Satori (#2 and #5) plants are about 3 weeks from cutting down, as is the Goji OG and the White Lotus #4, for making THC-A extract in pursuit of cell apoptosis, and I'm anticipating flying out to the bush to take my younger son on his very first moose hunt in September, Cosmos willing.

My younger boy's finishing up the Subaru head gasket job (had an exhaust leak at the manifold where it attaches to the head), and repairing the AC clutch and compressor, as well as the rear window washer reservoir, while he's at it. He's been a gift in so many ways. He thinks I'll beat this cancer(s), and I've spoken with him about not being angry at life, God, the Cosmos, or what ever, if every hand doesn't go your way; bitterness should be reserved for us old motherfuckers.

So there's the update on the 'post op issues'.

By the way, that Greg Allman Lp, played all night long at a friend's place in the ghetto in Grand Rapids Michigan, the night before I caught a Greyhound bus up to the remote rural areas of the Upper Peninsula, back in 1976, avoiding yet another cannabis-and-politics-related, head-butting with Johnny Law.

To be care-free once again, with few thoughts of encumbrances. No future and no past. Here and fucking NOW. Man... talk about grieving a time in the rear view.

Yep, "Well I've been out walkin'...."

Back at ya', buzz,

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird Live - Bing video

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Every Mother's Son (Live 1975) - Bing video
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moose eater

Well-known member
Kathleen Lake anonymous cropped.jpg