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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
i did my last BT spray even at the end of the day it still evaps pretty quickly, hit them in morning zero problems...the cats are already on my nugs, lost a couple here and there but nothing as bad as last season *knocks on wood....i have noticed a couple caterpillas that were just dead, sitting on a nug or leaf, so the BT is working but it seems they still manage to ruin a few colas before it explodes their stomachs..i get pleasure thinking about the intense pain they experiance when they die.. FUCK YOU MOTHS, FUCK YOU CATERPILLLAARS.

SO WHAT ELSE CAN I USE? im not spraying my early finishers because its too late..but a few of the sativa strains are still in early flower and could use something besides just BT. got some neem and spinosad handy but open to suggestions..

about the cow shit...an OG grower up here in the 530 who has 12 foot monsters tells us that at the end of each season..he amends his mounds with cow shit and throws a bunch of red worms in there...apparently it works wonders and judging by his plants im inclined to try it. what do others think about this?

I am sure I read here on IC, probably in this thread, about a large scale "5 acre" bug zapper, a UV purple flouro with an electric grill that zaps the parents before they lay their eggs.

Relaxing in the garden in the nights waiting for the 2 footed Big Game it is amazing how many Moths show up attracted to the plants, there are few butterflies here, so I guess most of the Caterpillars are Moth not Butterfly.

I use BT and Neem too, and currently waiting for Neem seeds and cuttings, I am going to plant a wall of Neem around my grow area, in India where Neem trees are indigenous, the Neem forest is known as the "Silent forest" as no birds or animals live there, as all the insects, a vital layer in the Food Chain Pyramid, will not live anywhere near Neem Trees ... On this principle, I spray the ***** out of the non MJ plants around the grow with very strong Neem doses.

Best of luck all :)


Active member
interesting post chaos...il look into those things. we have a bug zapper there but honestly RARELY see the moths! we have a wasp nest somewhere on the mountain and they pretty much patrol the garden killing most airborne insects...we got some dragonflys, and a few grasshoppers here and there. somehow those damn moths landed in the night or something and laid a few eggs...


Active member
It is impossible to get a crop off without getting some catterpiller damage. How late in the year do you guys spray BT? I usually spray up to the last 10 days or so.


OldRod not bad for plants in only cow shit, what did you feed those cows?

You can say not bad only if you do better, otherwise you
are not adequate to judge me.
Maybe can judge me Veg n Out, Butte,DrPurpur,RootWise and many others in this thread but not you!
Please show some of your grows.:tiphat:

As for second part of your comment, people who do
serious grow mostly do not grow cow's but use manure.
However, cow manure from winter part isnt good because cow's
feeding regime/available food.
Most good cow manure is from april to september.
That period is rich with grass and all kind of plants what cow's eat.
Search what are these plants and how much rich in nutrients .....

Cow manure are rich with straw.
Mushroom grow compost are also mostly rich with straw.
Search relation plants/straw/fungi ....

All what I said in my first post, after what you freak out, is to nobody
here do not need aquaponic or hydroponic to
grow "large plants outdoor" thats all.

I just trying to make simple to you and said "cow manure", but generally I use
cow manure / worm compost / wood compost / and my compost of alfalfa/rice-paddy/nettle.

Better bring us, to outdoor growing, some good soil recipe than aqauponic or
hydroponic..... growing outdoors is DIRTY and HARD job.... totally different of indoor growing.

@OrganicBuds, last time when I use BT is 15 days before harvest, same rule for feeding.

@Veg n Out, hehehe when they sell us a sea bird guano or bat guano, nobody telling us that is 1000 years old ... probably its sea bird guano but couple years old or so ....


Veg....sorry but I dont need to listen to you and when someone else says that someones idea or suggestion is stupid and to go elsewhere i will speak my mind, who are you to tell anyone what we can say and where? GOD?
Just because you grow big plants dont make you anymore special than anyone else dude, although I applaud anyone whom passes knowledge on, I am sick of the attitude you all seem to get though, can you say, ego!!!
Anyways bring it on haters(and Veg N Out followers and worshipers), im not here to make friends thats for sure, besides I'll be banned soon anyways, thats how this a;lways works when you speak your mind against the majority!!!Free speech my ass!!!!


