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California will Vote on Recreational Pot in Nov

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Golden Coast
Where do you live S Cal? I vote in Calif, I always have, I lived there for most of my 67 years, I would like to retire in Calif, so I do have good reasons to want to have recreational legal in Calif.
The Mexican cartels have been major importers of Cannabis for longer then the home growers have been big, I was there. The cartels, are they big money parasites, big money cancer? You know what I think, there has always been big money involved in Cannabis.

You lured me in Sam , I'll play the how many years exp game lol

Cartels influence started in late 80's earley 90's ,
Yes, So Cali , home of Pandoras box , cheetah club , and BOEL , Mom and Pops were members , were at monterey pop , lived on height and him buddy's BOEL brought it themselves from Mexico and other places :) ... , and wasn't from cartles...
Pops bought his first key in 63 in Mexico , they asked him if he wanted the stuff for the bath , or to smoke .....
I was born in to it , I didn't chooseit , but now I'm so thankful for the information he shared .... others along with your self were key players from then ....
like I mentioned my dad nor any of his friends from then care about todays "weed scene" / internet / blog circle jerks / and hidden agendas , they have others things to worry about lol :)

All of our first weed came from somebody that was doin it before us lol

Is a white horse really a white horse .... :)


You lured me in Sam , I'll play the how many years exp game lol

Cartels influence started in late 80's earley 90's ,
Yes, So Cali , home of Pandoras box , cheetah club , and BOEL , Mom and Pops were members , were at monterey pop , lived on height and him buddy's BOEL brought it themselves from Mexico and other places :) ... , and wasn't from cartles...
Pops bought his first key in 63 in Mexico , they asked him if he wanted the stuff for the bath , or to smoke .....
I was born in to it , I didn't chooseit , but now I'm so thankful for the information he shared .... others along with your self were key players from then ....
like I mentioned my dad nor any of his friends from then care about todays "weed scene" / internet / blog circle jerks / and hidden agendas , they have others things to worry about lol :)

All of our first weed came from somebody that was doin it before us lol

Is a white horse really a white horse .... :)

I would only add there were groups of people smuggling weed and hashish more then 100 years ago, you can call them what you like. They were cartels that would try and stop other cartels from being in the game, not all were that way, but if your motivation is money then people will often do what it takes to maximize profits including eliminate competition. The late 80's is way to late, groups were moving Cannabis and hashish in massive amounts before that, Mexicans, Colombians, Lebanese, Afghans, Pakistanis, S Africans, as well as the earlier Turkish and Greeks, the Greeks were the biggest hashish producers for Europe pre 1920's. Before that Hashish was being exported from Yarkand into China and India, both legally taxed by the British in India and illegal for black market. Also hashish was being smuggled into Egypt 100 years ago. Any place that Cannabis is restricted and people want Cannabis there will be a way, and people willing to do it. http://www.abebooks.com/Herb-Hashish-Medieval-Muslim-Society-Franz/10148459399/bd and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Hemp_Drugs_Commission The 1894 report the Commission produced was at least 3,281 pages long, 9 vols. with testimony from almost 1,200 "doctors, coolies, yogis, fakirs, heads of lunatic asylums, bhang peasants, tax gatherers, smugglers, army officers, hemp dealers, ganja palace operators and the clergy. I have both the 9 vols and the Franz Rosenthal book, I read them all 30 years ago. Both are fantastic sources of Cannabis information that few now know. They were growing Sinsemilla more then 150 years ago, Calif learned that later in the 1970's. Few things are new, cartels included.
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Well-known member
Big difference between today an 100 years ago, especially in the surveillance and intel capability of the state

Add in things like the prison industrial complex, cops that standard operating procedure is to blast away at the fart of a dog, and you got the makings for the American nightmare.

On top of that, anyone that is even paying a little bit of attention can tell you, the U.S. government is directly involved in cartel activities. . . the very same government you wish to entrust the future of Cannabis in California with


No I just want them to leave me alone so I can grow my own for personal recreational use, period.

Big difference between today an 100 years ago, especially in the surveillance and intel capability of the state

Add in things like the prison industrial complex, cops that standard operating procedure is to blast away at the fart of a dog, and you got the makings for the American nightmare.

On top of that, anyone that is even paying a little bit of attention can tell you, the U.S. government is directly involved in cartel activities. . . the very same government you wish to entrust the future of Cannabis in California with


ICMag Donor
You already have that privilege.

You mean to tell me, you'd give up EVERYTHING you have at HP BV - in order to be able to grow 6 plants in California?

Yet that is EXACTLY what you think is reasonable for those in the medical industry in CA.

You could have stayed and fought and been part of the grassroots movement that started medical cannabis in 1996. But instead, you left to go profit in the Netherlands.

