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The "Tony Danza" - 440 Watt PL-L - Low Pressure Aeroponic - Cabinet Build and Grow


The "Tony Danza" - 440 Watt PL-L - Low Pressure Aeroponic - Cabinet Build and Grow

Ok, so here is yet another spin off of the NGB design with a few changes. It's basically a giant fucking version of the NGB cab with two added rooms, so I take no credit for it.

It will have the following features.

1. A flower room large enough to hold the Botanicare 2x2 tray and lid, which will hold 9 plants in a SOG. This room will have 8 - 55 Watt PL-L lamps (440 Watts).

2. A mother room to hold, well you guessed it, mother plants. This room will have 2 - 55 Watt PL-L lamps.

3. A room for a 27 gallon "toughbox" tote to be used as a reservoir, with float valve filling, and a nifty drain for easy water change outs.

3. A drying room, where the air intakes will be. This will allow me to dry and carbon filter all in the cab.

4. A utility room for all the electronics, fan, and carbon filter.

5. Wheels, so I can roll this bitch around, or maybe ride it down the street.

I went to home depot a week or two back and got 4 sheets of plywood, and had them cut it all to my specs. They were kick ass about this, and cut all 14 pieces of this cab, to my specs out of the 4 sheets. They had a sign up saying they charged for this service, but they only charged me for the plywood. I tipped the guy $20 for not being pissed off at me while I took up an hour of his time. When I left the store and was halfway to my vehicle, another dude came running out yelling "Sir, Sir", I turned around and whipped out my "receipt and said I paid at the register" - To my surprise, he said "I know, I just wanted to help you load this into your car" -- After my experience, I highly fucking recommend home depot, they will do all the hard work of building your pot cabinet, and ask you if they can throw it in your fucking car too.

Ok, so my carpentry skills are pretty much fictional, and now comes the point where I show pics, and you can point and laugh and tell me where I fucked up, but this is where I am now. Still a way to go, but it has a shape. The two shelves that you see on the left, are not yet mounted, and that's why they are crooked. I just wedged them in approximate spots to give you an idea of how the rooms will be laid out. This is not to say that they won't still be crooked when I mount them, like I said, my carpentry skills are about as believable as me finding a two horned unicorn.

I seriously doubt anyone would want to copy this design, but if they do I have a cutlist of exact sizes, and can hook you up with a nifty free program I found online that will make you print outs to take to home depot, showing them how to cut the pieces, as to minimize waste, and get the most bang for your buck. Just let me know and I will post the info.

Well enough rambling, this is what I got so far...


  • Whole Cab.jpg
    Whole Cab.jpg
    49.6 KB · Views: 45
  • Botanicare 2x2 tray with lid.jpg
    Botanicare 2x2 tray with lid.jpg
    40.9 KB · Views: 47

Denial N Error

Nice cab, I for one would be interested in the "info" on the dimensions and such ..



Nice cab, I for one would be interested in the "info" on the dimensions and such ..


38.5 x 27 Top
38.5 x 27 Bottom
60 x 26.5 Side
60 x 26.5 Side
60 x 38.5 Back
37.5 x 26.5 Middle Shelf
41.5 x 26.5 Middle Divider
12 x 26.5 Side Shelves
12 x 26.5 Side Shelves
12 x 10 Dry Room Door
12 x 12.5 Utility Room Door
12 x 18 Mother Room Door
25 x 41.5 Flower Room Door
37.5 x 18 Bottom Door

The software I used is called Cutlist. Found here http://www.delphiforfun.org/programs/cutlist.htm

Here is the data in a way Cutlist reads it, and all you have to do is download cutlist, install it, and then make the data I am about to post below a .txt file, then tell cutlist to open it. Then make sure you check ignore grain direction, and have it solve. It will take about 30 seconds, and give you nice printable pages showing where to make cuts on the plywood. Take that to home depot, or do yourself if you have tools and are skilled.

cutlist file said:

38.500 27.000 Top
38.500 27.000 Bottom
60.000 26.500 Side
60.000 26.500 Side
60.000 38.500 Back
37.500 26.500 Middle Shelf
41.500 26.500 Middle Divider
12.000 26.500 Side Shelves
12.000 26.500 Side Shelves
12.000 10.000 DR Door
12.000 12.500 UR Door
12.000 18.000 MR Door
25.000 41.500 FR Door
37.500 18.000 Bottom Door

96.000 48.000 T
96.000 48.000 T
96.000 48.000 T
96.000 48.000 T


Damn it, My non spelling ass misspelled "Aeroponic" in the title - would a mod please fix that so I don't look retarded?


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Looks good Donkey...very nice cab bro...cant wait to see it in action...Peace


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Very nice looking DP. I too would recommend HD...great place to shop.


Ok, got some more work done - the two previously un-mounted shelves on the upper left, that make the floor of the mother room, and utility room, are mounted in their correct positions, and no longer just wedged in to give you an idea of what the box was to look like.

This is where I learned something. Take a 1/4-1/2 inch off all my door dimensions if you copy this. I made them exact size when figuring this out, and when I put it together I realized they fit too tightly to hinge. I will have to trim them up to make them work. The three small doors will be easy for me to trim as I own a 12 inch compound miter saw that will make quick work of them. The two large doors may be a little more difficult for me. I have a circular saw, but it sucks ass, and I don't want to buy a nice one.

I fucked up my back at work yesterday, and can barely walk at the moment. So will not be getting much done in the next few days, but will try to do what I can.

Tracking info shows that the Castor wheels are coming tomorrow. I will get those on tomorrow night. Which will make things a lot easier from here on out. I am putting this together in a very small room, and constantly have to move this thing to get at it from different angles. It's not exactly light weight...

I need to get out to the hardware store to get some thin wood strips, something like 3/4 inch, to mount inside all the door openings, to put weather stripping on, and make a lip for the door to rest on. So it stays light and air tight. I doubt I am gonna do this until my back heals up a bit, as I look like I have a stick in my ass while walking due to back pain, and I don't want to walk all the way across a hardware store right now because it hurts to walk. The heating pad seems to be helping, so hopefully I am only down for a couple of days.


Active member
Hey bro,

Hope the back is feeling better. Any progress with your cab or are you still on the injured reserved list? :)


Hey bro,

Hope the back is feeling better. Any progress with your cab or are you still on the injured reserved list? :)

I am getting better, pretty much fine now actualy... That was by far the worst injury I ever had, I thought it would hurt for a few days then I would be fine. I was out of work a little over a month, and I had to do physical therapy, (don't ever let a doctor talk you into physical therapy, it fucking sucks!!) and that just ended last week and I am now back to work, both my job, and this project.

I did a little bit yesterday to the cab. I added a 2x4 frame to the bottom with caster wheels on it so I can roll it around now. I also bought a bunch of 3/4 inch strips of wood to go around the inside of the doors to act as door jambs and as a place to install weather stripping for light proofing/ait tight. I accidentally got screws too long to install the wood strips, so will have to go back to the hardware store before I can start that.

After that it's going to be trimming the doors and adding hinges. Then plumbing then electric. I hope to be up in a few weeks, since I am now so behind at my job, there is not a lot of time to work on this thing.


Active member
Loooong time since this was updated. Thought I would give the OP's thread a bump and a chance to update us.


New member
I like this cab layout, I think I'm going to try to build something similar. an update would be nice to see how it worked out


New member
i seen in a different post he said he was injured at work, threw his back out, but that post was made back in august of 09. i like the layout too. it just shows you can make a cab however you want smaller or bigger depending on the space you have to work with.

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