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The Maximo Picture Thread! (Macro*Close-up*Grow)


yeah bro, thanks!

heres a lil 06 shit from me: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=39782




Hey bro ,
nice pics and detail as always , looks like some fine melty goodness.
we sure did get em! it s now our favourite part of the harvest and the icing on the cake :yummy: just living safe max, plans to go large in the making :D. been taking a look at the base jumper vids on youtube. its a buzz just watching those crazy heads. this is the year i finally do a jump, definately....
peace and bests.



Sweet esbe, great pic and thanks for the link, looks like some good hash material :yummy: be by in a bit.

Stepinrazor thats some nice looking bubble, I don't need any detail to know the good stuff when I see it :yes:

Until you go there with B.A.S.E. You'll never really understand why, but once you do, its a wicked addiction for some, and its killed more than a few people I knew who became addicted to it. But I've found it more intense than scary, ill stick with sky jumpin though, "seems" safer lol.

And I hope you do your first jump this year, your not getting any younger huh, life is flying by, grab the bull by the horns, just say F*@# it and go for it man, and its safer than driving your car.


These pics are for eddy and Throwgar, this is my present camera set-up, shot with a 1.5mp sony digital that takes fairly good pics I think for a 7 year old camera with a 1.5mp chip.



1.5mp? ??? Okay, now it's time for me to re-evaluate. 1.5? All in the lenses, huh? Damn, man. Well, a couple of more question, what kind of light is that? That isn't a grow light, is it? Do you have a cannabis photo studio set up? Thanks for the info!


Opps sorry, the camera I'm using now is in the pics and its an 8mp canon, the cam used to take pics of my canon was only a 1.5mp sony, I haven't touched it since getting the canon. But you did say one important thing to good photography which is the glass, which is the most important thing period, with out good glass your pics will never be that good no matter how good the chip and processor are.

yes on the grow light, its a 5500K bulb or natural sun light, the flash is what makes the set-up work so well though, any other type of strong lighting will help the camera focus, then the flash ring takes care of the rest, key word being the flash ring.




Woooow Player u sure have a handle on making some tasty a** bubble hashish there Maximo..... i remember all ur great work from OG....
shit u wish u had the 20g bags & i wish i had such large amounts of trimm like that. an the bubble surplus u seem to store over there. how long do u hold onto bubble Maximo????

ur getting me all pumped up for my up coming bubble party. in threaters never u in 2 weeks....

btw crazy camera setup u got there too Maximo.... makes me envy for sure

KEEP IT Bubbleing
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Active member
Maximo said:
Yeah, I might start one acidfire, kind of time consuming as you know so Ill think about it :)


Bubble dry weights

73µ first runs= 16grms
73/45µ combo mix= 16grms
120µ all= 8grms

Not to bad for a few hours work :D

Ya your right it is alot of work. Maybe do an update once a month? :wink:

Thats alot of hash! what strain is it from? ssxww?

Its a shame you dont have the 20gallon kit.
Maybe think about buying a single 220u 20gallon bag. Mix in the 20 gallon bag, then slowly pour the hash water through your 5 gallon kit to seperate the glands.
You are also filtering through the 220 twice so more contaminate is removed.


ICMag Donor
Good to see ya around, Maximo. I've always enjoyed your photography, saved a few shots from OG (and ICMAG :D) myself. Thanks for the updated water hash shots. Looks like you've got it down!


Thanks GL, I don't hold onto bubble very long, believe it or not? I give away 9-10grms per month to my buds, the rest is mine :) don't ask!.

acidfire, maybe once a month? ;) it looks pretty good down there right now I swear, and as far as the 20gal 220, I remember thinking of that a while ago, but as a heavy hash smoker I have no long term memory and forget allot lol, thanks for reminding me of that angle, it is a good/best ideal.

Thanks pipeline, I was just figuring my new cam out when OG went down and I'm just starting to play with it again now that I've decided to post stuff again, I'm already making plans to upgrade to a DSLR super macro set-up by the summer, thats going to be sweet if I can get it.

Got Nitro?


