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Possible Hawaiian magic mushrooms

Possible Hawaiian magic mushrooms

These look like the ones I had in Amsterdam. I know not to eat any thing wild, especially with out proper identification. I don't think I'll be messing with these unless some one else can absolutely confirm they're the hawaiian psychedelic caps.

They are all growing in a grassy field where I cut the grass about 1 week ago. They started popping up around that time. They all appear to be growing on the dead grass.

The last patch grew and died fast, perhaps within 1-3 days. Feed back is welcome.





Numerous boletes in Midland area last week after the long-awaited rain. Only ate one Slippery Jack Sullius, though. It sure was tasty. Also, found some MAROON colored boletes, with dark orange/red pores. Scary, but apparently many eat these, with no problem. Many of the other Boletes I found were blue staining, so no way I wanna try it. Found a somewhat old Chicken o da woods. Nice and pretty. Next time I will eat some of it. but I only wanted to eat one kind at once, as it is a good idea to do. Peace.


Well-known member
Chanterelles are pretty easy to identify, they have a few unique characteristics. Search a good mushroom guide. Do they smell faintly of apricots/peaches?


Active member
I grew a few shiitake a while back. I may try again if I get a new pressure cooker.

Never harvested mushrooms out in the wild to eat because unless your 100% certain it's not wise to eat them.

A day in the forest is very good medicine.
Season over here in da mitten. But, sure enjoyed the forays before the freeze. I miss the NorCal Candy Caps, and Hedgehogs (dentiums) but things are 60% cheaper here...! And people are awesome. Took my Mom from Florida to the same forest I go to, and She claims it was one of the best days of her life. SIMPLICITY RULES> Mushroom picking clues ya in to what REALLY MATTERS>


Active member
It's full on winter here (5a) now and I'm becoming more and more eager for morels as the days go by. Having mushroom dreams and everything.


Well-known member
Nice...! Me too. Gonna be real wet around the mitten, when the weird winter is over.

ditto here. more rain this winter than last two put together. hoping for many morels if we get a slow spring. hate it when it jumps from 50s to 80s, dries the topsoil out too quick for the shrooms...


ICMag Donor
I've yet to find a morel patch but I'm in the desert so not surprised. An hour druve into the Mtns gets me in the vicinity of some fine black & yellow chanterels as well as some tasty thick king boletes.

Can't wait for spring to have sprung.


Black chanterelles. Now there is some gourmet mushrooms. Great in creamy sauces.

Should be here in Oregon This month. Anyone picking any yet?

Morels are at the top of my list but still a few months out.


Well-known member
having an early warm spring here, good rain. turkey season opens Saturday. hope i run into some morels if the birds aint talking...:tiphat:


Well-known member
well, i'm depressed as hell. no turkeys, no mushrooms, not enough rain, too damn hot. 15 degrees over average for this time of year. fucking global warming...:moon:


Well-known member
rained last 5 days. STILL no turkeys gobbling around here, STILL no morels...plus, the damn fish aint biting. wasted spring...:moon:


Well-known member
Didn't have much luck with morels or ovoids this spring. Did ok with the white bass though.