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Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Agreed... that TAK3 bud looks really nice. Seeing pretty buds makes my mouth water - I've been smokin' on some one-off 12/12 from seed testers and some rejected phenos of various stuff, letting my real good buds cure a little bit. Maybe I'll break out something pretty today...


She is very tasty.. flavor tuttifrutti..

she goes by the aka "Tuttifrutti" aka "Fruity Judy" for now because of a coupple of nanners there at the end. This one went out as a clone only, its a discontinued line due to the nanners.

Ill be reintroducing the TAK2 soon for breeding purps.. Im not sure when and with what males. I want this tuttifrutti flavor and vigor only without the nanners and with a bit different structure. The TAK2 also has a strong flavor, only a much sweeter more floral one.
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Thanks man:) Nice buddage...nam

That auto SSH sounds like a dream man.. Special SSh for the summer:D You gonna use that one with wider leaves?
I'm having one plant in the SSHf2 bunch with wide leafs..Will see what's coming out of her the next year:D

Nice and interesting stories you got man:) Have to go and read bit more about them..


YOu got some more text over here:D
Too bad about the nanners..But really good you're not going anywhere with it:) Too much nanners lately in my grow room:D

Good luck man with the breeding!!

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to arcticsun again." :D:D


Thanks man:) Nice buddage...nam

That auto SSH sounds like a dream man.. Special SSh for the summer:D You gonna use that one with wider leaves?
I'm having one plant in the SSHf2 bunch with wide leafs..Will see what's coming out of her the next year:D

Nice and interesting stories you got man:) Have to go and read bit more about them..

I do have one SSH F2 with wide leafs, i put it back into revegging because i wanted to take cuts from her. Im having a hard time getting it to fully reveg, but she is coming around now finally it seems. Hopefully i can take some cuts from her soon. Ill be sure to keep you posted on that.

By the way here is one of my favorite stories, this is a local one, here is the first English translation i have found yet.


The cormorants of Utrøst

In their way home, the fishermen of the Northland often find bits of straw on the rudders of their boats, or barley grains :chin: in the stomachs of the fish they have caught. Then they say that they have gone through Utrøst or one of the other enchanted lands described in the legends of the Northlands. They are re v e a l e d only to the devout, or people with second sight in peril at sea, and they appear in places where there is no real land. The inhabitants of these magic lands till the soil, raise sheep and go fishing like other people, but there the sun shines on greener meadows and richer fields than anywhere else in the Northland: happy the man who lands on one of these sunny little islands, or even gets a glimpse of one. "He’s safe", the people up there will say. An old song in the Peder Dass style gives a complete description of an island off Træna, in Helgeland, called Sandflesa; the water abounds with fish and the woods with all kinds of game.

The locals say that a big, flat stretch of cultivated land sometimes appears in the middle of the Vestfjord, just high enough above the water to keep the ears of wheat dry. There are also tales of another enchanted land, with green hills and yellow fields of grain off Røst, on the southern tip of Lofoten: it is called Utrøst.

The peasant from Utrøst has a boat like the other inhabitants of the Northland, and every now and then, with spread sails, it heads straight for a fisherman; but as he braces himself for the collision, the magic boat disappears.

At Værøy, not far from Røst, there once lived a poor fisherman called Isak. He owned nothing but a boat and a pair of goats which his wife kept alive by giving them scraps of fish and grass she managed to pluck from the mountains. Although his hut was always full of hungry children, he was grateful for what the Lord gave him. The only thing he complained about was that he had never managed to live in peace with his neighbour, a rich man who was convinced that his possessions should be better than those of a poor man like Isak, and who therefore wanted to get rid of him to get hold of the pasture next to his hut.

One day when Isak was out fishing, about two miles off the coast, a heavy fog suddenly fell and such a violent storm blew up that he had to throw all the fish he had caught into the sea to stop the boat from sinking. Skilfully negotiating the breakers that threatened to suck the boat down, he managed to keep afloat for five or six hours, until he thought he would soon see land. But as he sailed on the storm and the fog grew worse and worse. Then he started to think he was heading for the open sea or that the wind had changed; in the end he was sure of it, because he made progress without ever spying land. All at once he heard a terrible cry in front of the pro w. He thought it must be the spirit of the waters singing a funeral dirge for him. He commended his wife and children to the Lord, because he thought his last hour had come. As he prayed he vaguely descried something black ahead, and when he got nearer he made out three cormorants perched on a piece of wood. They were visible for a moment and then ... suddenly he had passed them. Things went on as before for quite a while, and he became so hungry, thirsty and tired that he was falling asleep at the rudder. Suddenly the boat was grounded on a sandy beach. Isak opened his eyes. The sun was peeping through the clouds, illuminating a marvellous landscape. The hills and mountains were covered with greenery; fields and meadows rose gently to the peaks and the scent of flowers and grass was the sweetest he had ever smelt :chin::smokeit:.