Your desire to return suddenly is motivated by the EXACT same reason for leaving in the first place - profit.

Just like your attempt to get everyone on board with Schedule II even though, in doing so, it would hand over all production in MI to Plant Prairie Farms, allowing a corrupt legislature to screw about 250,000 caregivers and patients. But that would have been great for GWPH and crew, wouldn't it?

I'm not saying capitalism is wrong. Someone is going to make a billions on cannabis eventually, why not you? Sure. Fine. I can accept that.

What I can't stand is someone who has been barely a shadow on this sites open forums over the last 8 years, only popping in from time to time - is suddenly on...daily....posting constantly, in favor of POLITICAL AGENDAS. I'd love to see a mapped, graphical representation of your posting history on a time line.

More power to you Sam. Again, you have a right to pursue your agenda and promote your opinion.

HOWEVER, you know as well we do, because you have been enshrined into cannabis history, many people will follow your opinion simply because, without doing the due diligence to really look at the implications of this particular legislation.

In such instances, where celebrity is being used as a mask for credibility (even though in your case, both attributes are applicable) I think it is only RIGHT AND JUST to present an opposing opinion and if nothing else force people to stop, think and consider.

IF suddenly, the laws surrounding your ability to run HP BV were to be changed - and what was legal for only you, now was to become legal for everyone, at YOUR expense - you mean to tell me you wouldn't fight that legislation?

Exactly. This is no different.



Active member
Patients Rights >>>>>>>>> Rec Bullshit ...

Born In Cali Sick since age 4 ...

The more I hear these discussions the more i am starting to think only the sick should have it ... If Recreational raises the price in any way on the sick .... the bill in unmoral ...

I collected signatures for the CCHI only to see AUMA gathers pay other volunteers for them not to turn in there signatures ...

The more I see for profit the more It makes me sick ...

Decriminalize for Rec users, let them possess and grow ... The more Push I see for sales, regulation, and taxes the more I think public sales are not a good idea ...

Sam ... Cali has enough people ... you can go grow in a rec state if it's that important to you ... thanks ...

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Patients Rights >>>>>>>>> Rec Bullshit ...

Born In Cali Sick since age 4 ...

The more I hear these discussions the more i am starting to think only the sick should have it ... If Recreational raises the price in any way on the sick .... the bill in unmoral ...

I collected signatures for the CCHI only to see AUMA gathers pay other volunteers for them not to turn in there signatures ...

The more I see for profit the more It makes me sick ...

Decriminalize for Rec users, let them possess and grow ... The more Push I see for sales, regulation, and taxes the more I think public sales are not a good idea ...

Sam ... Cali has enough people ... you can go grow in a rec state if it's that important to you ... thanks ...


They have been telling people CCHI was going to be on the ballot since 2010 and the argument has always been don't vote for the current rec bill cuz CCHI will be on the ballot next time. They hired and bunch of homeless people that reeked of booze and body odor to gather signatures at shopping malls. Now we are supposed to wait for CCHI 2018.


Active member
Oh I know I prolly will not help them again, I met with buddy, and did the conference calls while dabing listening to the bullshit and it is clear to me unless it was funded by someone intelligent it was doa again ... I am very liberal and could not believe the disorginazation and idiots that where helping ... I got about 3k signature still just because I knew it was the right thing to do / did it for jack. Buddy running out of meds and drinking the last three months was sadest for me ...

I would hv helped more but was busy defeating a local ballot measure that would have banned rec and med in my county ...


I cough up honey oil
You already have that privilege.

You mean to tell me, you'd give up EVERYTHING you have at HP BV - in order to be able to grow 6 plants in California?

Yet that is EXACTLY what you think is reasonable for those in the medical industry in CA.

You could have stayed and fought and been part of the grassroots movement that started medical cannabis in 1996. But instead, you left to go profit in the Netherlands.

Your desire to return suddenly is motivated by the EXACT same reason for leaving in the first place - profit.

Just like your attempt to get everyone on board with Schedule II even though, in doing so, it would hand over all production in MI to Plant Prairie Farms, allowing a corrupt legislature to screw about 250,000 caregivers and patients. But that would have been great for GWPH and crew, wouldn't it?

I'm not saying capitalism is wrong. Someone is going to make a billions on cannabis eventually, why not you? Sure. Fine. I can accept that.

What I can't stand is someone who has been barely a shadow on this sites open forums over the last 8 years, only popping in from time to time - is suddenly on...daily....posting constantly, in favor of POLITICAL AGENDAS. I'd love to see a mapped, graphical representation of your posting history on a time line.

More power to you Sam. Again, you have a right to pursue your agenda and promote your opinion.

