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Truck At Hydroponics Store Traced; Pot Raided


Guest 88950

I just ran a check on this guy that got busted on this. He has priors. I guess he will be enjoying free housing for some time. In Florida he can get 15 years for possession and 3 years for cultivation if they are concurrent sentences (with prior convictions) he will probably serve full terms, with possiblity of parole after 10 years. It sucks to grow weed in Florida.....but not shrooms.

in Fla, 30 plants = 15 yr Min Mandatory
with kids in the house add 10 more yrs Min Mand.
with a gun in the house add another 10 yrs min mind.

i went to my hydro shop 2 times and if the po po want me come get me. id love to get the media involved as im a unrecognized medical marijuana user in fla. no i dont want to go to jail b/c im in a wheelchair and they might just dump me out like they did that other guy @ Orient Road Jail and i know they arent afraid to put my crippled ass in jail.

not dumb, just tired of the oppression.


Dr. G

Active member
Florida is one of like three I think states were it is perfectly legal to pick magic mushrooms...I think this only implies to ones found in the wild and not cultivation, I could be wrong do a search. Also it is illegal to be impaired (90% sure) but if your completely sober with a fat sack of wild shrooms, popo can't do a thing.



I have a 12K BTU Unit crammed in my window to an 8 by 8 room and there is no smell emanating to the outside,if that were so I'd have been done long ago.They must have had the fresh air vent opened if they had one,most dont anymore.More like cops a lyin


I don't do grow stores. I'd like to see a list of busts known to have originated with online sales. Does anyone know of any?
dont know of any lists..but its not the online hydro shops who are the culprit. Its UPS & possibly Fedex.

The dea doesnt even have to confenscate order records from high time advertisers..they simply contact UPS and ask for all outgoing shipment records from X company. I wouldn't shop with X company if they advertise in HT or any other cannabis magazine.

A long story short..UPS will and does hand out shipping info at the request of DEA.

Stay safe all..dont let paranoia get the best of ya because if they really want you..they've already got you. Stay a small fish and blend in with the masses. They'd rather bust the guy with obviously a lot to TAKE, then the guy who appears to have nothing.


Ajunta Pall

Stay a small fish and blend in with the masses. They'd rather bust the guy with obviously a lot to TAKE, then the guy who appears to have nothing.

Why do people keep perpetuating this faulty logic? The pigs will bust you if they think they got enough on you to do so. Even if you sell a snitch an 1/8 of ditch weed for 10 bucks, the lousy fuckin oinkers will still kick in your and take your pathetic 23 gram stash and charge you w/felony distribution. Don't for a minute think you're too small for a bust.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
I shop at a hydro store an hour or so from my home. When I need to buy supplies, I drive to the city the hydro shop is located in and park about 1/4 mile away. I then walk to the store and do my shopping. On the route back to my car, I walk a very circuitous pattern, watching for a tail. I stop at a bar for a quick drink. I window shop. Then eventually I head home.

LOL idk what u get at hydro store but the shit i gotta carry outta there i wouldnt wanna walk more than 50 ft carryin AND im taking multiple trips to car...

people! dont u get it!?!?! cash transactions, no one knows ur full name, car not registered to grow location, grow location power not under same name as car, and DO NOT DRIVE STRAIGHT BACK TO GROW!


i may have missed it but has anyone guessed that someone snitched on the guy and gave the cop his ethod of operation and they worked around loop holes to get him

i mean he couldnt be the only person that does to that store, and if i am correct, his criminal record nonwithstanding itss illegal to single out a single person in a public place doing the saem thing as other private citizens

like f your driving cops cant pull you over to stop you

but if they have a roadblock and they are stopping everyone (dwi checkpoint) they can stop you for no reason whatsoever

so how is it htey can single someone out and not havesome sort of discrimination

perhaps he has a record and that undermines hi rights?? this i do not know

i never go to stores close repeatedly or buy anything in bulk, i go to places in big cities that have lot of traffic and customers

teh stuff i need in bulk i go to landscape supply nurseries and the such it a PITA but its good to keep busy

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Look at this, learn from their techniques and DONT GET BUSTED!! go to google news and search for marijuana grows. Some people need to be more educated or risk spending a long time in prison.



