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Which vinegar for pH down?


Active member
Hello all,

I am not sure about which nivegar to use. Eaither white vinegar or apple cider vinegar.

And why?

I've used White before and it lowers the PH greatly if used too much. I use a few drops at a time. But I noticed that the PPM goes up roughly 150-200 points in the meantime. I'm looking into getting the PH Up Down solutions. I dont know if they raise the PPM that much or not though. Keep in touch!!


Apple cider vinegar is what I've always been told to use. Not sure why. :) It's relatively microbeasty-friendly if you dilute it with water (in like a 20 ounce plastic soda bottle) and THEN add it to your nute solutions/teas/whatever. That way the pH doesn't shoot down suddenly... it's that fluctuation that throws the microherd for a loop.
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**AWD** Aficianado
I used to use apple cider vinegar, the organic kind from the grocers, now I just use lots of fulvic and humics acids and dolomite lime and let the mix do it's thing.
Acetic acid is easily broken down and assimilated in various plant funtions which escape me right now, apple compost is some very good stuff.
It breaks down fast so you can't really burn with it or sway the ph too heavily for too long, it really will only spike it down for a couple of days which can be beneficial, i tried it in my bubblers but it just couldn't cut it in hydro.


Suby makes a very good point... since I've started bubbling my nutes 24-48 hours (or more) before application, the pH usually takes care of itself. One of the wonderful results of microbial activity!

And once the microherd is established in the soil itself, the nute solutions don't need to be so exact... anything between 6.0 and 7.2 should be handled well in the presence of a healthy microherd.


Active member

What is the pH of yoru bubbled solutions-mine always hover around 7.



Active member
Use EJ catalyst . Way better , you & your plants'll love it

I would concur....using about a Tbsp. per gallon will bring your ph down a good point, maybe even more.....Be sure to bubble this stuff too, good stuff for your plants.....
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Bakin in da Sun
Apple Cidar Vinegar

Lemon Juice

both of those work fine... I use Apple cidar vinegar with great results. works fine


I use EJ Catalyst in my teas sometimes. Super-acidic, that stuff. But if you bubble it for a while, the pH mellows back out. Very important, IMO, to bubble the EJ Catalyst BEFORE introducing your microbes via guano or castings or manure or compost or whatever. Because those wide pH swings will stun the hell out of them.

My teas usually end up around 6.7-7.0 after bubbling.


**AWD** Aficianado
EARTH JUICE :moon: :jerkit:

tried it
payed through the nose for it
bubbled it
put up with the smell
hassled cocktailing it
then said fuck it and

bought some liquid karma and PB for half the price and ph buffered to boot.



**AWD** Aficianado
yup C, I'm an organic purist and I dislike bottled ferts but LK is something you'd have to pry from my cold dead hands before I gave up.


I've heard that exact thing several times from organic cats. Good enough to convince me.


LK is part of my arsenal as well . What I said was I like it as a ph down , as it's acidic , and being that I make fresh nutes every evening , it works perf for us here.
Right back at ya suby :moon: :jerkit: :biglaugh: :pointlaug


**AWD** Aficianado
If you knew about their sources for nutrients especially P then you would not use it in your growroom.

Organic fertilizer mixes and tea don't require ph adjustments, an organic regiment means humic acids are abundant and buffer the medium perfectly with a little help from some dolomite lime. Ph adjusting in true organics is a waste of time.

I wasn't poking fun at you SS, just EJ products which are nicely labeled and have an appealing lineup but aren't worth the bottle they were sold in.


I really could give a shit about labeling and market strategies. Again , I only use tha catalyst


Active member
now i'm reallly confused ...

I add LK to a tea of bat and seabird guano, castings, molasses, kelp and then bubble it for 48 hours. My ph at the end is about 7.8.

So do I ph adjust the tea down to 6.8? or leave it as is. (BTW I'm growing in soil with myco.)

I always wondered about bring the ph down so much suddenly right before applying cos of the effects on the microherd.
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I'd water and check tha run off if you are concerned . PH as nessasary because even if you have lime , if your ph is way outta wack I don't think it can correct it .
If I was growing in soil regarless if I have lime , if by tha end of preping it ,it was highly acidic or alkaline , I would ph . I would no way feed MY plants at a ph of 7.8 or below 5.3 , so my suggestion is PH .
I currently use MetaNaturals in my nute program and I still check and correct my ph regardless of what tha manufacturer recommends , granted , by tha time I'm done mixing , it resembles nothing like what tha maker intended it to be used . Just my take . I would be using a soil-less medium , you will have better control of feeding and know EXACTLY what and how "hot" your feeding em .