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~**SourBubble**~ BUDDING Outdoors!!!!


Well Im foken pissed, someone ripped ya, cuz now i cant see the finished product.
Dont worry Marcellos, I heard ppl that ripoff grows get cancer and also have difficulty functioning with their hands after a baseball bat has broken every bone.

Drop the windowsill bro and get a few cfl's, get it growing and take another clone, in case an unexpected accident happens with the present clone.


Active member


yea im fucken pissed but not as much as i was.. i dont really have proof of who chopped my SourBubble plant now but im over it

But the past couple weeks have been fucking crazy and I've been real busy.. I didn't get pics yet, but I've since added a bunch of Miracle Grow Moisture Control Soil w/ Plant Food on top of the Soil/Perlite mix of my surviving clone. I've also used thread to tie my tiny bush down from the top..
.. The buds on my SourBubbleBX3 clone are swelling more and packing on chrystal in windowsill and theres been very little light. Since I tied her down, some budsites appear to be branching into multiple nuggets at one node.. Maybe pinching half the budsites off a few nugs after the clone rooted was a good idea after all!! My little SBbx3 clone looks healthy, green, and bushy and the buds are forming greatly :yummy:

I still want to try to wait about a month or more and pick most of the buds off my girl, and leave the leaves on to try and revegetate the clone for more cuts next year.. I've been fucking dieing to try some amazing SB smoke do you think she can survive it?? I'll get pics soon! :rasta:


Hadn't stopped in here in a while, Marcellas. I'm very sorry to hear about your SB getting ripped. Assholes. If I was still up north, I'd say point em out and handle it for you. I have no problem beating the shit out of a thief.

Sounds like your clone is going to make it pretty good. You might even try snipping another clone off of her to try and reveg. That way you have another shot at it, instead of just re-vegging the whole plant. You'll get two tries that way.

Lake effect snow is a term I haven't heard in over 8 years living in Florida, but I did use to live right on lake erie in ohio. Had my car burried a few times, and a foot of snow on the road was everyday life there. People didn't even slow down for blizzards because such heavy snow was a given there.

Anyway, I hope all goes well, and most of all, here's to hoping your stash lasts till the harvest! :smoke:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
looks nice

I always wanted to grow some of bogs stuff but just coulnd not see paying the prices.
Call me cheap or maybe poor. lol but anyhow good work ill check back when chop time comes.. peace..



Bog's strains were priced pretty reasonably in comparison to many others. I think the only cheaper genetics you could get would be from Nirvana. I still have a few beans of a couple bog strains, and I'm hoping each will produce at least one momma. Too bad Bog isn't around anymore. His strains were pretty awesome.


Active member
*UPDATE* ..SourBubble Clone about done budding, can this tiny one be reveged??

*UPDATE* ..SourBubble Clone about done budding, can this tiny one be reveged??

Well shit, my last SourBubble seedplant was robbed awhile ago. My last chance of keeping BOGs genetics alive in my future garden(s)/stash or ever try his amazing SourBubble will be gone if my clone doesn't survive..
(<< The last hope when she rooted)

It started a long time ago, I popped my last SourBubbleBX3 seed that BOG sent me personally on 4/20/06.. It was bumpy under just a couple CFLs and a tiny pot w/ shitty used soil. Growth was stunted for the first few months and the plant was in my windowsill for awhile for a brief stretch.. Than I put the tiny pot outside in summer for a few months where it bushed out a bit, but struggled in it's tiny pot w/ no nutrients..

