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SuckerRepellent's coco action




but feel free to work your way there!

Following will be the introduction to the grow that will be painstakingly detailed with pictures twice a week, if not more! featured in this run are the likes of bubba dutch's (OG moderator) 8 wk super silver haze (very indica phenotype), original diesel, HIP OG Kush (private reserve), a master kush, and a couple of Pure kushes. the last two are WAY behind the others in veg so they may just be held off till next run or become mothers. since i recieved this digital camera today, and my lights don't come on until late tonight, ill show you guys photos of the stuff that doesn't require me going into the dark bedroom. don't worry, ill update later tonight with strain shots.
Im an AN guy almost all the way, as youll see below. here are my nutes for the vegetative cycle.

everything is fed at or near the recommended dosage, and my plants recieve nutrient solution for three out of every five waterings (by hand)

below are the bulbs, hood, coco, and fytocell used.

get ready for more updates, one with the plants will come later tonight.
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some of the good stuff

some of the good stuff

Here is the good stuff. the lights are back on, and I have pictures of the bdssh, orig diesel, hip og kush.


bdssh fan leaf

diesel fan leaf

diesel profile shot

diesel amid the canopy

hip og

same hip og. look at that stretch. new lesson learned, fim technique og kush at second node in the future!

bdssh profile. all plants are approx this size, so still pretty small as you can see.


a few more pics

a few more pics

Here are a few more pictures. The first picture is of the right half of the room, a three foot by six foot tray under two six hundreds. the second picture is of the small clone closet with a few fresh cut babies rooting out. the third is of the master kush cut i got. after consulting with a buddy, it seems this is seed bank cut from Europe not the southern California cut. This means its going to go into flower with the rest instead of being a potential mother.



suckerrepellent, welcome to the fray!! You got a nice setup, and using the AN route too. I'll be taggin this one for sure. What exactly is your medium made up of? Also nice strains, I recognize most of them as socali med cuts. Will be nice to see this one go down. =)



thanks for stoppin in. the medium is a mix of the coco coir made by biobizz (pictured above, first post) and the fytocell flakes (also pictured first post). these fytocell flakes may not be new elsewhere, but i just found em here. they are basically a substitute for perlite, with an improved ratio of water retention, and air circulation when compared to regular perlite. (if im wrong, someone correct me because this was the hydro store guys pitch anyway). the mix i use for the three gallon bags is two gallons coco to one gallon perlite or fytocell (also, this thread is a side by side test!). i basically use this to increase the airflow to my roots over normal coco. more airflow in this system makes it EVEN MORE like hydroponics, so i have to water more often but the growth is more explosive it seems.



good to see someone using the new shit. Plants look good. I've not used fytocell but have been given cuttings rooted in the stuff and was impressed. How is the Biobizz coir-can you use it straight out of the bag like Cannas?
good luck with the grow



welcome caligreen, hope youll enjoy the show.

eddieshoestring: this brand of coco comes with a ph of 6.7 and an ec of .3 (im not familiar with ec, so if anyone knows a conversion to ppm let me know), and the guy at the store told me it was ready right out of the bag. I didn't flush it first, and it would seem that the plants are doing fine. If anyone has used this product, and it does indeed need to be flushed, please let me know so I can do it in the future. I have to say though that the plants experienced no shock and took off as soon as they got into the medium. i guess until i hear otherwise, i would say that yeah you can use it right out of the bag.


alright SR
on my truncheon it says you multiply ec by 500 or 700 to get ppm so ec0.3 should be 150-180 (?) ppm

thanks for answering my Q



suckerrepellent said:
the guy at the store told me it was ready right out of the bag. I didn't flush it first, and it would seem that the plants are doing fine. If anyone has used this product, and it does indeed need to be flushed, please let me know so I can do it in the future. I have to say though that the plants experienced no shock and took off as soon as they got into the medium. i guess until i hear otherwise, i would say that yeah you can use it right out of the bag.
I've used biobizz coco coir before. str8 out of the bag. but in the future iam gonna water the coco before planting clone/seedlings, and then water rhizotonic or some type of root enhancer/stress reducer once the clone/seedling is planted. something canna and a few other company's recommend.

Diggin the thread bro, keep those girls happy, they look amazing :D
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Looking good SR, I'll be wathing this one till the end.

I Agree with Kosmo, I think it's a good rule of thumb to just flush the coco to make sure its fine. I used that same coco this last summer and I made sure to flush it cuz I heard it contained some salts out of the bag.

Question, Do you ever Mother plants from Clones or just from seeds...Ive heard to flower the seedling and try to get as many clones as you can from it before flowering it, so if you like you can mother a plant. BUT I also heard that clones from clones from clones to a mother just isnt as potent or vigorous in growth. Any adivce would be helpful, I dont mind literature either so you can throw some my way if you find that easier and less time consuming.
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whats up 707, welcome.

To answer your question, yes I have no problem turning a clone into a mother. I have heard that genetic material breaks down over time (which I just don't get), then again I have also heard of people having the same mother for a decade, and even further, have turned many generations of the same plant into mother, clones, and flower. I guess the answer is no I have not seen any complications, but I can't say that I have ever taken a mother to clone and grown back to mother only a few generations. For what its worth, the hand full of grow books i have that have a section on cloning or mothering heeds no warnings about this genetic breakdown (less vigorous growth etc). This is the perfect kind of question to bring up in that old farts forum, or even the strains and hybrids forum cause those guys might no more about the subject. Hope that rant helps lol. New Picture updates 9/22.