Active member
Hello Maximo, I saw you over at toke city we were talking bout slayer. hey I can i please ask you what Nutes you like to use in your multi flow's and what are your floodtimes I have built this system using Krypto's instructions. And as always your pic's kick major ass and you are a hash master...... :sasmokin:


Maximo said:
Thanks GL, I don't hold onto bubble very long, believe it or not? I give away 9-10grms per month to my buds, the rest is mine :) don't ask!.

hahaha tru that Maximo, ur a great freind then huh... yea i do the same thing. either give samples to my homies or just blaze them all out with that tasty bubble...



Sorry for taking so long to get back with y'all, I was gone racing all last week/weekend.

Hella Fella, lol, ill be around a little here and there, I've got a pretty full plate most of the time these days. Good to see you to :)

Budweiser13, how you been?, I almost won Slayer tickets last week, I was caller 7, and 9 won them :(

As far as the multi-flow goes, I've got it set up as a non resurculating drip in a 50/50 mix of rockwool mini cubes and soil/coco-nut to give it some structure. So I'm not flooding right now.

GL, yeah, my crappy bubble is better than most good bud that my friends have and they take it with a thanks and a smile everytime.



i am so happy to see this happen, as these pictures are some of the best in my opinion,,,Max, you really have a way of showing off a grow as a place of solice, and the plant and nug shots,,,,,,,,you should get paid for them.
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Hey max,
thanks for the kind and encouraging words. That batch was a mix off allsorts :D SDv3, Swt13 , NL and something else i can t remember! was like every draw on the j had a different flavour to try and pinpoint :yummy:.
sorry to read of your aquaintances . doubt i d ever have the balls to go B.A.S.E. bro, but who knows after i get some safer(touch wood) jumps under the belt . one of the craziest videos i v seen yet was on a sports channel here recently, B.A.S.E. jumper who looks like Eddy The Eagle (d'ya remember him from winter olympics a few years back, UK Ski-jumper ?) throws himself off a cliff and starts flapping wildly like a bird ,very funny and unexpected, was sore with laughing so hard . awesome footage as well showing his rapid freefall with the mountains and cliffs in the back ground .
sorry for the off topic ramble max .
Drive and Dive safe


Hey Maximo

that's a wicked looking treble bubble dome man! you outdo yourself time and again. you are a real asset to this site, i know i get a lot of pleasure from your pic taking skills and i know i ain't alone, lol. anyway enough compliments for one post :D

how'd you do at the races? did things go to your satisfaction? any first place cups?

peace :wave:


Youv'e kind of lost me BD ;)

SR, sweet...what you get to see on TV pales in comparison to the actual amount of B.A.S.E. video on the market or places like YouTube, my favorite is "First B.A.S.E." its about an hour of breathtaking jumps, some are just outrageous as hell :biglaugh:

My BHB had allot of different flavors like yours did, a regular flavor explosion in yo mouth huh? lol.

:wave: Yo gaius, I was just screwing around haha! thought it looked cool. Your the real asset m8, your a much better teacher than I am, we should team up on a future project? sounds good on paper huh lol.

I pretty much got my ass handed to me last weekend haha! over 400 entries, and a butt load of factory drivers from all over the US, normally I don't have to deal with factory guys, but at these bigger races you do, so I don't place as well with them racing in my classes :( but I did take third in one of my classes in the F-main, gotta a trophy for the effort :woohoo:

Peace my Brothers, no matter where in the world we live :)
~Sir Maximo von Bubble~


Maximo! I remember lurking your threads back on OG... Your SSxWW is right there with SoQuick's AK99!

I am thinking Multi-Flow buckets are the way to go - seeing as how I am in soil as well (I would do bio-buckets, but I prefer soil), could you maybe make a thread describing how to set up your setup?

Thanks bro!! Glad to see you around!


:wave: Hey strainwhore, long time no see. ill write up what I'm doing and PM it to you ok, its pretty simple, I'm getting ready to clean house and upgrade the flower room, I haven't done any work in there in a couple of years and its looking a little more than used these days lol, its so full right now (out of control is a better term) I can hardly get in there :D ill take a few pics of it tomorrow when I start trimming for the next 3-4 days, mucho hashish material though :yes:


post above edited with cryptic removal software.......
so do you have any experience with the indi pheno of the ww max?

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