Finally I got her in a hole in the ground w/ lots of good nutrients (boon/blood meal and worm castings, nuted soil/perlite) under the great sun. After getting used to the outdoors, she made the big transplant to the ground somewhere arround late June.. Although never topped or trimmed or anything, my SourBubble plant began to flourish right away and bushed out with the sunlight and new nutrients. She really greened up and bushed out after a few weeks from the transplant outdoors!! By than she was confirmed a girl.. :woohoo:

... Somewhere in mid-August my SourBubbleBX3 seedplant began to bud outdoors, about a month and a half after the transplant. It was arround this time when I took a clone from a bottom branch which had a tiny nug on top. My budding SB plant outside was robbed at the beggining of October, a week before the planned harvest but a day before I planned to chop her early incase of rippers :mad:

Anyways, my SourBubbleBX3 clone had been planted in a soil cube in my windowsill. I tied the branch down to the side of the plastic cup it's in. And since light is low in my windowsill and the plant had already begin to flower, it took a few weeks to root. It rooted arround the start of October after my plant was robbed. In my windowsill, it has slowly been floweing ever since in it's little plastic cup of soil/nuted-soil/perlite and the soil clone-cube. I'm predicting it's been under 2-months since my clone began to bud in my windowsill, and BOG's recommended time for SBbx3 is 56days!! :D
..But since it's been budding in my windowsill, and has little tiny nuggets all over but no branches, I moved it under about 55w of CFLs to bud on 11/13 lighting for an extra week.. (about 60days flowering total)..

But when my I need to keep BOG's genetics alive and have some real runs with future SourBubble BX3 clones!! After another 5 days of budding under CFLs, I'm gonna try to remove most of the buds and leave leaves on the branch intact to revegetate.. It will be quite the challenge as my SB clone is about done budding, and is only 1 branch with a few buds on it only a couple inches long!! I'd be happy to harvest a gram of that bomb shit!! :yummy:
... But what do you guys think?? Do you think I could pull of harvesting a couple nugs on top of my SBbx3 clone and reveging it under my CFLs to take clones from for next outdoor season??
I'll get some newer pics tommorow of the clone since all these ones were from when she rooted her soil-cube.. wish me luck!! :dueling:


Active member
Oh yea, the pic of my SourBubbleBX3 clone (pic 3rd from the last on my last update) shows where I snipped the budsite in half shortly after the soil-cube was rooted, before I tied the branch down to the side of the cup. I also snipped one of the budsites a node below the top one a few weeks later.
.. The budsite on top developed into 2 tiny rock hard chrystally SB buds on top of my little cloned branch.. Will I have a chance at harvesting a couple buds from my clone and attempt to reveg it under CFLs to make it my SourBubbleBX3 mother plant?? FEEBACK appreciated!! :D


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bump... :/
new pics of my SourBubbleBX3 clone a few days before harvest coming soon!! im pissed i left my cfls on an extra few hours today for my clones first day under them..


Active member
come on guys, no feedback?? Well, my SourBubble clone is somewhere arround day 55 of budding since she began to flower in my windowsill (BOG's reccomended harvest time).. She's been under about 60w of CFLs for a couple days now for her last week of growth. It seams as if my SBbx3 clone is really starting to stink and pack on frost, but the buds are swelling a bit too!! Shit I wish I had a bigger plant to harvest..

Oh well, I'll be cutting some buds off her sometime this weekend. I than plan to leave some leaves on and maybe a lower bud or 2, in an attempt to reveg my clone after harvest under CFLs. Than hopefully I can have more SourBubbleBX3 clones for next season outdoors!! Let's hope that I'll harvest at least half a gram dry and am able to revegetate my tiny bud-on-a-stick!! :D

Comments, questions, suggestions?!?? I'll get my SBbx3 clone pics up after I get some feedback..


resident slackass
You definately want to leave at least a small lower bud for reveging.
This is where the new shoots will develop.

Personally, I would leave at least the buds from the bottom nodes.

How about a side view of the clone?

Anyway, good luck to ya.



