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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
I have 25 magazines loaded, and I have my guns placed in strategic areas around my house. I will not tolerate someone coming down my driveway and getting in my face… The older I get the less patience I have for the stupid people that are telling us how to run our lives. I’ve lived a great life, but I don’t have a problem putting it on the line for my own freedom. I’ve got enough wrong with me right now or it wouldn’t make a whole Lotta difference.


Well-known member
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All I ask.
World Peas

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Up and down again tonight - with a Film Noir twinge - of all things - due to having a mini series in Black and White called 'Ripley' - I'm sorta watching on Netflix - as I go thru this little bit of heart surgery recovery -

A while back my memory tells me that I did watch a movie called 'The Incredible Mr Ripley' - with Jude Law and Matt Damon starring in it - it was in colour and quite an interesting and lively film indeed -

Now in snippets of around 20-30 minutes - I'm watching this very different black and white version of that story called 'Ripley' - on codeine - which after a bit of a cough - which gives me a jolt of chest pain - and sipping filtered water - a short walk - for a short pee and back - then lying down - delivers me into unconciousness yet again - which I awake from approx 30/40 minutes later - to repeat most all actions - but at a different part of the movie -

Kinda like being in the throes of a film noir groundhog day - odd - but worth writing about methinks -


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Okay... after some thought, I figure I should come and tell the 'rest of the story'.
I am a kind, compassionate person who strives for peaceful resolve.
Anyone who knows me knows this of me.

My youngest brother and I had met a bunch of friends at the county fair that day.
We hung out at the fair, walking the fairway, exhibits etc., then we went to the rodeo.
It was a glorious Fall day and we were having a good time.

After the rodeo we headed into the pavilion to knock down the dust and grab
some grub. After we ate, Brother and I were headed out to the vehicle to tune up
and I wanted to get out of my cowboy boots.

Less that 20ft. from the door, I'm flying forward and hitting the ground. WTH?
For about 6 wks. prior, I had been nursing a bad thumb sprain and it was
just beginning to feel better. I threw my hands out to break my fall. The
pain that shot up my arm was intense and I was instantly hornet mad.
Stood up, saw some guy snickering at me and I launched.
Just before contact was made, I did flatten out my foot so I did not toe
kick him. I guess that's the only 'compassion' I had to offer in that moment.

We left, smoked a doobie, I changed into comfy shoes and we went back
inside for a few beers and dancing. Then we hit the night time fairway.

There was a gal nearby that saw what happened that went to school w/ my bro.
They ran into each other some time later. She knew the kid that tripped me and
said it was out of nature. She helped him out that night and he asked her to
tell that guy (my bro) to let me know he was sorry. He had been drinking and
had a lapse in judgement.
i like how you roll @imiubu , heel stompin m'fers! at the rodeo
/i would just start bucking until they was off my back but i might stomp him once or twice
that will teach them to mess with a lady
you get em girl

but yeah that was a total dick move
:( no skunks!
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Massachusetts is weird. A ‘Republican’ governor shutdown tobacco vape shops 5 or 6 years ago when kids were buying bootleg vape carts online and getting ‘popcorn lung’. Screwed over many small biz owners in the process. Then they banned all flavored tobacco. For a ‘blue’ state, it sure is friendly with big donors as opposed to small business owners. You can’t smoke menthol cigs but you can get body parts removed from your child. I hate the so-called leaders here…
Yeah this is an area where both political parties are quite frustrating. They either judge their positions as okay because they think they know what's better for your health then you do (flavored vapes, Kratom, Cannabis, etc) or they're enforcing what they feel is God's moral law on you (abortion, alternative lifestyles etc.).

The way I see it as long as your choices don't harm anyone other then yourself then you should be allowed to make your own choices. I mean if we were given free will there was a reason for it and if others force what they think is right on you then they are taking away your free will. I particularly find it annoying when they say they're doing it in an effort to enforce God's wishes. First offf not everyone believes in God, setting that aside however I think it is extremely arrogant for any of us humans to think God needs us to right or prevent wrongs on his behalf. I mean God is supposed to be all knowing and all powerful, so if you are doing something he doesn't want you to do he knows about it and can stop you on his own, he doesn't need help from his creations and if you aren't stopped but your actions are wrong or harmful to you, God will judge you for it in the end. If you don't believe in God then what does it matter anyway?
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