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Tomato growers?


Put in peppers and tomatoes earlier this year. Small garden but enough for a smile. All 9 peppers are costa rican hybrids. Love these peppers. Long red peppers that turn faster than the fat bell peppers. 4 tomato plants, 1 orange zinger and 3 traditional fruits hybrid tomato plants.

Nothing but the usual 3 gallons of goat poo, the rest of the kelp, and some 0-7-0 bat guano to spare. Lot's of tree's here so the garden gets at most 6 hours direct sun. Usually 1 - 2 peppers a plant and 5 - 6 lbs per tomato plant.

The grandparents garden gets all day sun. They give me a few veggies and fruits. The blueberries are doing much better this year. Just dosed them with elemental sulfur, goat manure and something from epsoma as well as epsom salts. The berries at the bottom of the slope grow much better from water being down there more. The southern 2 rows were not tilled correctly and struggle to outgrow weeds. Really fighting to not use sprays.

I'm attempting to clone a bunch of blueberry cuttings I have some in the ground already butt I didn't do (dindu) much soil prep just planted them where we've been applying pine straw for about 8 years... planted late last summer out of 3, one died one set fruit the other is growing but has some markings on the leaves I've been applying coffee grounds pine straw and some acid lovers fert I top dressed with... i feel like I'm just keeping them going I think I'll try some sulfer


Well-known member
A lot of fertilizers for acid loving plants contain aluminum sulfate. I’ve always used Espoma’s Holly-tone (for acid loving plants), it’s a slow release and pretty much all organic.


Active member
greetings from Slovakia..Black Krim,Cherokee Purple,Tornado,Azoychka



Dog Star

Active member
Does Black Krim have good taste??

What strain you found best taste and what is best for salads??


Bump. Nice pics ecr8d , this year I am growing some Latah heirloom bush tomatoes and some red wild heirloom tomatoes both are very productive and easy to grow.


Well-known member
This leaf is from a heirloom Bull Heart type tomato plant. The seeds came from a 1.4 Kg (3.1 Lbs) tomato. The 2€ coin on the leaflet is 25.75 mm in diameter. A little bit more than 1 inch.



I am waiting for the tomatoes. They are still unripe.


Active member
Does Black Krim have good taste??

What strain you found best taste and what is best for salads??
Hi Dogstar.....
Through the years i have found the best tomatos for salad is the fruity tomato.....
The mountain Athos tomato.....gives easily tomatos of 1 kilo....
And a photo of real krimean black in the right conditions!....
If this varieties grow organic ,the smells easily fullfill all your room with this perfect greek skunky-haze plant smell...:biggrin:
Enjoy.....the first 2 varieties are original greek heirlooms....ancient varieties i can tell!..



Big Nasty

Active member
Great tomatoes everybody,here are mine:first row left to right:bistecca,cuore di bue,costoluto fiorentino,unknown hybrid from sardinia.second row:roma,principe borghese,ciliegino,pantano.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Getting there on the tomatoes finally. Dry year so tactical watering required. Main crop this year is Big Beef. They grow so well and taste like old school tomatoes. Another main crop is Estrina yellow cherry tomatoes. Really good flavor, old time tomato flavor with a zing of acid. Delicious! And the yield is unreal!


Rubber Chicken

A little selection of some heirlooms i chose,


I tried to do a fair amount of research the last few years, looking for a large selection of different varieties that generally seem to all have very positive reviews.


Well-known member
I am not an experienced tomato grower but I know a lot about this plant. Every year I try to grow new types and variants of this vegetable because I am very interested in this business. Since I have already tried many different options, this year I wanted to do something special and I often looked for the answer to the question on the Internet: how deep do tomato roots grow? I found an excellent article the author of which tells everything in great detail and clearly. I think that all beginners in this business and even professionals will be interested and useful to read

Growing two different greek varieties
Distance between them 40cm,was the advice I was given
Garden patio,about 20/25cm deep


Well-known member
love the heirlooms and saving seed. They have to be fast here, though, even started indoor.

faves:Rutgers, Golden King of Siberia, Woodle Orange, and mostly BLACK PRINCE.


Well-known member
This leaf is from a heirloom Bull Heart type tomato plant. The seeds came from a 1.4 Kg (3.1 Lbs) tomato. The 2€ coin on the leaflet is 25.75 mm in diameter. A little bit more than 1 inch.

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I am waiting for the tomatoes. They are still unripe.
Have a Brandywine with leaves as long as my arm. I’ll try and get some pics.

The leaves are all tangled so I can’t show…but the fruit is wonderful. May be ugly but damn



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