Active member
mybeans, hey bro thanks for droppin in. yea ill definatly leave at least the 2 buds on the bottom. its hard to leave the buds from more lower nodes on the plant, because there's only a few nodes on the clone all together!! My SourBubbleBX3 has maybe 4 or 5 nodes total, all the buds are growing from the main branch, with no branching except for the leaves coming out of the branch.. And there is 2 small buds on top of the clone where I FIMed the budsite in early flower. I'm hoping I can harvest a couple bowlpacks of this SourBubble and reveg her, she's starting to stink up!! :woohoo:
A few leaves are browning/dying, which isn't good because I dont have many leaves to reveg!!..

But I'd take some pics of her now while the lights are on in her final stage of budding, but I have to go to work in a bit and get ready.. I'll get some pics maybe later today or tommorow early!! I hope I can harvest a little SourBubble and still be able to reveg her under CFLs to get clones from, wish me luck!! :D

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Right on for keeping the SB in your garden, Marcellas. :D :yes:
I too have a SB 3 hanging around still. I'll be transplanting today to go 12/12 within a week.
I agree with Beans, keep a few lower buds and some leaves on her for a re-veg. I usually try to leave 3-5 lil buds, and as many fan leaves as possible. Typically, I get a couple that die off and don't make it.
good luck on that re-veg, and happy smoking. SB is one of our favorite smokes around here. Very tasty :canabis:
Stay safe, and keep em green.


Active member
Tiny SourBubble clone HARVEST tommorow!!

Tiny SourBubble clone HARVEST tommorow!!

guys, sorry for the lack of pics ive been real busy.. i decided about a week ago to finish off my tiny SourBubble clones budding under about 60watts of CFLs for a few days. Well, it seamed to have helped a little bit on my tiny girl, but my timer is broken and I've really been messing up on the 12/12 light schedule. I've forgotten to turn the lights on/off a couple times no.. :(
<< ..when my sbbx3 clone rooted
..same day, topped budsite

But anyways, I plan to harvest my SourBubble bx3 clone tommorow afternoon, hopefully I'll pull off half a gram!! Last time I watered her was yesterday or the night before I can't remember, but the soil was pretty dry.. My goal is to score a couple bowlpacks of these bomb genetics by BOG, since I didn't get to smoke any from my outdoor seedplant that got robbed a couple months back, and since I haven't smoked BOG's buds since he sent me a BlueMoonRocks-sample birthday present for a smoke report!! :joint:
.. I also plan to leave as much of the vegetative growth as possible and a couple tiny lower buds on the branch, in hopes that she'll revegetate under 24hour lighting with my CFLs.. Hopefully I can make my tiny SourBubbleBX3 clone into a mother plant for many clones next outdoor season, and BOGs genetics wont be lost forever!! Wish me luck in the harvest tommorow.. :yoinks:
the clones mother a couple weeks before harvest/she got robbed..
.. sourbubbleBX3 outdoor seedplant macro

.. Since I haven't gotten any updated pics since my SB clone rooted, I'll get some before/after harvest shots tommorow for SURE.. expect updates by tommorow night!! :D

Come on guys give me some feedback on my tiny SourBubblebx3 clone harvest!


best of luck with your harvest dude. hope no bastards rip it this time, im guessin you didnt plant in the same spot/region??
:joint: Growmez


Active member
thanks growmez! well, she's been indoors since i cloned her from my sourbubblebx3 seedplant that got robbed.. she's been in my windowsill since she rooted about 2 months ago and has been floweing ever since (cloned her with a tiny budsite developed).. i topped a couple budsites which made the buds branch out but there is only 1 branch still with tiny SourBubble nugs on it.. She's been finishing her last week of budding under about 60watts of CFLs.. Later today, I plan to clip a couple buds off so I can have a couple bowlpacks of BOGs amazing genetics again, in hopes to reveg the clone under CFLs to be the mother plant for more clones outdoors next season!! Wish me luck with my tiny SourBubbleBX3 clone!!.. :joint:



Hey Marcellas, haven't been here in a while, but it looks like you've got it going pretty good. Thankfully you were able to keep the SBx3 genetics going after the rip....Keep it green, and keep us posted. :wave: