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Spidermite Control - 100%Organic 100%Safe 100%


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Spidermite Control - 100%Organic 100%Safe 100%Effective

Well I needed to go to the hydro store today to find somthing to rid my mite infestation. Little did i know i would find the most awesome mite genocide god juice.

Ok the store just got there shippment in, and i was actually the first to buy it. It olnt costs around $10 for a 100ml bottle. It makes 1 gallon. He told me that all he has heard, is praises from his buddy who also stocks it.

So I bought it. Got home and opened it up to smell it. Not much of an odor, but the only thing it reminded me of is tea tree oil. I sprayed down a plant. On the label it says "may be safely applied from cuttings up to 7 days after triggering flowering" Now i am in week 5 of flower, but I figured it would be worth trying this, rather than having an entire crop infested very badly before harvest(i still got 3 weeks) I then waited a few hours, and check back on the plant. I noticed it leaves a glossy finnish on the leaves. I check for spidermites. Found a small leaf with 5 mites, all dead.

Applied to all of my plants. I only sprayed the undersides, but the tops get a fair amount too. I tried not to get the buds directly.

Every mite I have found has been dead, and this is only after 1-2 hours. I have found over 17 dead, and 3 alive checking for a minute or two. Here is the website for the "Spidermite Control"


"We have produced a special blend of plant extracts with non toxic properties with you the indoor grower in mind. It will eradicate the spider mite and its eggs without causing ill effect to your plants or yourself with the minimum amount of fuss, unlike many chemicals which the pest can become immune to, spidermite control kills pests every time by interfering with
Their mode of respiration.

The respiratory organs of the spider mite are similar to that of most insects, these are the tracheae. The tracheal system consists of a number of tubes opening to the exterior by way of spiracles or respiratory pores, and air is diffused within small fluid filled tubes that ramify over the internal organs although the smaller mites may only possess cutaneous respiratory ability,breathing directly through the skin.

Usually mites are difficult to dispose of due in part to a waterproof thin epicuticle making the adherence of pesticide difficult if not impossible and allowing the pest to prosper unabated. Spidermite control circumvents the need for toxicity by simply bonding to the exoskeleton and blocking the spiracles causing death by suffocation. Any eggs treated in this manner are unlikely to hatch due to their encapsulation within the medium and their obvious inability to transpire successfully."

*****************ALSO i would like to add, I was spraying this stuff all day, and it got allover my arms, got in my eyes, and I was probably inhaling some too. I never got any skin irritation, burning, or headache.***************
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Sounds like it coats the mites and smothers them, probably the waxy sheen you noticed on your plants. That means it left a waxy coating on everything, including the buds.

After those little bastards are dead, I'd wash the living daylights out of those buds, make sure you get all that stuff off. Otherwise it might leave the same waxy coating blocking your respiratory system when you smoke them - and end up as well off as the mites.

Ugh, spider mites in flower... what a bitch.

Careful when you smoke that crop dude, I dunno if I'd have the guts.

Sounds like awesome stuff though, great find!


Active member
I do plan on rinsing them. After I cut them I always give them a heavy spray. I move alotta air through them so the rinse dries fast.

Im sure even smoking this stuff isnt very bad, in the minimal amounts that are on the actual buds.

Also, it says its made from desert plants, so I think it is just oils from plants....Says 100% safe.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
yeah man, I've been following your threads, both here and on OG, shoulda known you'd be smart enough to rinse them :)

But, for reference, the allergen in Poison Ivy and Oak are just plant oils, and smoke from those can cause ya some serious issues ;)

I'm sure you'll be cool, becuase, as you said, you took precaustions to insure minimum bud contact, plus the rinse, you'll be fine. If it were me, I'd probably do one rinse with a dishwashing soap solution (made to break up oils), and then rinse again with straight water.

Like I said, you know all of this, but some that read this may not be as thorough, so I wanted to put it out there.

Can't wait to see your harvest bro!


full time daddy
we just picked some up we have not tryed it but hydro guy say's it work's good......


The best way to combat spidermites is to:
Get the MOST potent strongest Chili peppers that you can find, (about 5 or 6)
2 cups of water and blend them all up,
Strain the chili water and spray onto the leaves,
Apply the chili water every couple of days for about a week until the mites are gone.
it works like a charm... Completely organic and does no harm to the buds or plant, can be sprayed onto the buds themselves and is not poisonous or harmful to anyone except those bugs and mites.


This tip comes for Poitronics - Wernard.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
this stuff has been getting rave reviews....the people wjho made it in the isle of white set up a shop based soley on this product.


New member
hey man we just used an army of lil lady bugs and let me tell you. they went to f'n war! :woohoo:
total control, no "wax" on buds.
i think thats why the bottle says UNTILL you induce flower


guineapig said:
does this product work just as well as the chili solution?
I dont know as I have not tried this product, but what I do know is that the chili solution is fantastic- as long as you dont get it into your eyes (God forbid) or on your hands or breath the spay in. Therefore spray the plants in an open area.

After a few days of applying the chili soulution, the mites are gone. Its organic. You know what you are applying and its NOT poisonous, or harmful to the buds or plant, even a seedling can take a few sprays of it. It also helps to elliminate other bugs.

And it costs so little to make up. 5 chilli pepers cost less then $1 US.
It does go all mouldy if you make too much and leave the solution unused for a long time, but then I strain it again and spray away (in an open area). The plants dont mind.


Active member
2 weeks left and the mites are very scarce. Nothing for me to worry about.

Day 48 trainwreck-

Day 48 g13-


good luck fighting those bastards Bud... I'm going through a similar infestation... lil friggin borgs.


Active member
I am done with them for now, & I still have plenty of healthy green vegetation.
The large fanleaves on the large branches are yurpleing good. I relaly gotta seach for a bit to find a mite. The eggs dont seem to be hatching.
This battle was hard.
2x Pyrethrim bombs
Spidermite controll

Majority of growers should easily be able to get mites under controll. But with my 12 thick bushes, spraying every nook and cranny is not fun, and Is alot worse IMO if the spray cant get on you.

Next time im bleaching the bunker, and dunking each young plant in a bucket of Neem or Spidermite Controll.


Yes i am curious too on how well it worked and if you are satisfied with it.
I have just found this so you will all know why im here

the 5 week thing is spooky me 3

pesky borgs Stitch reckons on Tobacco juice any body tried this ??
Hello budbunker
The product you are useing is very effective but expensive for
what you get if you will read the contents of the bottle and compare it to SM90 you will find it is the same thing and SM90 is more cost effective to use IMHO
Just watch the the leaves both products kill mites by smothering them and repeated use is recomended but if you over do it it will burn the leaves
In my fight against the little fuckers I have found spraying sm90 then 3 to 4 days later water chilled to @34 deg works very nice mites dont like cold weather or cold water if you can spray them off the plant with cold water and kill the eggs with the sm90 or mitecontrol you can lick those little bastards .
also if you can lower your temps and raise humidity this will slow down there reproductive activity mites thrive in temps @80 and low humidity levels
Hope this helps and get them litlle fuckers :joint:
Oh and dont forget to clean every thing with a 10% bleach water after the grow is done tools walls lights containers drip trays everything
happy hunting and keep them green !!!!!!!


New member
kay heres my advice on killing the mites lol this works for me everytime:

add a whole bunch of dish soap to a spray bottle of water shake it up and thoroughly soak the infested plant from top to bottom. the soap suffocates the bastards and rinses off next time you foliar feed the plants :p usually only takes one time to get em all have fun

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