Veg....sorry but I dont need to listen to you and when someone else says that someones idea or suggestion is stupid and to go elsewhere i will speak my mind, who are you to tell anyone what we can say and where? GOD?
Just because you grow big plants dont make you anymore special than anyone else dude, although I applaud anyone whom passes knowledge on, I am sick of the attitude you all seem to get though, can you say, ego!!!
Anyways bring it on haters(and Veg N Out followers and worshipers), im not here to make friends thats for sure, besides I'll be banned soon anyways, thats how this a;lways works when you speak your mind against the majority!!!Free speech my ass!!!!

No shit...He neg repped me for my post not being "intelligent", I dont think he is a mod is he? then fuck em, post your mind as long as its related to the topic of discussion.

looks like karma might be right on his heels by his last pics posted.


It is impossible to get a crop off without getting some catterpiller damage. How late in the year do you guys spray BT? I usually spray up to the last 10 days or so.

Since I typically plan to pull by mid-October, I stop spraying at the beginning of October. I have neglected my preventative applications. This year is very much an 'up in the air' year. I don't know when I'll be able to take cuts so I can keep some moms for next year, have had problem after problem, had friends come through for me, and now I've just watched my first unmarked black chopper, heading rather directly upcountry, then a little while later heading rather directly downcountry.

Gonna be interesting.


You can say not bad only if you do better, otherwise you
are not adequate to judge me.

All what I said in my first post, after what you freak out, is to nobody
here do not need aquaponic or hydroponic to
grow "large plants outdoor" thats all.

I just trying to make simple to you and said "cow manure", but generally I use
cow manure / worm compost / wood compost / and my compost of alfalfa/rice-paddy/nettle.

Better bring us, to outdoor growing, some good soil recipe than aqauponic or
hydroponic..... growing outdoors is DIRTY and HARD job.... totally different of indoor growing.

dude cant you tell when someone is makeing sport at you? english is not your first language is it? there is no way you can grow 10 pounders with only cow shit we all know this but i give you the chance to redeem your self and you did, with 3 pics, your a pro now hope you feel better.

Some points i want to make to you.

Aquaponic is not hydroponics, not even close, Aquaponics is the same thing as True Live Organics (TLO) where we culture large numbers various bacteria normally found in soil to help us grow organic plants. Most Aquaponic setups use an inert media as a soil replacement because you cant effectively keep soil separated from the water, some particles of soil stay suspended in the water column and that is not healthy for the fish. However the material of the smart pot seams like the ideal barrier to keep all the soil in one place. I don't know about the chemical properties of the soil/fish relations that is why i am asking for help. "Growing power" of Milwaukee (i think) is doing some thing like this with some success, so is "Baird's Village Aquaponic association" of Barbados. they are both semi-commercial Outdoor operations, soooooooooooo it can work, a little.

I think that you want to keep everything simple and not over complicate things, bottom line is that i run large numbers and when you run large numbers you look at little things differently, eg, i would have no problem hand watering 10 of those trees, it should take and hour the most, but what if i had 1000? should i waste a week of my life standing around with a hose. hope you open your mind to this idea (do you even know what aquaponics is that you grouped it with hydroponics?) but until you do keep asking questions or shearing your opinion because i am sure there are others thinking the same way as you thanks for your help keep it coming please:tiphat:.

Bear in mind that TOM HILL said when he first talked about 1000gal pots and 10 pound trees every one had the same reaction your having now................:tumbleweed:

Think of the set up i am proposing as a Recycled Aerated compost tea system. maybe the idea is to far ahead of its time for you or this tread i should start a new one, but i personally think the followers of this tread are better suited to answering my questions than any where else in the world, even though i am not to sure i know what i my self want to ask. I am just getting my head around the idea.

Here it is..............................................

