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This thread is da peat puck freaks..


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
mine seem to root decently at around 80 degrees. after a couple good roots poke out i move to a different humidity dome also under a 23 watt cfl. this second dome allows me to gently harden off clones as they root. so far so good with this method.


the keeper of the creeper
WOW!!! Ive been away for abit.... come back to 10 pages and "still kicking", peat puck freaks!!!!! Awsome stuff guys!! i never thought this thread would get the attention that it has!!Im glad it is helping out so many of you and a place for the pros to show you how it is done.....wicked, just wicked!!

I will be reposting sum clones in the near future using the best cloning method ever. peat pucks.. Blunt69 is about to come out of hibernation!!


Welcome back, Blunt 69!

With the help of this thread, I went from zero to hero!
I used to get nothing!!!
But, now I've gotten 100% on the past three consecutive runs!!

Thanks everyone!

mister c

i have tried them all.....

peat pellets seem to encourage beneficial bacteria/fungi activity WAAAY more than anything else I've tried. Which equals fat, white, fuzzy roots.


I personally don't use them, but the thing that gets me about peat pucks is the pictures of the crazy roots shooting out the side. It's the wal-mart method for insane roots.
I'm trying at the moment with Jiffy 7's, all set up in an electric propogator under a 110w lamp. I have 29 clones running 8 days now, still no roots showing, but I've heard power plant is a hard one to clone.
This is only my second time to clone so it's still early days for me with this learning curve.
They're all still alive thusfar and today I've opened the small vents on the domes, I can fit three Jiffy's, at a push I'd fit 5 into each little compartment in the propogator, but three is enough to have some space.
I mist morning and night, might cut back a little having read what I read here.
The propogator is dialled in at 18C which works out at 61F, it's set to that and I can't change it, but the bulb heats the closet a little higher anyway, I'll check the temps later, feels to be a good bit higher in there anyway.

Power plant clones in Jiffy's

Cloning chamber



Horse-toothed Jackass

Flo clones, one week after taking cuts. I get roots within 7-10 days, 100% success rate so long as the cutting is big enough. In fact, the bigger the cutting, the faster it will root (ime), but only up to a certain point (i'm sure you can't take TOO big a cutting).
I've been using the Jiffy pots, also, instead of net pots:


I'm scrogging, so the pot doesn't have to take all the weight once the buds get big. They seem to be working too...
Three days later it's 15 from 27, I've lost two which weren't really viable anyway, but having said that I've rooted one which was basically a twig with one leaf attached, the leaf has since died but there is fresh growth coming, just tiny.
For someone who's cloning for the second time, these jiffy's are easy.
I've used them with cracked seeds before, sometimes losing seed to rot, but this seems to be what they're made for, easy cloning.
I'll be using them again.


Buteo Jamaicensis

Banana OG, rooted in about 7-10 days. soaked the pucks in GH rootjuice and foliar fed them with a little bit of bushmaster.
26 from 29 was the final count, actually 27 but the one of them was just a rooted stem with a tiny leaf on.
Not bad for my second ever attempt at cloning, peat pucks are definitely the business.


the keeper of the creeper
Here is some new shots of a bunch of white widow clones, using.....PEAT PUCKS!!!!



as you can see this very basic method, will yield me 100% success, and i dont have to check them till next week.(i will thou)lol!!


I have been using this method since Blunt started this thread. I have been having great success results but sometimes it takes me about 2 weeks to start showing roots. I assume it has a lot to do with temp but I just started using a heat mat again to see if they root faster. As soon as I see roots I usually transplant into soil and am beginning to wonder if I should wait til I see roots everywhere before I transplant. Am I slowing up my veg time by doing this?


Hey hoodini,

It takes me about 2 weeks, too.

I wait for a few roots to show in different locations around the pellet before I transplant.

I'm still tweaking my transplant method...
I want to give them veg fert. To get them greening up.
But some folks say use bloom ferts to encourage root growth
(It's worked both ways for me...:confused:)

BTW, I use a heat mat w/ thermostat.

Here's some 5 days since cutting. So far, so good.
I'm hoping that in 5 to 7 days, they'll be ready to transplant.



Hey Peat, it looks like your cutting the tips of your fan leaves off. Is that helping you speed up rooting at all. I have read a few threads that encourage cutting them and a few that say leave them. Also, I noticed something white that looks like labels. I havnt found anyway to label myself other than duct tape across the tray that is numbered from which clone it came from. Let me know how things work out for you.


Yeah hoodini,
I trim 'em up a little.
Like mrcheezy said, it's to reduce transpiration. :yes:
and help queeze a couple more under the dome.

My labels are toothpicks wth stickers :crazy:

I don't have any tricks for speeding things up.
I'm not in that much of a hurry 'round here... :joint:



the keeper of the creeper
hoodini - I transplant when i see anywhere from a 1/2 dozen to a dozen root tips emerging, this insures a more balanced root growth within you next pot size. Remeber yer not going for speed to root, its all about ease and success.

Personally i do not cut tips using method shown, a dome eleminates the need to mist water droplets formall over the leafs during dome on time. This is why i remove it after 1 week, allow everything to dry out somewhat, freshen water, do it all again untill those little white roots show themselves!!
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