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why bubble later when you can BUBBLENOW


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hey guys and gals, long time no long winded post, so here goes for nothing. A new concept from the freshheadies crew, figured i would post it here.

Well i suppose this post have been a long time coming. and today i am finaly getting off my ass to post it.
I have finaly released the bubblenow washing machine, which can be used to wash off the resins we so desire. The unit itself is about five gallon size, and is extremly lightweight for portable use. You can take this baby anywhere you have a plug, and get it working for you.
I have to say im pretty darn impressed, with the whole process. From the choice of mix time, from 2 minutes up to 15 minutes, as well as the complete removal of settling> once the unit is done, you can start draining into your bags, and because its a fast drain there is literaly NO settling time. whoo hoo.
So anyway, i will start by explaining each photo.

First off, we have photo 1: which the bubblenow unit with its hose for filling up the unit( i use a five gallon bucket its way faster, will talk more about this further into the thread), as well as the all screen zipper bags that come with the unit. these ones are prototypes and are being replaced by a singler larger bag that i will post as soon as it arrives from being manufactured. Also pictures here is a seven bag kit. i am currently out of my eight bag kits, thus i used a seven for this photoshoot. I will use my 90u as soon as they come in with this unit and show you guys what came out of that.

Photo 2: is the inside of the BUBBLENOW you can see the small motor in the bottom that spins as well as sucks air, to create this wicked cyclone effect inside the unit. YOu can turn the unit on without the lid being closed but i would suggest having water in it to do this.

photo 3: is the outside of the unit with the lid closed.

photo 4: this is some trim a friend of mine had. I almost fell over when i actualy smelt it. he told me it was bubblegum, but after smelling it and especialy after smoking a bowl of the Bubble. i knew instantly it was not bubblegum, but was the infamously long lost Romulan. WOW i hadnt seen this strain in bc for almost a decade. last time i saw anything romulan it was a cross , alas it was nice to see.

photo 5: The trim being placed carefuly into the all screen bag. NOw keep in mind the reason we do this carefuly is because anything that ends up on the outside of your bag will filter thru to your bubblebags. I use a 220u bubblebag to catch anything that may have ended up on the outside of my all screen 220u bag. So that is the reason you will see a 220u blue work bag used with the BUBBLENOW.

photo 6: More trim going out of the ziploc onto our plate and then into our bags. I am using two different types of all screen zipper bags for this run, but please understand there are prototypes and will not be seen in the future , this will be released WITH ONE LARGE SINGLE BAG.

photo 7: The second bag being filled with the trim.

photo 8: A large bowl of ice is then added to each bag of trim> With this process we want most of the ice to be inside the bag in order to do its job of both cooling the water as well as breaking off the glands from their capitate stalks.

photo 9: Filling up the bag with ice.

photo 10: this hose comes with the unit for filling from the tap, it has to be held and doesnt work so great, but depending on the type of tap you have, it can be useful as it fills the unit up quickly.


Active member
photo 11: shows the entire hose from the top of the unit down to the sink tap.

photo 12: I just use a five gallon bucket of chilled water from the fridge. THis works quicker and i have to say its just as easy. unless your a med user who has difficulty lifting heavy things, then you can simply use the hose that comes with the unit.

photo 13: is the bubblenow bag being placed inside the unit

photo 14: is the two bubblenow bags filled with ice and trim sitting inside the

photo 15: We take our left over ice and dump it on the top of the bubblenow
bags. The more ice the the merrier always remember that. LOTS OF ICE>

photo 16: is the unit itself all filled up with material, ice water the zipper screen bags, and ready to roll> My friends hand on the unit gives you a size reference. BIg up the jman. I can tell you that hand you see in the photo does four batches of bubble everyday for the last three to four years solid. Do the math, THATS A LOTTA BUBBLE.

photo 17: Here we have a five gallon set of the bubblebags. 7 bag kit. I am currently out of stock to the point that i dont even have a 8th bag. lol.
anyway i would usualy use all 8 bags, but like i mentioned i didnt have one to use. They will bei n stock soon, in fact at the same time my bubblenow screens come in.

photo 18: YOu can see by this photo just how easy it is to drain the bubblenow. Simply lift the hose off its hook, putting your thumb over it as the second you put it upside down, it will start releasing water. I can tell you one thing i realy liked about this unit is that it eliminates your settling time> I simply let it drain into the bags, and pull each bag almost right away.

photo 19: you can see the golden coloured water pouring out of the bubblenow into the bubblebags in this shot nicely> bubbling and frothing away.

photo 20: a nice close up of the water pouring into the seven bag kit.


Active member
photo 21: at this point im laughing at myself, how many of the same picture was i gonna post in this thread. Ok well here goes, another shot of the water pouring into the bags. lol

photo 22: here is a nice jar full of the bubblenow water we were draining. Nice to show the colour you can give yourself a decent idea after awhile of making bubble, what to expect by the colour and smell of the water.

photo 23: Here we have the unit all drained and the lid open. you can see the frothy bubbles as well as some water soluble chlorophyl that has been released due to the fact the trim was fresh as well as we mixed for the maximum time 15 minutes. This will not polllute our end product as the chlorophyl will evaporate out with the water.

photo 24: a close up on the bubble froth along side the new bubblenow logo.

photo 25: back to me being well bubbled, i guess i took this shot twice. another view of inside the bubblenow from a slightly further distance

photo 26: just squezing gently the last of the water from the bubblenow zipper screen bag.
At this point i didnt take a photo, but what i do is just either a spray hose from your sink or the shower. Its easiest with a small spray hose as you can get up in around the lip of the machine. Just run clear cold water thru the unit for a few minutes to make sure your not leaving behind any bubble residue on the inside or near or around the spinner motor.

