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moose eater

Well-known member
I believe I was at this show when I was down in Oakland, California for CEUs at a conference re. different perspectives on mis-diagnosed cases of chronic mental illness, that utilized the writings of Aldous Huxley and others in one presentation. I bought tickets in advance for a former Fairbanksan and his girlfriend and myself.

Incredible show!


moose eater

Well-known member
My wife and I are heading to Las Vegas in September for 35th wedding anniversary, we were married there and go back every 5 years. This song is always appropriate when we're there with:

My wife and I will have also been married for 35-years this early June, though we were married at the Spokane River State Park at an outdoor affair. We cohabitated for most of a year before that.

Congratulations on your run.

Getting ready for town to deliver a half-gallon of homemade spicy Tex-Mex chili, pick up an illumination bulb and bracket for a utility trailer (to replace the one someone apparently knocked off), and to get all 4 tires on the truck balanced for a trip in less than 2 weeks. Likely knock out a wholesale grocery store trip while I'm there.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member

This one's for you Smokerman!

I got the name I use, Charles U Farley, from a movie called Pump Up the Volume. This Leonard Cohen tune was used extensively in that movie and it is displayed on the very first Journal article I ever wrote for my website. I would link to it but that page is highly political and doesn't have a place here in this forum, but enjoy the fuck out of this video:


Ella Spell

Well-known member

Although your mind's opaque
Try thinking more if just for your own sake
The future still looks good
And you've got time to rectify
All the things that you should