HOWEVER, you know as well we do, because you have been enshrined into cannabis history, many people will follow your opinion simply because, without doing the due diligence to really look at the implications of this particular legislation.

In such instances, where celebrity is being used as a mask for credibility (even though in your case, both attributes are applicable) I think it is only RIGHT AND JUST to present an opposing opinion and if nothing else force people to stop, think and consider.

IF suddenly, the laws surrounding your ability to run HP BV were to be changed - and what was legal for only you, now was to become legal for everyone, at YOUR expense - you mean to tell me you wouldn't fight that legislation?

Exactly. This is no different.


Thank you Frank!!!! I have tried three times in the last 12 hours to type up something similar to what you just did but I couldn't post them. I couldn't get it done without resorting to cussing Sam the FUCK OUT!!!

I agree with you 100%!

A Californian! Yeah.... Whatever.

6 plants? Get the fk outta here with that BULLSHIT! Bragging about 10,000 males!! Proper selection from a large a population! How many times was that used as proof of his superior breeding practices? But we (real Californians) get six!

I guess there can be only one.

I don't care if he leases Lambsbread to the same poor bastards he jacked it from. Gettin'em on the comeback has always been the dopemans goal. He should just be honest and quit acting like he only wants to end the suffering!

All the beans but no balls!! Without balls, a little prick looks a lot like big clit. Pussies have clits. Don't be a pussy, cause pussies get pounded.

I better stop before this turns into my fourth try!!


Well-known member
If you are a grower/ seller you will have to learn to do it as a business model that is licensed and tracked. We can't expect to get around that fact moving forward. Hell you can't even bank your money now but with these new regulations you will. Don't expect an ride on easy street...it ain't happening. Change or go extinct. Whether this passes or not they are gonna start making legislation to deal with cannabis and the sooner the better I say. Better plan for the worst


Active member
I think you guys are being a little too judgemental in regard to Sam. Like what do you really know about him or what he has done? My own criticism of him would be that he will not publish. If what he claims in these forums is true then I would like to see it documented and verified.


Your are right oldchuck, academics have to publish or perish, private biz has to profit or perish. I hate writing science papers, I apologize for that, I did distill the results and often share that, so others can repeat the work.

I think you guys are being a little too judgemental in regard to Sam. Like what do you really know about him or what he has done? My own criticism of him would be that he will not publish. If what he claims in these forums is true then I would like to see it documented and verified.
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You already have that privilege.
No I do not. This is not true.
You mean to tell me, you'd give up EVERYTHING you have at HP BV - in order to be able to grow 6 plants in California?
Yes I am retired and do not work.
Yet that is EXACTLY what you think is reasonable for those in the medical industry in CA.

You could have stayed and fought and been part of the grassroots movement that started medical cannabis in 1996. But instead, you left to go profit in the Netherlands.
You are mistaken.
Your desire to return suddenly is motivated by the EXACT same reason for leaving in the first place - profit.
Again I want to retire not work for profit.
Just like your attempt to get everyone on board with Schedule II even though, in doing so, it would hand over all production in MI to Plant Prairie Farms, allowing a corrupt legislature to screw about 250,000 caregivers and patients. But that would have been great for GWPH and crew, wouldn't it?

I'm not saying capitalism is wrong. Someone is going to make a billions on cannabis eventually, why not you? Sure. Fine. I can accept that.

What I can't stand is someone who has been barely a shadow on this sites open forums over the last 8 years, only popping in from time to time - is suddenly on...daily....posting constantly, in favor of POLITICAL AGENDAS. I'd love to see a mapped, graphical representation of your posting history on a time line.

Then do it...

More power to you Sam. Again, you have a right to pursue your agenda and promote your opinion.

HOWEVER, you know as well we do, because you have been enshrined into cannabis history, many people will follow your opinion simply because, without doing the due diligence to really look at the implications of this particular legislation.

In such instances, where celebrity is being used as a mask for credibility (even though in your case, both attributes are applicable) I think it is only RIGHT AND JUST to present an opposing opinion and if nothing else force people to stop, think and consider.

IF suddenly, the laws surrounding your ability to run HP BV were to be changed - and what was legal for only you, now was to become legal for everyone, at YOUR expense - you mean to tell me you wouldn't fight that legislation?

No I would not. You are so wrong.

Exactly. This is no different.

Yes my answer is quite different then yours. I think about the Cannabis first then profits.



Thank you Frank!!!! I have tried three times in the last 12 hours to type up something similar to what you just did but I couldn't post them. I couldn't get it done without resorting to cussing Sam the FUCK OUT!!!

I agree with you 100%!

A Californian! Yeah.... Whatever.