"Thank God, I’m safe; this is Utrøst", murmured Isak. In front of him was a field of barley :)chin:) with ears taller than he had ever seen, and with a path leading up to a peat-covered hut. Munching on top of the hut was a white goat with golden horns and udders as big as a large cow’s: Outside, a little old chap, dressed in blue and with a long beard flowing halfway down his chest, was sitting on a chair smoking a pipe :eggnog:.

" Welcome to Utrøst", said the old fellow.

"God bless you", replied Isak, "So you know me?"

"Maybe. I expect you’d like to stay the night."

"It would be wonderful, my friend".

" Trouble is, my sons can’t stand the smell of a Christian:headbange. Didn’t you meet them?"

"No, I only saw three cormorants bobbing about on a bit of flotsam."

"Those were my sons", said the little fellow, knocking the tobacco out of his pipe, :chin: :D

"Go in for a bit. You must be hungry and thirsty. "

"Thanks very much, my friend", said Isak.

When the old fellow opened the door of the hut, Isak was dazzled. He had never seen such splendour. The table was loaded with the most delicious food, yoghurt , fish soup, roast venison, liver paté, syrup and cheese, piles of ring-shaped Bergen cakes, brandy, beer and mead, and everything nice you can think of Isak ate and drank as much as he could, but his plate was never empty and his glass was always full. However, his host did not eat much or say much. As they lingered after their meal, they heard a great rumpus outside. The little fellow went out, and came back with his sons. Isak nervously mumbled a greeting as they crossed the threshold, but their father must have calmed them down, because they were quiet and good humoured. Isak got up, saying he had finished his meal, but they invited him to sit down again and have a drink with them. He did as they asked, and they all quaffed one glass of mead, beer and brandy after another. Having made friends, the brothers asked him to go fishing with them a couple of times so that he would have something to take home.

The first time they went there was a terrible storm. One of the brothers sat by the rudder, another in the pro w, and the third by the halyard. Isak busied himself with the baling pan until the sweat poured off his brow. They sailed like mad, never furling the sail; when the boat was full of water they brought her round with her stern to the wind, so that they could pour the water out of the glass-bottomed bucket they kept there to search for octopus on the seabed. After a while the storm died down, and they started fishing. There was such a lot of fish they could never get their sinkers down to the bottom. The brothers caught masses. Isak had brought his own tackle, and occasionally hooked a fine fish but it got away every time. When the boat was full they went back to Utrøst and the brothers gutted the fish and laid them out to dry. Isak complained that he had not caught anything and his host promised that next time he would do better and gave him a pair of fishing-lines. When they went fishing again Isak caught as much as the three brothers and filled three dryers with his own fish when they got back.

Eventually he got home-sick and decided to leave. When he left his host gave him flour and sailcloth and lots of other useful things. Isak thanked him profusely and his host asked him to come back for the launching of a new boat; afterwards Isak could go with him to Bergen to sell his fish. Isak accepted the invitation and asked how he could find his way back to Utrøst. "Follow the cormorant when it flies out to sea, and you’ll be on the right course", the old fellow replied. "Have a good trip". Isak set sail and looked back, but saw nothing but sea for miles around .

When the time came, Isak left home and went to the launching ceremony. He had never seen such a boat: it was "two shouts long", which meant that when the captain, who was on the look-out by the bowsprit, had to give an order to the man at the rudder, he could not make himself heard, however hard he yelled, so another man halfway down the boat, near the main mast, relayed his orders at the top of his voice. They put Isak’s fish on the dryer in the pro w, but he was amazed to see that when he took the fish off it, there was always plenty left, and when he left the dryer was as full as it had been when he arrived. When he got to Bergen he sold his fish and got so much money for it that he bought a new boat, fully fitted out, with the cargo and everything else he needed, as the little old fellow had advised him to do. Late in the evening, before he set off for home, his friend came on board and asked him not to be unkind to the children of his neighbour, who had died. He predicted he would have good luck with the boat. "Everything is in order, and everything upright will stay that way", he said, by which he meant that there was someone invisible on board, who would lean against the mainmast to prop it up when necessary.

From that moment Isak always had fortune on his side. He knew where it came from, and when he beached his boat in the autumn he never forgot to put something nice aside for the invisible winter guard, and every Christmas Eve bright lights shone from the boat, violins and music and laughter could be heard, and there was dancing in the cabin.

:window: Isnt that a nice christmas tale for you from the Northlands :santa1: Be well friends!


Thank you. That left a warm heart:) I have always liked good stories and myths:D
You guys got some beautiful landscape up there! and I bet when you chill on the shore watching the horizon you can almost see the green fields;)


hehheh i see green fields everywhere :D Ill get more landscape shots up when I get a chance to.

