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The St.'s 150watt hps cab

The St.

update! new pics!

update! new pics!

just putting up a little update of some things that have happened.
i re-lined the interior of the box with emergency blankets, but probably going to switch to flat white paint, either after this cycle or before flowering, not sure.

also, the seedling to pop out last died after about 2-3 days. the other 3 are looking healthy and their roots are growing like crazy! the largest one is about 8 days old and the other 2 are about 5 or 6 days. i will give them a mild feeding soon with some neptunes harvest fish/seaweed fert.(2-3-1), from the bottom.

this one has a purple tint to it. there were some really almost royal purple buds from this strain, so im pretty excited about that!

the back door.

i had a problem with the pc fan's plug thing, it was over heating and would turn the fan off. i fixed this by setting the power strip outside where the exhaust fan would blow directly onto the voltage adjustable plug. it seems to have taken care of the problem. my temps didnt go up and everything seems great!

well, thats it for now, more to come later!


time for lunch.
Thats awesome The St. :) Very nice! I'll be keeping an eye on yours as well. Sorry to hear about the seedling though. Can't wait till i've got my own place to be able to convert a dresser like yours. Like someone said earlier... The inside looks just as clean as the outside... VERY nice dude



Very nice cab u got there,and sorry about the seedlings i just lost one myself.I think u should paint it cause the blanket traps in some of the heat

The St.

thanks mushu, hopefully it works as good as everyone says it looks!

thanks to you too, pothead2, heats not much of an issue in the box right now, so im gonna stick with the blankets atleast until flowering (i may just paint it white, but we'll see). but i appreciate your concern!

little update, i added another 42watt cfl for the seedlings, they seem to like it. i also gave them some liquid ferts today. a little fish/seaweed 2-3-1 fert with a minute amount of superthrive.


The St.



well, these were from sunday or monday, but you get the idea!

added some light

my babies got a little too wet, i think, theyre getting better now though.

not much else has changed, the plants are looking healthy, and everything seems to be going smoothly, so far!



Active member
hey the st. things are looking good - I do suggest that you consider getting a different spectrum of cfl for your seedlings - the 6500K "daylight" cfls at walmart are really great for seedlings - they just love them...


The St.

thanks suga, ill definitely go pick some up!

so, ive had some problems with my seedlings, i think theyve been overwatered, but im not too sure. i transplanted them into new pots with new soil (mixed with my guanos and other ferts). hope this was a good move!

any help/advice would be great! thank again!



Smoke it if ya got it!!
looks overwatered to me. I think once you let them dry thay will start to green up by themselves without fertilizer.

The St.

yeah, i checked on em earlier and one of them is looking better already, probably the dryest of the three(?). so, hopefully things will turn around!

thanks guys

I had an overwatering problem too, and it kind of looked like that. Also had nutes in my soil, and the little plants really didn't need it. I think a couple days without water or nutes and they'll turn dark green.

Nice looking cab too man. What kind of reflector is that if you don't mind my asking? Doing a CFL grow myself, and my roasting pan reflector seems a little goofy.

The St.

theyre all starting to straighten back out now, one of them is showing a nitrogen deficiency, which is caused by overwatering, but theyre looking better.


Active member
Well I'll be damned - it's the old 150 HPS club!

Good job St!
I like the way you fixed the front of that cabinet to open.
Looks plenty big too.

Best regards


The St.

thanks guanito! its actually the back that opens up, the front of the drawers are screwed on. not very stealthy but nobody gets that close to it anyway.


The St.

just a quick update, waiting for the picture upload to be up and running again.
plants are looking pretty nice, theyre doing much better after being overwatered and seem to be growing nicely. i went out and got some 6500k and 5000k cfl's and have 4 of them in there, 2 are 26watt and 2 are 23watt. i also added 2 computer fans to keep these cool. temps are staying around 75-80.

ill post pics soon!!



Good to hear everything is going good man.I'm waiting to a update myself

The St.

well, a photo update.

the first set of pics was taken about a week ago, maybe a little more.
the plants were just getting out of there funk of being overwatered, and i had put in some daylight spectrum bulbs.


since then, my plants have gotten worse. the lowest leaves are curling upwards and turning yellow and brown. im guessing the nutes in this soil were too much(????). i wasnt ready to transplant them really, but i wanted to get them out of that wet soil. but anyhow, theyre doing bad. heres some pics.

i cut off the bottom set of leaves on them when they were pretty much all brown. naturally, the next set of leaves is yellowing and browning and curling. any suggestions??????

thanks guys!



Dam that looks like nute burn to me only thing u can do is flush it but u would have to go back to smaller pot cause the root mass is not big and the soil is hot,i just lost 1 plant the same way