A forty foot shipping container with a pond liner on the inside for fish. on the top of the container is a lined raise bed with smarties on pallets. over head sprinklers and some for the soil as well, everything drains back to the fish underneath. feed a well balanced diet according to the stage the plants are at. the fish feed + soil mix should grow monsters with only rain fall, i wouldn't use single, circular trellising for each plant though, i would threat the container as 1 entity and grow 5-8 monsters as a hedge, the above ground aspect should take care of the pest. etc...... as i said before i am floating the idea to see how feasible it could be before i spend my money on it.

I would add ACTs as needed through out the grow.

Guest 88950

bajagreen, i encourage you to explore diff techniques b/c it could only make the community better.

fabric barrier / pot would contain any soil or opt for a setteling pond where the overflow empties into the fish / plant pond leaving heavy particles behind.

anyway, start a thread to document your progress.

Veg N Out

No shit...He neg repped me for my post not being "intelligent", I dont think he is a mod is he? then fuck em, post your mind as long as its related to the topic of discussion.

I feel like I should publicly address this - And we'll leave it at that because after I will add you to my Ignored users list and you can do the same for me, ok? This thread is over 5400 replies...I believe it is THE largest thread on ICMag..It's full of excellent information and experiences of some of the best Plant Managers in the world..This deep in the game, replies like yours of "OOH AHHH FUCKS HIT AWESOME" which I did mark as Unhelpful could be given as a REP Point or Visitor Message ...and Some one searching through the thread won't be caught up on it...The same with Goldminers name calling and attempts to have individual personally motivated arguments in the thread, instead of in private - with name calling included. Again..This thread took 5439 replies or so before a Single instance of name calling popped up and it is because someone didn't like the fact that their ideas were not jumped on like the Second Coming....

looks like karma might be right on his heels by his last pics posted.

This type of comment shows where your head is at...Real good scales you've got there buddy. Have a nice grow.:blowbubbles:



lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
try some humble pie all ya wankers, as stated we have a pretty good thread here, and yep, alot of us have been friends for many years, so we get along real well and know when a buddy is tuggin our skirt.

so when you new guys show up, take a pill and get used to the peeps here before bowin up and spewin crap which really ruins the great vibe already established here.


dude cant you tell when someone is makeing sport at you? english is not your first language is it? there is no way you can grow 10 pounders with only cow shit we all know this but i give you the chance to redeem your self and you did, with 3 pics, your a pro now hope you feel better.

Please stop arguing !
after I read your post what Is in quote I do not need to read rest.

1.Im asked to show what I doing, so I give couple shots.
2.I ask you to show me your grow, so please introduce
yourself with couple pictures.
3.I didnt say Im Pro but to only pro can judge me.However
its not you!
4.By your past work (pictures please) I can take you more seriously in
improving your outdoor grow with Aquaponic idea.

Im out of this until you make progress and post some
pictures to support your talking.

Something white going out of cow manure mix ....



hey bro I think those are roots growing out of the to of the soil...I get that too sometimes, I dont use cow manure, But I use bat guano, I think it is just a sign of a good healthy rhizosphere and happy roots.



Actually buddy, Fill had just posted pics of the largest plants I have ever saw..my comment was "Holy SHITO" as a gesture of my pure dis belief of the size of his monsters. You for some reason didnt like it and wrote some arrogant comment to me about it. I didnt appreciate it, and dont think you are the one that should be policing things around here. I wish you no mis-fortune as I never would any body...but the police man stuff has got to stop. Get off your high horse and try some humble soup, "that man that thinks he knows it all, only proves he knows nothing"....Im not looking to argue with you, and I certainly dont endorse name calling, or any of the other childish shit. share info and ideas...and feelings about said info and ideas...if you like what somebody has to say...dont listen, it is just that simple....wwwuuuuuuuu-ssssaaaaaaa errrbody wusa!


some pages back I recommended the control wizard moisture meter. later rootwise mentioned he used a 17" reotemp that could be calibrated. now having both in my possession I can safely say the reotemp is the better tool. longer, slimmer, adjustable, metal housing, cheaper...

just figured I'd throw that out there for anyone reading through the thread.

positive vibes to all.


strawberry kush (straw cough x og)

early finishing ssh cross

pretty colors, hope she finishes by november

always gotta try at least one indica dom


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
OG Jam (SFV x Ghost) X Ghost


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