I really love these old myths aswell, they urge us to use our imagination. There is always a moral lesson to be learned in them, a hidden message so to say. There is one of those in that story also :D


ICMag Donor
Danger mouse,,, true Viking in da house ,, see how yo repping flavours on the boards,, Ace of spades n all that :yes: you're mirkin it blood!!! Full mineral,, keep growing how you do,, you got it dialed buddy :bandit:

Jah bless the props on the FRT works,, big up your chest n ya crew,, one love :canabis:


Jah bless the props on the FRT works,, big up your chest n ya crew,, one love :canabis:

:yeahthats I do support the Fritillary Seed Collective and all that they stand for. Its a great initiative and its a movement with a moral substance i can stand behind.


Always a treat to see you innit Doc, and even better to hear the kind words of support, thanks m8 you're an Icmag rolemodel to me buddy. Ill be happy to rep you guys work in the future also.

More Cheese/SSH shots coming up by the way guys. :smokeit: I upped the night temperatures alittle more and they seemed to like it... STILL putting on that weight, first pheno looks to be just about ready for flushing in a few feedings, but they are all still throwing out new pistils. Im thinking i started on the overdrive waayyy too soon, i should have run with more N for longer.

The SSH F2's seems to finish sooner. Oh and by the way im not sure if i mentioned it, i gave 5 of the beans i received away to a friend. From which cuts and such will be available to me soon, so seems these have quite a future in my garden still and others too.

Out of my phenos, one will be selected for revegging so the local community can enjoy them fully. I see them as having a competitive niche among the other elite and rare cute we have here.


Damn...only noticed this growlog today..glad i did thou. Pulling my seat...
Kudos for what ya are doing to +60 latidudes outdoor scene...very impressive. Keep it up and safe..


Thank you Siberian! :thanks:

Ive been very very interested in Siberia lately, ive heard that in the later years it has become easier and more popular for foreigners to travel there. Ive been dreaming of taking the railway for quite some time. Ive read so much about the area, ive got so many places i want to see. Do you have any tips on something worth visiting? Im into anything ancient, nature related and weed related hehe :D

Tell by the way, are your mosquitos as bad as ours? hehehe


Well..Siberian and siberian..I live in western siberia..Some people call this place Finland also..Land of Santa Claus and drunken maniacs...:eggnog:
Moscitos here aren`t as bad as up there but bad enough thou..
Midnight sun, Midsummerfest, cold beer, calm lake, +25 degrees, a joint with wife and friends...and billions of fucking moscitos, y know the thrill..:biglaugh:


hahahaha well put my friend, I DO know that drill for sure. Story of my life my friend :D


Wooooohooooo Tuuutiifruuutii flavor im in 4 that :D sounds very very nice brother ...Happy december champ, dont forget to feet sleipner or else the one eye be really mad ....:)


Vikings R' US!! -Take one home today!! :D Odin is cool, i gave him some eggnog ....:eggnog: -Great to see you kallen, thanks for dropping in on me bro! :santa1:


I got a question about whether or not that blue package in this picture is rolling tobacco?!

It is, its the preferred tobacco among local pot/hasj smokers around here. Its virginia blend light and dark tobacco produced in Norway. Its cut nr3 if that means anything to anyone? Cut 4 is the coarsest cut, cut 2 is the finest with very thinly sliced tobacco. 4 is normally used among regular tobacco pipe smokers. 2 and 3 among normal handrolling tobacco smokers. Ive noticed Scandinavian tobacco rollers prefer a coarser cut then elsewhere in Europe. Dutch shag usually has a 2 cut, while Norwegians go for a nr3 cut shag.

Usually its very popular to use when smoking hasj, normally in a corn cob pipe or a chillum of some sort with a bong. Local smoking habits are quite influenced by middle eastern habits where the chillum and a wooden tube or rolled up magazine is often used. Tobacco and hasj is normally mixed, hasj is rarely smoked pure. Glass bongs and such ... not so much!



:chin: Those stories have a familiar ring about them...

Kinda like jingle bells? ;)

(Except for princess rob, rape, & murder part, that is.)

BTW, thats the dankest Ace of Spades I've ever seen! :respect:


hehe thanks peat! :D hope im not repeating myself :D. Getting older and so are my stories hehe. That tuttifrutti girl is my own creation. Ive got one more pheno that i have yet to flower. Ill put up some pics of her for you bro, ive taken a bunch of cuts of her already. Its one bushy momma now :D

Thanks Bostondutchmaster.. great to see you innit bro. No such thing as late for a perpetual mate, you are just in time. Ill put up some proper updates soon, its just about harvest time for most of them. Im chasing some new genetix but they keep slipping out of my hands on the local scene here. Its just one of them things.. always seems to be hardest to get a hold of the cut one wants the most.

peace guys

edit: oh and btw.. Badticket, my bong isnt dirty it just looks that way cuz the table is brown hehehehe. Im a bong neatfreak, if only my house were as clean :D