6 plants? Get the fk outta here with that BULLSHIT! Bragging about 10,000 males!! Proper selection from a large a population! How many times was that used as proof of his superior breeding practices? But we (real Californians) get six!

I guess there can be only one.

I don't care if he leases Lambsbread to the same poor bastards he jacked it from. Gettin'em on the comeback has always been the dopemans goal. He should just be honest and quit acting like he only wants to end the suffering!

I do not even have lambsbread you have zero idea of why or what I am doing that is for sure. I will not lease Jamaican farmers anything I am a breeder that can help develop varieties that can be grown outdoors in the ground by local farmers, if that is wrong I am guilty. I am not trying to sell seeds to the Jamaicans, that is not my goal.

All the beans but no balls!! Without balls, a little prick looks a lot like big clit. Pussies have clits. Don't be a pussy, cause pussies get pounded.

I have no idea what you mean or referring to???

I better stop before this turns into my fourth try!!


"Under the AUMA, Californians will be able to lawfully grow up to six indoor or outdoor marijuana plants. Regardless, municipal governments are left free to enact local ordinances reasonably regulating personal marijuana grows. However, while municipalities can completely prohibit outdoor grows, they cannot completely prohibit personal indoor marijuana grows. "

haha. Fuck your fake " legalization"

They can kill us before they steal the sun. No true farmer would EVER back a bill that steals the sun... :D



6 plants huh. lol

right now with current cardholders; at my property we are allowed 30 plants.

6 plants; per residence?

Who wrote that? Not a farmer. They should be slapped. How incredibly insulting.

6 plants?

Males? herms? mold? breaks? bugs? weather? clones? different phenos? etc?

6 plants is not enough for 1 farmer. Let alone an entire residence haha ! Who ever wrote this bill has no idea what growing Cannabis is like ( Honestly; they probably have no idea about growing anything) .

AUMA is not for the growers though; it is for the Capitalists.

6 plants? How much pot do you all smoke?

i smoke ALOT of pot and hash. every day. i need more than 6 plants. 6 plants per residence? Oh; so we won't have all the pot we need year round... You want me to go buy at the club?

Go fuck yourself.


What is better to keep recreational illegal for the majority of Cannabis users the recreational users?

recreational pot is not illegal. Stop your lying. Anything less than an OUNCE is a fine.
I got my card when i turned 18. So did everyone else. Welcome to recreational pot... more legal than AUMA.

What exactly do you fail so badly at understanding?

under AUMA though :

But while California is making significant gains reducing cannabis arrests, Prop. 64 ironically creates new crimes that don’t exist today, and calls for jail time for a host of harmless offenses – including possessing more than an ounce of cannabis. If you get pulled over with an ounce for yourself and a gram or two for a friend, you will face a draconian 6 months in jail and/or a $500 fine under Prop. 64:
Sec. 11357 (2)
Persons 18 years of age or over who possess more than 28.5 grams of marijuana, or more than four grams of concentrated cannabis, or both, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a period of not more than 6 months or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500), or by both such fine and imprisonment.
“Over an ounce is a criminal penalty: Is that legalization?”
— San Francisco Attorney Matt Kumin
Under Prop. 64, even sharing any amount of cannabis would be a crime punishable by jail for teens and young adults aged 18-20 – even though it is not a crime today. Young people in this age group – which includes most college students – will face up to 6 months in jail and a $500 fine for engaging in one of the most common and harmless pastimes California indulges in: simply sharing a joint together. Adults 21 and over who pass a joint to another college-age adult under 21 face the same steep penalty. In both cases, if they have certain prior convictions, under Prop. 64 they could be sentenced to prison time – as in, actual state prison; not the county jail – for two, three or four years – merely for sharing cannabis in any amount:

Once again. Proven before us all. Cannabis will be MORE illegal under AUMA; than without AUMA.

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This is not true, GW does no GMO work and they do not own or control HP genetics collection, HP did develop and license a few varieties for them, all using classical breeding. The story is a mixture of lies not grounded in any truth, the guy William Engdahl is a nut there is no GMO Cannabis being sold anywhere, and I personally am against GMO anything Cannabis included. I do not bother to respond to made up lies, it is a waste of my time, and yours. No one that knows me thinks this could be true only people that read this crap on the WWW, the same people that believe that the first Cannabis seed company Sacred Seeds was a collective, it was not, it was me alone. If you get your facts on the WWW do not be surprised if they are not true, and just made up.

Right ; a total nut.


scope the reviews everyone; buy the book .

See how nutty it is. I dare you. :D

Sam claims to be against GMO ; but backs sean parker's & george soros monsanto bill.

This is seriously hilarious. I guess after so many lies; you start getting confused.

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