Photo 27: Pulling out my first bag, is the 220 work bag. I saw a lot of lear contaminant floating around outside the bubblenow bag and figured it was best to use this bag and boy am i glad i did. As you can see quite a bit of contaminant has been removed right off the bat.

Photo 28: Up close at the contaminant from the work bag

photo 29: pulling the 190u bag, we see some greenish material but definitly in the least a good cooking grade of bubble.

photo 30: pulling the 160u REd bag out we see a little more. better than cooking but still a low grade bubble. However giving this to someone who has never seen or had true connesuer bubble, they would call this some of the nicest they have smoked.


Thats sweet Bro :joint: .I have the 5 gal 4 bag set now that i added the 45 and i love it and this looks like the extra to add to that while i keep adding bags :woohoo: .Cant wait to see the final product,do you think the yeild is increased with this or the product is more potent and pure?.Peace and stay safe,DancesWithWeed :wave:
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pretty cool tool you have there, i love my five gallon kit, now you are advancing hash production once again!


Active member
photo 31 : Here we have a close up of the bubble off the 160u. Not to bad considering this is often complete and totaly garbage used only for cooking purposes.

PHoto 32: we havent shown this yet, and its realy a very important step after pulling each bag. I would never suggest throwing them in a pile before cleaing them> It is of the utmost importance, that if you value your bubblebags. you clean them immidately after removing the material from the screen> Flip inside out and wash thoroughly. I suggest this process then hanging the bags to dry before folding them up and putting them in their carry bag. I would also note that once i get to the 120u bag. i clean each bag off inside the bucket that still has more bags to pull , thus saving the resin from each screen .

Photo 33: a shot of the 120u bags haul> at this point i start cleaning each bag inside the other .

photo 34: shown cleaning the 120u bag inside the yet to be pulled 73u.

photo 35: slowly pulling the 73u bag up you can see the water pooling at the bottom filled with sandy glands. Always a good sign when you pull your 73u bag up out of the bucket and the water doesnt drain right away.


Active member
photo 41: Once i have gently pressed the material in the pressing screen with cloth. i chop it up as finely as possible and place it thinly spread on cardboard. the cardboar acts as a dessicant and will remove unwanted moisture. This is not just a tip, its realy essential, you can't deny it once you compare it against leaving it in solid piece's. This will make give you a much nicer final product.

photo 42: I aplogize for the lame quality of these shots. i usualy get so many melts shots in unreal, but i can add to this over the next few weeks so dont worrry about that. anyway here is the unmelted yet to be hit bubble, with match awaiting to do its job.

photo 43: and here is the melted bubble, showing its high quality volatile terpenoids off.

photo 44: i guess its where my mixers go now!!!! the garbage lol

hope you all enjoyed this little post, and please ask any questions you may have
bubble man


Outstanding. I hated using the damn mixer. Keep it up BubbleMan!

Mind posting the price on that fine piece of equipment?


you could also add a sharp plastic card or something with the bags or machine too so the damp lump of bubblehash could be chomped (in the trays itself) where it dries to avoid loss and spills.
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Shmike said:
That is an awesome work contraption, better than sitting around rippin' it up with a drill and paint mixer, and no runaway ice cubes or globs of soaked trim... Shmikey likey. :jump:

I agree Shmike...I've never used an electric drill or mixer for fear of Mr Shocko

a stick works excellently, is gentler and has less chance of green getting choppe dup and added to the end result..the new machine would also be gentler than a mixer I reckon

does the Bubblenow has variable mixing speeds?
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Bubbleman, you do nothing to improve you relation with mila!


But i will still buy from you,



tag...for one thing, fairer, more competitive pricing for us the buyer will be the result of market choice...and that's a good thing!

....and if you are located in the US or Canada, it makes sense for several reasons to buy from a proven Nth American based supplier you can trust and rely on..

if Bubbleman's Bubble bags or Bubble boxes compared to the alternatives out there are any indication of the quality of this new Bubblenow system, then the prospective buyer's choice is an easy one.

Happy Purifying!
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cordless - safe and efficient...but a wooden stick will always give you a higher quality, more purer end result..and you get a bit of a work out as well!


What's going to be the price on your Bubbleator machine? Will it be cheaper than the original Bubbleator?


TAG-monk said:

Bubbleman, you do nothing to improve you relation with mila!


But i will still buy from you,


It's called buissnes I guess. LOL made me laugh for a few minutes there.

Hey Bman nice to see you got it out now, im planing on a little Bubble surprice primary for the male hash fans :) I don't wanna say to much really, I'll tell ya more about it next time I get a hold on you somewhere.

Keep it bubbleing



wooden spoon..actually I use a plain ol' wooden stick...the ice does the freezing and the stick does the agitating...blades tend to cut the plant matter introducing contaminants to the end product....if you are going to use metal, make sure it has rounded sides not sharp edges

or use a stick for the first run for a few minutes....once you have gathered 50 ~ 60% of the trics (and minimal broken up vegg matter)....then for the 2nd run use a drill or mixer and stir it for 5 ~ 10 minutes to get the remaining trics

everyone does it a little differently..........

check out Bubbleman's site for step by step instructions on how to use your bags efficiently.
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