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This thread is da peat puck freaks..


The Soapmaker!
Domed? And still drying out??? Are they on a heat mat or something?

When I have cloned in peat pellets, I take a tupperware tray about 4" deep and put all of the peat pellets in there pressed up snugly against one another, which helps them all to hold in their moisture and for the moisture in all the pellets to remain consistent (so you don't have 12 reasonably moist pellets and then 3 random ones drying out more quickly).

I did that without using a dome or misting and I live in the high desert, so I feel like that should work well for just about anyone.



PeavillePride said:
The only time i open my dome is if they look like they need more water.I wet them good but not to where there dripping wet.I also mist the bottom of the tray around the pucks.Good luck Bro,and cant wait til yer all rooted up :headbange .Peace and stay safe,DancesWithWeed :wave:

I'm breaking the rules again! :spank:
But just for a second! :puppydoge I had to get a good pic to show you the diff.

Good call PeavillePride!

Now, to wait... :joint:

BTW, the dome is back on...


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i used a tray with humidity dome. under 23 watt cfl that was an inch from top of dome. used some of those 4" runoff trays full of water in between pucks to keep humidity above 90%. temps were steady at 75ish. i had 9/10 first try and it took approx. 2-2 1/2 weeks for them all to come around. rooting hormone powder was also used.

using this method i found that after the initial "wetting" of the pucks not only did the pucks not need to be re-wet, but ones that i did re-wet a tad had to dry out to barely damp in order for roots to show. so i feel that using a high humidity environment one should not mist or rewet after the initial wetting.
soulflyx2k said:
btw, i got 72 of them for about 3 bucks... =D
I got the same deal at Lowes :headbange ,there the smaller ones though,i like them better.I buy like 10 boxes at a time so in winter i have tons.I never use the heating mat ,i put my dome in a box and cover it with a towel or something,unless you have the temp control for the mat,i wouldnt use it.imo. . Peace and stay safe,DancesWithweed :wave:
i love peat puck's (UK - jiffys)

i love peat puck's (UK - jiffys)

:wave: I'm an avid fan of jiffys. They seem to work every time for me.

I find (especially of late), that rockwool cubes are more of a pain in the ass. Rockwool cubes can get to dry, or are to wet. Clones also seem to appear happyier and more stable in jiffys.

But saying that, i have tried Rapid rooters, and i think these to be great. But they are'nt cheap. £5.50 for a 24 tray, where as jiffys are 10p each.

Peace :joint:


dontstepongrass said:
what is your temps and humidity kroter? also, how much light you under?

dontstepongrass, how did I miss this? :bashhead:

Musta been high... :rasta:

Sorry bout that. :redface:

Day 7
75F (controlled heat mat. Otherwise, 71F with a/c and big lights off.)
96% RH

18" away from a single 40W "shoplight", 24/0.

Wanna peek?

Dome back on... :joint:


10 days since cuts were taken.

They are not looking as good as they were a couple of days ago.

No roots, yet.

They seem dry to me. Though, not as dry as before.

I'm considering re-wetting, AGAIN. But, I thought I'd check here first...

My bubbler...no roots yet...



stoned agin ...
PeavillePride said:
I never use the heating mat, i put my dome in a box and cover it with a towel or something,unless you have the temp control for the mat,i wouldnt use it.imo.
PP why's that? i know someone once posted dont put it right on the mat they'll overheat put towels between. maybe depends on local temps, season etc. i wonder what type of control you get eg wild swings; or maybe not worth the cash?
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flubnutz said:
PP why's that? i know someone once posted dont put it right on the mat they'll overheat put towels between. maybe depends on local temps, season etc. i wonder what type of control you get eg wild swings; or maybe not worth the cash?

I've got a thermostat controlled heat mat. I dial in the temp, and it's locked there. No swings ever. I like it for stable temps, as well as the additional warmth, when needed. (My a/c keeps the room around 71F.)

I put my dome, pots, and/or whatever on the mat. No towels, etc...
I used to "pot up" the temp sensor like a cutting, but now I just lay it in the center of the mat. I place a thermometer in the dome for peace of mind, and the attached humidity gauge.

I bought the heat mat many years ago. It's no magic bullet (esp. in the hands of a rootin' retard). It does what it is designed to VERY well.
(Disclaimer: I've worked with the "retarted", so I can poke fun / ridicule!)
(I'm sure it's in the handbook...)

I've been trying to nail this cloning thing for MANY YEARS!!!
:redface: :cuss: :puppydoge :badday: :redface: :cuss: :puppydoge

My cuts are all still hanging in there. (I glance often :biglaugh:)
I've held off doing anything more to them.
Hopefully, it's just another case of "I'm more anxious than they are sick"...

11 days, and counting...
The mat,without a thermostat control runs too hot,imo.So with it,like you said,you just lock it,set it n forget it,lol.I just dont like them without the control unless its really cold,then you separate with a towel so it doesnt get too hot..



Thanks everyone for all the help!

Hopefully, I'll be seeing lots more of this very soon...



Man, having great results with these things. Had a couple issues with adding water that was too hot but other than that these things are the only way I get roots so far.


Horse-toothed Jackass

Cloned in Jiffy peat pellets/pucks (7-10 days for roots), then put into a Jiffy Pot and vegged in a bubble tub until roots grow out of the pot (1-2 weeks), then put into a bubble tub in the flowering closet.

Best part: cheaper than the hydro store and available at Home depot and gardening stores... :joint:

Gotta love Jiffy products!!!
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well my first cloning attempt is successful so far. 2/5 showed roots and have been transplanted so far. Still waiting on the last 3 but they look in not too decent shape. Some of the leaves are starting to brown and dry up, and it's been 19 days since the cuts were taken..