Look at this, learn from their techniques and DONT GET BUSTED!! go to google news and search for marijuana grows. Some people need to be more educated or risk spending a long time in prison.


yep 15 years of scouring news having given me much information
Why do people keep perpetuating this faulty logic? The pigs will bust you if they think they got enough on you to do so. Even if you sell a snitch an 1/8 of ditch weed for 10 bucks, the lousy fuckin oinkers will still kick in your and take your pathetic 23 gram stash and charge you w/felony distribution. Don't for a minute think you're too small for a bust.

Our strength is still in our numbers.

I'm not saying they wont bust small fish, but they would without a doubt RATHER bust the larger ones - they have more to gain from it. Thats not to say they dont hit up the easy pickins either, be it a small fry or not. They love to pat themselves on the back.

But in the big grand scheme of things I still think it has a lot to do with asset forfeiture. They'll watch what your doing - and allow it to go down for a period of time - and THEN rob (AKA Bust) when your more well off...or at least thought you were. They then just confinscated your 50K (AKA now 20K) and the police force gets your new ride.



The dea simply contact UPS and ask for all outgoing shipment records from X company. I wouldn't shop with X company if they advertise in HT or any other cannabis magazine.

How do you know this?

If this is true, I don't see why they don't just get the shipping lists of every single store in the country and go from there.


How do you know this?

If this is true, I don't see why they don't just get the shipping lists of every single store in the country and go from there.

private shipping companies can freely give out thier records there are no privacy laws where in the USPS may not search your mail. Used to be without warrant dont know what means are necessary today

check out some cannabis and teh law books

Ajunta Pall

If this is true, I don't see why they don't just get the shipping lists of every single store in the country and go from there.

Probable cause, I'd bet. If you purchase from some entity that advertises in a pro marijuana forum, it could only be to grow. If you actually order in your real name, let's say if you used a credit card, and had previous convictions, then to use a beauracratic cliche it would be a red flag.

Even if you have a clean record the pigs'll still look at your electrical use. All of this would go in motion if you order from a company that is regarded to advocate breaking the law.

When ordering from a company that does not advertise in forums that support illict activity, there is no implied intent.


How do you know this?

If this is true, I don't see why they don't just get the shipping lists of every single store in the country and go from there.


I spent a few minutes on search engines, but didn't find any real core sources for recent activity on the DEA's 'Operation Green Merchant', 'Operation Green Thumb', or 'Operation Pipe Dreams' relating to shipping invoices, Fedex and UPS. Anyone have any leads?

Operation Green Merchant was 15-20 years ago:
Altho this technique is "unsportsmanlike" it is effective. Every grower needs to buy equiptment and the police know this. If they sit somewhere long enough or track receipts long enough adventually they will find some growers. I think hydro stores are just a no-no. Unless you are a few times removed from the actual purchase. But then you need somebody you can trust to go buy everything. So basically you have to accept that your gonna get caught someday. It's better to either not grow or to do it quick and then get out. But everybody knows thats impossible. Once somebody starts making that easy money thats all she wrote.. This is the exact reason i don't grow. It's not worth the time money and your freedom.


This is a good reason not to grow in multiple warehouses like an idiot but, hardly a reason to stop growing. Those guys didn't get busted for weed, they got busted for being too stupid to live.


Greed will bring you down.

I also agree.. dont be greedy.

I buy nutrients occasionally from my local hydro store.. but thats it. I buy lights from Ebay.. and soil from garden stores. I always only leave the hydro store with just a small bag. I'm always paranoid though.. I just refuse to live in a constant state of 'fear'.


I wonder if renting a car would be a good idea for a run to the hydro store? It can be done for $50 or less.

Sure, you are on the rental receipt, but the police have to make one more court order to check out who the car was rented to and possibly a judge wouldn't grant it.

If all a cop has to do is run the tags on a person's car then find their address and look for other clues to get a search warrant it is too easy for them.

  • taxi
  • hire that drunk guy from the bar (not you Randude! No bars for you!)
  • bus
  • walk
  • bicycle
  • have large orders delivered to an anonymous location (your car in a parking garage, warehouse, storage unit, etc.

