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RSC Chitrali


Active member
In post 16 thejact55 reported some deformity as well...

Hi Sivas. I did have a runt that was a little deformed. I stated I culled it but I didn't have the heart to kill it. I put it outside and kept it in its tiny seedling pot. It is actually still alive in its tiny pot. It's leaves have grown to a normal look and seems healthy. It's only maybe 10" tall but it's only in like a cup of soil.
It looks like bugs ate the shit out of the plant. The leaves look fairly normal. With unworked seeds you will get a bad apple or two in a batch. Power in numbers. I would do an open pollination with what you have. I think I pollinated 3 females with my 2 best males if I remember correctly. So overall you will have more or just as much diversity as what I got. Good luck!


Ok, thanks. That might take a while :D Now back to the Chitrali, I am really interested what thejack55 has to say about the deformities.


Looks like we were writing at the same time :D
I have red Your post about the deformities, and decided to pull them as well,
I was really thinking hard about it but decided to pull them, because what If i would get more of them in the next generation? Three year a go a had a similiar trait on some unknown sativa, the young leaves were like ruck up (?) but at later stages fine, but some of it got into the next generation.
Do these leaves look similiar to You ? Is it really a part of the landrace?
Maybe if I could post some high res photos You would believe me, any idea on how Can I Do that?
Sorry for my bad english :D


Active member
This is my thoughts and I am no pro, just having fun like everybody else. I would keep the deformed ones and see if they grow out of it. If they do, great. I would even breed them and keep them in a separate container from the rest just in case. I think starting with only 10 or 20 seeds it might be best to get a huge overall gene pool and narrow or select it from there. I know it's too late and you've tossed em but you should still be ok to get a ton of seeds to select from later.


Active member
To answer your other question. I've seen leaf twists and crinckles as well as like half leaves growing. They seem stunted and are generally less pest resistant. Alot of times these grow out of it, sometimes they dont. This is what I generally see on mutated plants in landraces and dutch genetics. Sometimes they have odd growth patterns when they get older. I think landraces have a slightly higher propensity to have this due to the lack of selection by breeders.
Others can shed more light than i. I have only grown landraces for a couple years and grown off and on for 12 years. Others have probably better insight.
Keep those chitrali pics coming as they get bigger!
PS: the best plant I had was a pine/orange/minty smelling pheno. Hopefully you get one of those.


Active member
Whether it's plants, animals or even humans.

Some that were initially considered rejects have turned out to be stellar.

Anything can happen.


Extremely pest and mold resistant :biggrin:


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Thanks everybody for the input. I definetly will post more pics later, girls are in vegging mode, Nothing interesting to see there ATM, I have fim-ed them to induce secondary grow.
Keeping fingers crossed for the pheno You mentioned.
Interested in seeing how these turn out, might be a good outdoor strain for my area. Also the mention of piney buds gets me intrigued. Good luck ;)


@conlarazon actualy its not my thread
I am here to share some info about chitrali.
small update, 2 nice girls showed pistils, one of them has pink pistils (I saw only one to be acurate :D ) 3males so far, one plant remains unsexed.
next update I will try to post some photos.


Active member
Brown Trout: I think that some plants may go into November, some i dont think do. I have grown out a total of 6 females (including the three I have outside now). Very vast pheno mix. Tall and lanky, short and stout and everything inbetween. Here are my two Chitrali ladies outside. One is 8' tall and very lanky. The other is 4' tall and couldnt be more compact. They are the two on the right hand side of the picture (group shot), and one in the small black pot. Really hoping the taller one doesnt make it until november, as that wont work for my region. Time will tell.

Sivas: I also have pink pistils on my taller lanky one.


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All plants are sexed now: 3males and 3 females, cant say much about branching because I have fimed them, but they have responded to it very well. The height is about 1,3 m for most (males a bit higher)and 0,7 m for one small (weakest) female. I am growing in 20l pots guerilla style @ cca 800m above sea level. Females are buding up nicely, males have some fallen of/open bananas
but Its because of the drought we had here recently, so still waiting for seeds to show up.Actualy I saw one burned pistil on the tip. So slowly we are getting there.
In my previous post I mentioned that one females has pink pistil heres a photo for You.
btw. I remember reading on icmag about ocean grown kush, that when first grown in cali, it responded to fertilizing with pink pistils...



Well-known member
Sorry MisterD is you thread ...
thank you again Sivas for the share us you Chitral plant

i m stay here

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