Hello everyone,

Just wanted to post some updates! I did alot of pruning and cleaning up the under growth last night. Here is what I came up with

next crops cuts are now secured :headbange

The canopy is lookin a bit more sparse, but i still have about a week and a half of veg time left. Here are a couple shots of the BDSSH tray.

and some shots of the mixed tray (about half original diesel, 1/3 bdssh, a couple HIP OG Kush)

notice the HIP OG back middle below.

OGK fan leaf

new updates in a couple days, most likely tue or wednesday next week.




Hello everyone,

here are the updated photos! The plan is to flip to 12/12 within the next week. The plants are gonna need that screen to contain them post-stretch.

right half of the ssh tray

full shot of ssh tray

new genes! Far left swerves bubba kush, middle clone is OG Kush (triple og pheno), and the far right is lemon kush. lookin forawrd to these in my next run!

left tray, half original diesel half ssh

this shot of the hip og kush shows how the plants around it have filled in.


Keep up the good work SR...Cant wait to see the flowering part of this show.
I pruned my ladys two weeks ago and came out with 15 rooted new babies.

Question: How do you gradaully switch from Veg nutes to flowering nutes...i usually just switch the day i flip to 12/12 and go straight into my flowering nutes...but i feel like that isnt right...any pointers?


Man SR are you kidding me bro? Your shit is looking bonker's dawg!!! That canopy looks real tight! I really like your setup..

After looking it over some more I got a cpl Q for ya..

First that Fytocell shit looks cool man, like big ass chunks of perlite heh..

Anyways, your runnin a 3x6, and it looks like 4x4 on each half, 600 over each side. so 32 total, 2gal's. Correct?

You ever have to deal with mold packing em in like that?

you runnin a dehuey?

Got any idea what kinda yield your looking at in this setup.

Where's the dripper's bro! Forget that hand watering boo-boo sheit!!! hehe

How often are you watering them? And how do you mix your nutes up and apply etc? wand?

Ohh and the new genetics!! NICE SCORE!!! I been longing for that OG FUEL EXPANSION blow your lungs up type of smoke for a while now. It's been a good cpl months since I've had any good OG. And it's been making me wanna grow out a cut and see whats up. But it's always been kinda hit n miss with the clubs, just kinda gave up on that route lol. I got the Ken's GDP, and sure as hell wasn't from no club hehe. The Bubba I have, was from a club, so I kinda doubt it's legitimacy, but it IS real nice smoke none the less, really no way for me to know unless I get someone to toke on some.. You avail for testers?? =P

Keep it up dood!!
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whats up guys,

@707 When I make my switch what I like to do is water for the first few days after the switch with pure water, and then start my flowering nutes. i don't think i will gradually switch at that point though, it will all be used right away (unless someone thinks thats a bad idea)

@C_Q yeah the fytocell is pretty sweet. so far i can't really observe any noticeable differences, accept that it seems to hold water a bit and may actually reduce the amount of feed your plants need. not sure, ill confirm again on the next run. Its interesting stuff though. its not nearly as firm as the perlite, more of a foam feeling.

As far as the numbers, the one side still needs a light hung over the table so i have the plants in rows of four under one light until the upgrade. if you look at the table with a screen over it already you can get a feeling for what the other one will look like very soon. on each 3x6 table i will have seven rows of three plants, totaling twenty one on each. I think if i wasn't doing a screen of green i would use the thrirty two plants for a sea of green.

I have an airconditioning unit in the room that simultaneously dehumidifies, so my humidity never gets over about 45 percent, and usually hovers around 33 percent. This is why I haven't seen any powdery white yet. I started with clones that were free of spores, and I have maintained solid air movement with numerous fans around the room, as well as keeping the humidity low.

I don't want to expect much more than a half a gram per watt in my first run at this new location just so i don't get dissapointed, but ideally ill be hitting at least .7 grams per watt which would put me in the neighborhood of a pound per light (four lights) which would then be distributed to those I am caretaking for.

Believe me, I planned on using a drip system, and will be on the next run. I even have all the equipment to set it up right now. The issue is that my r/o filter doesn't quite pump out enough gallons to keep the reservoir full, and allow for all of my drinking water needs (a measley ten gallons per day output) so for now I am able to fill 13 gallons at the local r/o water machine every other day, and split that amongst the 40 plants. Basically each plant is getting approx 1/3 of a gallon every other day. I am sure a step up in gallons will be necessary in flower. I have all the time in the world anyway, so hand watering is just one more reason to be in the room :rasta:
There is a large enough space between the top of the soil and the foliage to fit a gallon bottle, so i don't even need a wand.

Thanks too on the new genetics! im pretty excited myself, probably mostly for the swerve's bubba. OG Kush is great to smoke, but a nightmare to grow. be ready for the lowest yeields, most stretchiest plants you have ever seen. Tradeoff is get ready for the best buds you have ever grown. This is only taking up the space of ONE plant in my garden, so that i have a small headstash at the end. this triple og will serve the same purpose. One to two plants each run for some premium to go alongside the SSH.

thanks again for the compliments, more pictures very soon.


Active member
Looks good haven't ever seen a fytocell grow. Interesting.

Good idea on a couple Og's for headstash.

I hear ya on the netting I need to do that next time my plants were flopping all over the place after they got big.