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The Sub-Current Culture Collective's Hotbox

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I love my life
My $.02 is we wait a month, I want to be part of the Mashup piss'em off thread and club. Badges, we don't need no stinking badges!

"I refuse to joint any group that would have me as a member." Groucho Marks

Peace, :joint:


But it took so much work...



Active member
Going with the flow...

Going with the flow...

What better strain to pop my sub-current culture's cherry with than...

And what's better than a t5-48??

A t5-48 on a mover


Dj Short Flo; unsexed phenotype but i think i see female preflowers on the mom... it'll be a learning experience regardless.. been waiting to play with this cut for awhile... haven't ever flowered it out and my mom looks like this today...

lets see what happens in two weeks

Amstel Light

compared with other systems what are the advantages of this system over others? ease of use, yield etc...? like if you could give us a side by side compariso0n of systems that would be great! I LIKE it str8 out the box... and as for as the pics go keep the ass cheeks comin pal!


Smokes, lets go
looking forward to another sub current run from you mashup last results were sweeeeeet!

i am running ebb n grow buckets but only for this grow... or until i can afford one of those systems, im jealous!


nice lab mashup :yes:

call me crazy but it just looks like DWC on crack

growshower if you think "almost zero work" went into that ^ you're full of shit


opt1c kills it again. Looks stellar bro. Knew you'd have plants in there before too long. Better hope for females, else you'll be rockin' the largest nuts on ICMag. :D

Amstel Light - Wish I had more data to give a fair comparison, but I haven't given that particular strain a run prior to what just got chopped. That makes comparing systems on a level playing field difficult as far as yield etc.

Ease of use... can you fill it up with water, throw some nute in, adjust PH and stand back for a week or two? :D

Yield... honestly I was thinking around 4lbs from the previous run due to all of the little mistakes along the way, but weigh day brought a near anxiety attack wondering WTF is gonna be done with all that weed. :woohoo:

NorCalFor20 - Hey bro, glad ya found the new digs. All your prior experience of reading plants will pay off when you make the switch, probably the only essential skill needed for success. Better worry about the shit storm Jim and Randy are gonna give ya when they see ya knockin' down mega-rent and wasting it on booze. :joint::yes:

rooted - The guy is actually right. Aside from setting the grow up in a matter of hours there was almost no input the remainder of the grow. The only maintenance routine that needed to be done was a system flush. Here it is in great detail:

  1. Remove T-fitting or reservoir chiller input line from the in-line water pump's output in the epicenter
  2. Place garden hose in a drain source and proceed to connect to the in-line water pump's output in the epicenter
  3. Light joint, puff
  4. When empty, replace T-fitting or reservoir chiller input
  5. Refill
  6. Add nutrient, wait for PPM and PH to balance
  7. Adjust PH

DWC on CRACK users UNITE! :D



Can't wait for the social group. Great potential for information sharing, plus the heinous entertainment value from you youngsters.


Those gosh darn whipper snappers are becoming more and more unruly.


The results leavin' old money speechless.


MASH's generation screamin'.





people just don't know mash, but i guess you aren't doing shit right unless you got one or two of them haters out there


I dunno about pot1c, he seems like a stoner. Either that or he's busy behind the scenes, shit happens when you're down with SCCC. :woohoo:


New member
Few questions for ya mash, dont know if they have been asked before. I noticed in the beginning you had drip lines in each bucket, and the air pump had an air line the went in the top of the epicenter bucket. Did you eliminate the drip lines? Also the air line now goes into the bottom of the epicenter, was this you change also? Or is the just how the system comes now. One last question is there a diffuser in each bucket or just the epicenter? Sorry if these question have been asked but its easy to become side tracked reading through your thread with all the pics of tits and huge BUDS:laughing: PEACE


No hater here fellas. I am loving it. Mashup's grow was beyond impressive, his entertainment delivery icing on the already massive cake.


yayarea, sup dude? That's how the system comes now, the guys down at Current Culture keep up to date with what's available and push the easiest way possible.

The drip lines are rubbish IMO, clog up and don't do much. They're made for guys running soiless mix in the net pots instead of grow rock. Instead, run the buckets full of water, mega roots.

The epicenter has the large disc diffuser while each bucket gets a 6" stone. Everything is at a rolling boil, scares ya to watch the first roots brave it into the rapids in fear of 'em breaking.

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